MAME 0.36b6


Release Date

MAME 0.36b6 was released on 29 September 1999.


The known contributors for this version are, in alphabetical order:

Specific Contributions

The known contributions for this version are, in the order specified in the whatsnew:

  • Eisuke Watanabe improved screen priority in Lifeforce, Salamander, Gradius, etc.
  • suz fixed priorities and scroll offset in the Toaplan games.
  • Mike Coates added samples and DAC support in Space Panic.
  • Zsolt Vasvari added gun support to Terminator 2. You must use the calibration screen to calibrate the gun. When it asks the shoot the upper left corner, move the mouse towards (0,0), the middle is (128, 128) and the lower right corner is obviously (255, 255). If you have problems, delete hi/term2.hi.
  • Jess Askey fixed a bug in the 6800 CMPX instructions.

Game Support

New Games added or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status

New clones added