MAME 0.35b5


Release Date

MAME 0.35b5 was released on 1 March 1999.


The known contributors for this version are, in alphabetical order:

Specific Contributions

The known contributions for this version are, in the order specified in the whatsnew:

  • Ernesto Corvi added sound to Pac-Land, and improved Rolling Thunder.
  • Bryan McPhail added full sound to Sly Spy, Midnight Resistance, Dark Seal.
  • Brian Stern emulated the death sound in Mario Bros, the sample is no longer used.
  • Mike Haaland added a header to .inp files to the DOS version (same as MAME32). With the additional header, the user no longer needs to specify the game name when playing back .inp recordings.
  • Nicola Salmoria added the ability to show the total number of colors on screen. This is useful during development to know if a game can be shrinked to 256 colors or it requires a 16-bit display. Press CTRL+F11 to toggle the display. This is only available in debug builds.
  • Phil Stroffolino changed the TileMap code so it is now mature enough to be used in new drivers. For examples, look into gng, gaiden, travrusa.
  • Aaron Giles merged the old and new Namco sound subssytem, and added support for stereo output.
  • Bryan McPhail added a H6280 emulator, used by several DECO games.

Game Support

New Games added or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status

New clones added