

Amstrad CPC / Plus expansion devices

This page will list various CPC expansion devices that MAME emulates, and how to use them, plus the status of the device's emulation.



  • Amdrum software on cassette (software list name: amdrum, amdrumak (Afro Kit), amdrumek (Electro Kit), amdrumlk (Latin Kit))

Usage example:

mame cpc6128 -exp amdrum -cass amdrum

To run the software: With the Amdrum cassette image mounted, type |tape, then Enter (664/6128/Plus only, the 464 starts in tape mode if there is no disk drive), and then hold Ctrl and press the small enter key (or just type run" and press Enter). Press any key to start loading, and don't forget to start the tape (switch to partial keyboard mode (ScrollLock), and press F2, then switch back to full keyboard mode). Wait while the software loads (press fast-forward to speed this up - in partial keyboard mode, hold Insert (Win32) or PageDown (SDL)).