


Usage of this CPU

The mb86232/86233/86234, also known as the TGP, is used in Sega Model 1, 2 and 2a. There are two, one is used as a T&L unit, the other as a coprocessor. In model 1, both programs are internal to the cpus. In model 2/2a, the T&L program is internal while the coprocessor program is uploaded.

Subset encodings


Register numbers are encoded in 3+6 bits. The first 3 bits are some kind of type.

Type 0 and 3 address the same registers. 3 adds a "hi, I'm the destination of the move" twist to it though. Here are the known registers:

Value Register
00-0f Register file
10-12 a, a.e, a.m
13-15 b, b.e, b.m
16-18 c, c.e, c.m
19-1b d, d.e, d.m
1c p
21 fifo_in
22 fifo_out

Type 6 looks like special registers. Only value 21 is known as being some kind of indirect access register.

ALU op-A operations

ALU operations are encoded in 6 bits. According to the datasheet the shift operations are not supposed to be there but should be opcodes by themselves.

Value Type Operation Value Type Operation Value Type Operation Value Type Operation
00 000000 nop 10 010000 f32 p = a * b 20 100000 ? ? 30 110000 int a = a >> c
01 000001 nop 11 010001 f32 p = a * b 21 100001 ? ? 31 110001 int a = a >> d
02 000010 int c = c & a 12 010010 f32 c = c + p, p = a * b 22 100010 ? ? 32 110010 ? ?
03 000011 int d = d & a 13 010011 f32 d = d + p, p = a * b 23 100011 ? ? 33 110011 ? ?
04 000100 ? ? 14 010100 f32 c = c - p, p = a * b 24 100100 ? ? 34 110100 i24 c = c + a
05 000101 ? ? 15 010101 f32 d = d - p, p = a * b 25 100101 ? ? 35 110101 i24 d = d + a
06 000110 ? ? 16 010110 ? ? 26 100110 ? ? 36 110110 i24 c = c - a
07 000111 ? ? 17 010111 ? ? 27 100111 ? ? 37 110111 i24 d = d - a
08 001000 ? ? 18 011000 f32 c = a + b 28 101000 f32 c = a - b 38 111000 ? ?
09 001001 ? ? 19 011001 f32 d = a + b 29 101001 f32 d = a - b 39 111001 ? ?
0a 001010 ? ? 1a 011010 f32 c = p, p = a * b 2a 101010 ? ? 3a 111010 ? ?
0b 001011 ? ? 1b 011011 f32 d = p, p = a * b 2b 101011 ? ? 3b 111011 ? ?
0c 001100 f32 c = c + a 1c 011100 ? ? 2c 101100 ? ? 3c 111100 ? ?
0d 001101 f32 d = d + a 1d 011101 ? ? 2d 101101 ? ? 3d 111101 ? ?
0e 001110 f32 c = c - a 1e 011110 ? ? 2e 101110 int a = a << c 3e 111110 ? ?
0f 001111 f32 d = d - a 1f 011111 ? ? 2f 101111 int a = a << d 3f 111111 ? ?

Known missing: xor, not, neg, abs, comparisons (sub). Operations 36 and 37 (at least) are known to set flags though.

ALU op-B operations

Unknown, should be somewhere in the "single move" pattern.

Known instructions

Single move

1f 1e 1d 1c 1b 1a 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 0f 0e 0d 0c 0b 0a 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
000111 op-A op-B source destination