MAME 0.106u13


Release Date

MAME 0.106u13 was released on 20 July 2006.


The known contributors for this version are, in alphabetical order:

Specific Contributions

The known contributions for this version are, in the order specified in the whatsnew:

  • Krick added some more fixes for the DTD in the -listxml output.
  • MASH added more previously dumped PLDs to a number of games.
  • Nathan Woods fixed a uninitialized variable in the debugger commenting code. Cleaned up allocations.
  • Nathan Woods improved multisession support with the new renderer.
  • Robert hooked up color PROM for schaser and fixed DIP switches.
  • Aaron Giles fixed a bug that caused -prescale in Direct3D mode to fail in the last release.
  • Aaron Giles fixed a bug that led to black crosshairs in lightgun games.
  • Aaron Giles reimplemented the sparkle circuit to bring back stars in Tempest.
  • Aaron Giles removed the background brightness in vector games by default. If you want to see the overlays faintly on vector games, increase the brightness a bit.
  • Aaron Giles added more Crystal Castles tweaks:
    • Connected EAROM correctly (passes POST now)
    • Added a guess for what the "POTATO" chip does. If you're a CC fan report to MAMETesters how MAME looks compared to the arcade when the screen scrolls up inbetween level 4 and 5.
  • Aaron Giles rewrote Cloud 9 driver to mimic the Crystal Castles driver since it is obviously an early version of the same hardware:
    • Implemented video RAM banking correctly based on tracing out a Firebeast PCB, which appears to be identical
    • Traced out color mapping and implemented correctly
    • Reduced EAROM down to 4 bits
    • Fixed DIP switch definitions

Game Support

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status