

DK'Tronics Speech Synthesiser

A speech synthesiser based around the SP0256-AL2, similar, but not compatible with, the Amstrad SSA-1.

Commandline usage example:

mame cpc6128 -exp dkspeech

Software is included on ROM, so is ready to use with the device connected. If working, you'll see SPEECH ROM 1.1 displayed on boot.

How to get it to say something in BASIC:

  • (464) Type a$="something":|say,@a$ and press Enter
  • (664/6128) Type |say,"something" and press Enter

Other commands:

  • PRINT "`something`" - same as |SAY
  • |SPEAK - displays RSX commands, and says "DK'Tronics Speech Synthesiser"
  • |SPON and |SPOF - turn read buffer interrupts on or off
  • |SPED,n - set text speed, n is between 0 and 15
  • |FLUS - clear speech and text buffers
  • |FEED,n,n,n... - feed data (up to 30 values) directly to the speech buffer
  • |OUTM,n
    • n=1 - Redirect PRINT command output to the text-to-speech converter
    • n=2 - Redirect PRINT output and all text to the text-to-speech converter
    • n=3 - As above, but still display text on screen.
  • |LEFT,v - report available memory in buffer (v is a variable).


The Transtape is a hacking device, similar to the Multiface II, allowing you to save or load software at any point, or to enter pokes (ie: cheat ;)). By default, the red button is mapped to F1, and the black button is mapped to F2. The red button is used to interrupt software and then save or load the state. Using the device is currently a bit unclear, the only manual available is in Spanish.

Commandline usage example:

mame cpc6128 -exp transtape

Known issues:

  • Doesn't return to the running software once either button has been pressed, ending up in the software locking up, requiring a reset (F3). Menus do appear after pressing the red button, however.