The MSX standard was created by ASCII and Microsoft. Computers for this standard were created by several manufacturers (Daewoo, Panasonic, Philips, Sanyo, Sony, Yamaha, and more). There were four generations of MSX computers:
- MSX2
- MSX2+
- MSX Turbo-R
When there is no auto booting software inserted the MSX systems boot into MSX-BASIC. From BASIC software can be loaded from cassette or floppy.
Software was mainly released on cartridges, cassettes and floppy disks.
Some systems came with firmware which can include functionality like a calendar or a word processor. Most of these firmwares can be disabled either by configuration that is saved in the MSX computer itself or through a configuration switch (available through the MAME Tab menu).
Almost all MSX systems have at least one cartridge slot. To load the software just mount the software in the cartridge slot(s) and start the emulation. The software should start automatically.
Software on cassette must loaded through BASIC. Software can be stored on a cassette in 3 ways:
- Tokenised Basic
- - This format is stored by using the CSAVE command and can be loaded by using the CLOAD command. There is no command to start the software after it has been loaded, so a RUN command is needed once loading completes.
- ASCII Basic
- - This format is stored by using the SAVE command and can be loaded by using the LOAD"CAS:" or LOAD"CAS:filename" command or started automatically by using the RUN"CAS:" or RUN"CAS:filename" command.
- Binary code
- - This format can be loaded and executed by using the BLOAD"CAS:",R or BLOAD"CAS:filename",R command.
The LOAD/RUN/BLOAD commands need the "CAS:" device identifier on systems that have a floppy disk, otherwise they will try to load the software from floppy.
The entries in the software lists should already have information on which instruction(s) to use for running the software.
The most common format used is the 3.5" floppy disk. However, there was some software released on the 5.25" floppy disks.
To use a 5.25" floppy disk, an external floppy interface (avdpf550, cdx2, ddx30d, or ddx30) must be inserted in a cartridge slot. Example: mame hx10 -cart1 cdx2 -flop1 my_525_floppy.dsk
Other hardware