MAME 0.99u2

Revision as of 12:46, 3 May 2007 by Georg (talk | contribs) (+category)
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Release Date

MAME 0.99u2 was released on 14 August 2005.


The known contributors for this version are, in alphabetical order:

Specific Contributions

The known contributions for this version are, in the order specified in the whatsnew:

  • Aaron Giles made more input port cleanups:
    • Fixed input port handlers that used the port_tag_to_handler calls.
    • Simplified the reading/writing of input ports so they work more reliably.
    • Only write changed settings to the .cfg files.
    • Fixed saving of analog port configurations.
  • Pierpaolo Prazzoli added flipscreen to Pop Bingo. Added some disable registers for tilemaps/sprites (fixing the bug in lastday demo).
  • BUT adjusted the Namco CUS30 noise frequency.
  • BUT fixed input ports in djmain.
  • R. Belmont made several Konami improvements:
    • Added support for "external memory address" registers on the YMZ280B, which can be used to read the contents of attached ROM or RAM.
    • Hooked up the mask ROM tests in the service menu - both the tile character ROMS and the sound ROMs now can be tested.
    • Added secondary control register.
    • Hooked up IRQ control.
    • Renamed ROMs for both games to include PCB location information.
  • Juergen Buchmueller improved the DECO cassette games:
    • Treasure Island graphics ROMs (overlay board) mapped according to findings by debugging the game code.
    • Swapped image names for ctislnd2 and ctislnd3 to match the driver names; ctislnd3 is the not yet working set; removed IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS flag.
    • Found bitswap for Zeroize type #3 dongle; found hack to get it running w/o the dongle ROM by debugging the game code; changed year to 1983; removed NOT_WORKING flag.
  • Ville Linde updated the SHARC core and Model 2 driver:
    • Reworked the SHARC internal ram implementation so that multiple instances of the core work.
    • Added data address space
    • Added coprocessor input and output FIFO's to Model 2.
    • Updated Konami zr107, gticlub, nwk-tr, hornet to work with the SHARC changes
  • Ville Linde improved the Seibu SPI driver:
    • Fixed sprite priority issues
    • Added support for pen-based alpha to sprites and tilemaps. It's currently using fixed alpha table for all games, but this seems to break some games, so it probably isn't correct.
  • Derrick Renaud fixed the discrete sound 555 timer modules when using actual DC mode.
  • Ville Linde added a low-frequency oscillator (LFO) to the YMF271 emulator.
  • Pierpaolo Prazzoli made improvements to the dcon driver:
    • Fixed sprites - sprites priorities
    • Fixed sprites - tilemaps priorities
    • Added wrap around and flipy in sprites
  • Tim Lindner fixed 6309 division instructions overflow behavior on the HD6309.
  • Ville Linde fixed more YMF271 issues:
    • The mix buffer pointer was not being reset between two 2-operator FM sounds, causing missing sounds.
    • Fixed some bugs in the phase modulation of FM sounds

Game Support

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING