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This page is designed to allow for a quick look over all the drivers with a GAME_NOT_WORKING flag by giving, as much as possible, an idea on the amount of effort needed to fix them.
This page is designed to allow for a quick look over all the drivers with a MACHINE_NOT_WORKING flag by giving, as much as possible, an idea on the amount of effort needed to fix them.

== [ access/acvirus] ==
80C5xx + dsp56k based. Skeletonish.

== [ 2mindril] ==
== [ acorn/aa310] ==
Missing working simulation of the sensors.
RISC OS Draw app uses unimplemented copro instructions;  needs ABORT line support to the ARM core; missing hard disc controller, serial interface, 82c711, podules expansions.

== [ 39in1] ==
== [ acorn/accomm] ==
''' 48in1, 48in1a ''' - Games other than 39in1 on this hardware have substantially harder protection and are double-encrypted in a way that would be very difficult to emulate.

== [ 3super8] ==
== [ alba/rmhaihai] ==
Skeleton driver. GFX / Sound roms are bad and the PIC isn't dumped.
''' rmhaihiabl ''' - Bootleg hardware has different I/O, which isn't implemented yet.

== [ 4roses] ==
== [ acorn/aristmk5] ==
''' 4roses, 4rosesa ''' - Skeleton driver. The program rom is encrypted and it has an undumped MCU which needs decapping or simulation.
Hardware differences from the base Acorn Archimedes are not fully understood yet.

== [ 8080bw] ==
Shares timing issues like base AA.
''' modelr ''' - Some issues with inputs and the shifter emulation.

== [ 86lions] ==
== [ acorn/bbc] ==
The inputs aren't fully understood yet.
''' torch301, torch725, abc110, acw443, abc310, reutapm, bbcmaiv, bbcmarm, discmate, discmon, cfa3000, cfa3000bp, econx25, autoc15, daisy, mpc800, mpc900, mpc900gx, sist1 ''' - All have different hardware combinations which aren't implemented yet.

== [ acefruit] ==
== [ acorn/electron] ==
''' acefruit ''' - Inputs aren't fully understood. The real title of the game is unknown.
''' btm2105 ''' -  

''' starspnr ''' - Most likely needs a redump of the program ROMs.
== [ acorn/riscpc] ==
PS/2 keyboard doesn't work properly, CMOS settings don't work, pending fatalerror from ARM7 core.
== [ acorn/ssfindo] ==
''' tetfight ''' - PS7500 is preliminary. EEPROM write hook up isn't correct, causing incorrect configuration after saving.
== [ acorn/z88] ==
== [ act/apricotf] ==
Needs CTC/SIO interrupt acknowledge, CTC clocks and sound emulation.
== [ act/apricotp] ==
Needs devices, LCD and sound hook-ups.
== [ act/apxen] ==
Needs boot ROM disable, wrap around mode, floppy, DMA, harddisk, keyboard, RS232, printer, colour graphics board.
== [ adc/super6] ==
Floppy emulation needs fixing, peripherals aren't emulated.
== [ adc/superslave] ==
== [ adp/adp] ==
''' fstation ''' - Suntris crashes due to HD63484 emulation problems.
''' funlddlx ''' - Keeps looping between F_IN and FOUL messages.
== [ adp/manohman] ==
Preliminary driver.
== [ agat/agat] ==
Similar to Apple II (same bus architecture, keyboard and floppy interface), but video controller is completely different.
''' agat9 ''' -  Needs memory banking. Extensive todo at the top of the driver.
== [ akai/akaiax80] ==
Skeletonish. UPD7811 based.
== [ akai/mpc3000] ==
Preliminary driver. NEV V53 CPU and L7A1045-L6048 sound DSP emulation is preliminary.

== [ acommand] ==
== [ alesis/alesis] ==
''' acommand ''' - Inputs aren't fully understood.
The driver seems quite flashed out, but has no notes on what's missing.

== [ adp] ==
== [ alpha/champbas] ==
Skeleton driver.  Todo: "Almost everything."
''' tbasebal ''' - M68705 MCU isn't emulated yet.

== [ aleck64] ==
== [ altos/altos2] ==
''' 11beat, doncdoon, hipai, kurufev, mayjin3, mtetrisc, srmvs, twrshaft ''' - Incomplete N&4 hardware emulation.
Keyboard not dumped and emulated.

== [ alg] ==
== [ altos/altos486] ==
Laserdisc games. They all work in theory, but are waiting for a good quality laserdisc dump.
Still very incomplete.

== [ allied] ==
== [ altos/altos5] ==
Pinball games. Skeleton driver.
When running MP/M, dir command crashes the system.

== [ alpha68k] ==
== [ altos/altos586] ==
''' goldmedb ''' - It uses a 68705 in place of the Alpha controller.
Only the diags floppy boots. Preliminary driver.

== [ alvg] ==
== [ amiga/alg] ==
Pinball games. Skeleton driver.
Laserdisc games on Amiga 500 hardware. They all work in theory, but are waiting for a good quality laserdisc dump.

== [ amaticmg] ==
== [ amiga/amiga] ==
Program ROMs need to be decrypted and CPU is custom / unidentified.
Amiga chips emulation lacks a lot of features.

== [ arcadia] ==
== [ amiga/arsystems] ==
''' ar_dart2 ''' - Bad dump.
''' ar_dart2 ''' - Bad dump.

== [ aristmk4] ==
== [ amiga/cubo] ==
''' eforest ''' -
''' eldoraldg ''' - Touchscreen is offset and cannot be calibrated, joystick buttons aren't recognized properly, has slight GFX bug with roulette ball.
''' lsrquiz  ''' - No player 2 inputs (ingame), wrong pitch for most gfxs, access violation during gameplay or on emu exit (microtouch?).

== [ aristmk5] ==
''' lsrquiz2i ''' - Wrong pitch for some gfxs, access violation during gameplay (microtouch?).
Hardware differences from the base Acorn Archimedes are not fully understood yet.
''' lsrquizg ''' - Doesn't accept coins, no player 2 inputs (ingame), wrong pitch for most gfxs, access violation during gameplay or on emu exit (microtouch?).
''' odeontw ''' - 'Invalid NVRAM', accesses area $6xxxxx and claims invalid RAM config if bypassed.
''' odeontw2 ''' - Resets halfway thru "please wait" in service mode, therefore NVRAM cannot be inited.
== [ amiga/mquake] ==
A complete mystery. The existing dumps are 100% confirmed. Test mode works. All remaining code is heavily encrypted. Even the original author of the game doesn't recall any encryption, but it is definitely there. It is not done in software; all unencrypted code has been accounted for.
== [ amirix/wxstar4k] ==
M68010 based. Cable head-end unit. Very preliminary.
== [ ampro/lbpc] ==
PC. V40 based. Inputs aren't hooked up.
== [ amstrad/amstr_pc] ==
The driver seems quite flashed out, but has no notes on what's missing.
== [ amstrad/pcw] ==
== [ amstrad/pcw16] ==
== [ amstrad/pda600] ==
Serial port doesn't work.
== [ apollo/apollo] ==
''' dn5500, dsp5500, dn5500_19i ''' - Newer models aren't fully emulated yet.
== [ apple/apple2] ==
''' space84 ''' - Clone on different hardware.
== [ apple/apple2e] ==
''' mprof3, prav8c ''' - Clones on different hardware.
== [ apple/apple2gs] ==
''' apple2gsmt ''' - Prototype with some different hardware. Differences not emulated yet.
''' apple2gsr3p ''' - A ROM isn't dumped.
== [ apple/imacg3] ==
Very preliminary driver.
== [ apple/lisa] ==
Lisa OS doesn't boot.
== [ apple/macpdm] ==
== [ apple/macpwrbk030] ==
Via6522 emulation is imperfect and causes numerous bugs.
== [ apple/pippin] ==
Very preliminary driver.
== [ apple/powermacg3] ==
Very preliminary driver.
== [ apple/tk2000] ==
Apple II clones, not fully compatible. Differences aren't correctly emulated yet.
== [ arcadia/arcadia] ==
''' mratlus, plldium, polyvcg, trakcvg ''' -
== [ aristocrat/aristmk4] ==
''' 86lions ''' - Runs on earlier, slightly different hardware.
''' clkwise ''' - Needs redump of the program ROMs.
== [ aristocrat/aristmk6] ==
Skeleton driver. System is SH4 based.
== [ astrocorp/astrcorp] ==
''' cptshark ''' - Needs verifying inputs and outputs.
''' gostopac ''' - Stuck during boot with 'S4' message. Also needs correct 'CPU code'.
''' hapfarm ''' - Problems with interrupts?
''' magibomba, westvent ''' - Bad dump of a program ROM.
''' magibombb, magibombc, magibombf, magibombh, magibombi ''' - Freeze due to unemulated protection.
''' magibombd, winbingoa ''' Need correct sprite ROM dump.
''' magibombg ''' - Needs correct "CPU code", EEPROM and sprite ROM dump.

== [ armedf] ==
''' monkeyl and clones ''' - Need correct "CPU code", outputs and inputs need to be checked.
''' terrafb ''' - This bootleg runs on slightly modified hardware which need proper emulation.

== [ artmagic] ==
''' speedmst and clones ''' - Need correct "CPU code" and EEPROM dump.
''' nova ''' - Runs on different hardware.

== [ astrocde] ==
''' wwitch ''' - Need correct "CPU code", correct GFX ROM loading, outputs and inputs.
''' tenpindx ''' - This game used a physical hockey puck which the player slid down the bowling alley. Sensors on the other end picked up the location and velocity of the puck and simulated the pin behavior. Requires simulation of this input interface in order to be considered working.

== [ astrocorp] ==
== [ astrocorp/astropc] ==
''' westvent, winbingo, winbingoa, zoo ''' - These games need decryption.
Fruit machines. AMD Geode based. Skeletonish.

== [ atari_s1] ==
== [ atari/a2600] ==
Pinball games. Skeleton driver.
''' a2600_pop ''' - 2 joysticks and 2 paddles are hooked up to the unit; unknown how.

== [ atari_s2] ==
== [ atari/atari400] ==
Pinball games. Skeleton driver.
''' a1200xl ''' - Bad dump.

== [ atari_s3] ==
''' a65xea, a130xe ''' -
Pinball games. Skeleton driver.

== [ atarigx2] ==
== [ atari/atarigx2] ==
All of these games suffer from some advanced protection that affects them in different ways. Through some magic accesses in memory, data can be decrypted using some special key sequences that are not entirely understood. It might be possible to find all possible data sources, run them through the decryption process on the real PCB, and then encode that information in the driver, but it is tedious work at best. Below is the status of each game:
All of these games suffer from some advanced protection that affects them in different ways. Through some magic accesses in memory, data can be decrypted using some special key sequences that are not entirely understood. It's possible to find all possible data sources, run them through the decryption process on the real PCB, and then encode that information in the driver, and for some of the games it has been done. Only rrreveng and clones are missing.

''' motofren ''' - Has some obvious gameplay glitches. Not much work has been done to understand the protection on this one.
''' rrreveng and clones ''' - Unemulated protection. It's possible the same method used to break Moto Frenzy's protection could be used.

''' spclords ''' - Has had some of its data decrypted, which is why the palette during attract mode looks ok. But in game there are many problems lurking.
== [ atari/atarist] ==
Emulation still preliminary. TODO is on top of the source file.

''' rrreveng ''' -
== [ atari/atarisy2] ==
''' paperboyp ''' - Prototype with possibly different hardware. Some program ROMs didn't read consistently and are suspected bad. GFX ROMs weren't dumped for this set.

== [ atvtrack] ==
== [ atari/atarittl] ==
Skeleton driver.
''' tank ''' - Netlist has been added but needs debugging and it runs very slow.

== [ avt] ==
== [ atari/atetris] ==
Needs better memory map, reversing of the IO port R/W, PIO / CTC / daisy-chain interrupts and inputs.
''' atetrisb5 ''' - Uses a large TTL board as substitute for Slapstic and Pokeys. Currently unemulated.

== [ badlands] ==
== [ atari/badlandsbl] ==
''' badlandb ''' - This bootleg runs on heavily modified hardware and needs a redump of 2 roms.
Inputs aren't correctly hooked up, missing sprite-tilemap priority, colors. Sound hw isn't correctly hooked up.

== [ bartop52] ==
== [ atari/bartop52] ==
Coins and timer were handled by Bartop system bios. Since bios dump is not available, regular Atari 5200 bios is used and game is marked as not working. Game cart is also marked as bad dump as it is done in "console style", i.e. one file for all game data.
Coins and timer were handled by Bartop system bios. Since bios dump is not available, regular Atari 5200 bios is used and game is marked as not working. Game cart is also marked as bad dump as it is done in "console style", i.e. one file for all game data.

== [ bfcobra] ==
== [ atari/bwidow] ==
''' beeline ''' - Missing floppy disk image.
''' bwidowp ''' - Prototype on different hardware.
== [ atari/bzone] ==
''' dsrtwars ''' - Bootleg with different sound system. Mostly works but sound is very badly emulated.
== [ atari/centiped] ==
''' magworma ''' - Service mode works, game does not.
== [ atari/cmmb] ==
Banking not understood.
== [ atari/cops] ==
''' cops and clone ''' - No laserdisc dump.
== [ atari/harddriv] ==
''' steeltalp, hdrivairp ''' - Prototypes, possibly running on slightly different hardware.
== [ atari/hitparade] ==
Juke box. TMS1300 based. The mechanical parts aren't emulated.
== [ atari/jaguar] ==
''' jaguar, jaguarcd ''' - Currently the driver is geared toward supporting the cojag arcade games. Jaguar console support is very poor, most games aren't properly playable or have severe performance issues or crashes related to the unsafe blitter code.
== [ atari/klax] ==
''' klax5bl3 ''' - Audio CPU has encrypted opcodes.
== [ atari/mediagx] ==
Mainly just need the inputs hooked up, which are mapped to the parallel port via a JAMMA interface.
== [ atari/metalmx] ==
Skeleton driver. Extremely complex prototype hardware.
== [ atari/missile] ==
''' mcombat, mcombata, mcombats ''' - Bootlegs on different hardware.

''' inquiztr ''' - Missing floppy disk image.
''' missilem''' - This kit combines Missile Command and Super Missile Attack on ddaughterboard plugged into the main pcb cpu slot.  

== [ bfm_sc1] ==
== [ atari/quizshow] ==
Driver under heavy construction.
Missing tape dump and GFX ROMs need redump.

== [ bfm_sc2] ==
== [ atari/tank8] ==
''' tank8a, tank8b, tank8c, tank8d ''' - Bad / incomplete dumps.
== [ atlus/cave] ==
''' cellage ''' - Photo booth. Needs correct GFX emulation plus emulation of camera and printer.
== [ att/unixpc] ==
DIVS instruction at 0x801112 (the second time) causes a divide-by-zero exception the system isn't ready for due to word at 0x5EA6 being zero. Code might not get there if the attempted FDC boot succeeds; FDC hookup probably needs help. 2797 isn't asserting DRQ?
== [ ausnz/amust] ==
Lots of work still needed. Lacks software to further improve emulation.
== [ ausnz/dmax8000] ==
Needs parallel port, centronics port, AUX serial port and FDC/FDD/HD setup.
== [ ausnz/labtam] ==
Needs emulation of additional cards.
== [ ausnz/mbee] ==
''' mbee128, mbee128p, mbee256, mbee56, mbeepp, mbeett ''' - Hardware differences haven't been emulated yet.
== [ ausnz/poly] ==
Preliminary driver. Extensive TO-DO at the top of the driver.
== [ ausnz/proteus] ==
Doesn't seem to work with the generic terminal. It's supposed to be used with a Lear Siegler ADM-31 terminal.
== [ ausnz/pulsar] ==
Floppy doesn't work correctly.
== [ banctec/banctec] ==
Preliminary driver.
== [ bandai/rx78] ==
Inputs might be incorrectly hooked up.
== [ barcrest/mpu1] ==
Missing layouts.
== [ barcrest/mpu3] ==
Most games fail to boot, giving the CPU a 'WAIT' instruction then sitting there; some complain about Characterizer (protection) and then do the same; a few boot to show light displays with no LED text; some display misaligned LED text; many run VERY slowly, even when the CPU is inactive (inefficient MAME timer system overhead?).
== [ barcrest/mpu4avan] ==
Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.
== [ barcrest/mpu4bwb] ==
Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.
== [ barcrest/mpu4concept] ==
Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.
== [ barcrest/mpu4crystal] ==
Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.
== [ barcrest/mpu4empire] ==
Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.
== [ barcrest/mpu4mdm] ==
Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.
== [ barcrest/mpu4misc] ==
Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.
== [ barcrest/mpu4mod2sw] ==
Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.
== [ barcrest/mpu4mod4oki] ==
Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.
== [ barcrest/mpu4mod4yam] ==
Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.
== [ barcrest/mpu4plasma] ==
Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.
== [ barcrest/mpu4redpoint] ==
Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.
== [ barcrest/mpu4union] ==
Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.
== [ barcrest/mpu4unsorted] ==
Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.
== [ barcrest/mpu4vid] ==
Needs correct implementation of characteriser protection for each game. BwB games need more work: They have a slightly different 68k memory map. The 6850 is at e00000 and the 6840 is at e01000; they appear to hang on the handshake with the MPU4 board. Currently using a scanline timer to drive an approximation of the SCN2674 scanline logic, but this is perhaps better served as a proper device. Deal 'Em lockouts vary on certain cabinets (normally connected to AUX2, but not there?). Deal 'Em has bad tiles (apostrophe, logo, bottom corner), black should actually be transparent to give black on green.
== [ be/bebox] ==
== [ bfm/bfcobra] ==
''' beeline, inquiztr ''' - Missing floppy disk image.
== [ bfm/bfmsys85] ==
Fruit machine hardware. Skeleton driver.
== [ bfm/bfm_blackbox] ==
Mostly missing layouts to be considered playable.
== [ bfm/bfm_sc1] ==
Fruit machine hardware. Skeleton driver.
== [ bfm/bfm_sc2] ==
''' m_bcgslm, m_brkfst and clones, m_bfocus, m_cpeno1, m_luvjob ''' - Mechanical games imported from AgeMame.
''' m_bcgslm, m_brkfst and clones, m_bfocus, m_cpeno1, m_luvjob ''' - Mechanical games imported from AgeMame.
The fruit machine games don't work either.

''' quintond ''' - Missing emulation of RS232 data  link device (see BACTA Datapak specs for more info).
''' gldncrwnhop ''' - Has different protection from the parent.

== [ bfmsys85] ==
''' quintond ''' - Missing emulation of RS232 data link device (see BACTA Datapak specs for more info).
Driver imported from AgeMame.

== [ bigfghtr] ==
== [ bfm/bfm_sc4] ==
Protection MCUs need decapping / simulation.
Fruit machine hardware. Most games pass the startup tests.

== [ bingo] ==
== [ bmc/koftball] ==
Pinball games. Skeleton driver.  
Incomplete protection simulation.

== [ bingoc] ==
== [ bmc/popobear] ==
Missing terminal roms. Sound banking could be wrong.  
''' magkengo ''' - Slightly different PCB. Needs emulation of its peculiarities.

== [ bingor] ==
== [ brother/ax145] ==
Protection problems?
Stops while checking the printer.

== [ bishjan] ==
== [ brother/lw700i] ==
''' mtrain ''' - Decryption is incomplete.
Keyboard matrix hasn't been completely figured out yet.

== [ blackt96] ==
== [ canon/canon_s80] ==
Tilemap decoding is wrong.
Skeleton driver.

== [ blitz] ==
== [ canon/cat] ==
There is an undumped 68705 MCU.
Big TODO at the top of the driver.

== [ blitz68k] ==
== [ capcom/alien] ==
''' cjffruit ''' - The game freezes while trying to print the redemption tickets.
Preliminary driver (SH4 based system). Has 2 MPEG2 decoder chips.

''' The other games ''' - Undumpable MCUs.
== [ capcom/cps1] ==
''' cps1mult ''' - Needs emulation of the game selection via DIP switches.

== [ btime] ==
''' pmonster ''' - Needs hopper emulation.
''' tisland ''' - Needs to be decrypted.

== [ bublbobl] ==
''' sf2amf, sf2stt ''' - Missing program ROMs dump.
''' tokio, tokiou ''' - Protection MCUs need decapping / simulation.

== [ buster] ==
''' varthb3 ''' - Different video registers need emulating.
Skeleton driver.

== [ by17] ==
== [ capcom/mitchell] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
''' pangbp ''' - Has an extra Z80 with battery backed RAM for protection. RAM dump not available.

== [ by35] ==
''' pkladiesbl, pkladiesblu '''' - Needs CPU "decryption".
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.

== [ by6803] ==
''' pkladiesbl2 '''' - Needs inputs, sound and GFX fixes.
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.

== [ by68701] ==
''' spangbl2 ''' - Bootleg on different hardware.
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.

== [ byvid] ==
== [ casio/cfx9850] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Preliminary driver.

== [ cabaret] ==
== [ casio/ctk2000] ==
Not fully playable beacuse of some pitfalls.
Keyboard. Emulation is preliminary. ARM derivative.

== [ calchase] ==
== [ casio/fp1100] ==
PC hardware needs more work.
IRQs aren't emulated, cassette, FDC and keyboard don't work.

== [ calomega] ==
== [ casio/fp200] ==
Some bad/incomplete dumps and some hardware features are not correctly emulated.
Needs cassette i/f, serial i/f, FDC (requires test program that Service manual mentions), ROM/RAM slot interface, mini plotter printer (FP-1011PL) and graphic printer (FP-1012PR).

== [ capcom] ==
== [ casio/fp6000] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
FDC/HDD and cassette saving don't work.

== [ cb2001] ==
== [ casio/ld50] ==
Encrypted CPU.
Electronic drums. I87C52. Dream SAM9793 and Burr-Brown PCM1717E DAC aren't emulated.

== [ cchance] ==
== [ casio/pb1000] ==
Imperfect hopper emulation.

== [ cclimber] ==
== [ casio/pickytlk] ==
''' bagmanf ''' - Botleg on different hardware.
Missing inputs, and I/O callbacks copied from CFX9850G need to be reviewed.

== [ cdi] ==
== [ casio/pv2000] ==
General CDI emulation suffers from incomplete simulation of the SLAVE and CDIC MCUs.  Decapping would help.
Keyboard is only partially supported, joystick and cassette aren't emulated.
''' quizard, quizrr41, quizrr42 '' - The protection hasn't been completely beaten yet.

== [ cham24] ==
== [ casio/sk1] ==
Missing coins and timer due to unemulated Amtel MCU.
CPU is an unemulated MSM6283, possibly with undumped internal ROM.

== [ champbas] ==
== [ cave/cv1k] ==
''' champbb2a ''' - Incomplete dump.
''' mmmbanc ''' - Needs touch screen emulation handled via SH4 serial.

''' champbb2j ''' - Slightly different hardware?
== [ ccs/ccs2810] ==
Floppy implementation needs work.

== [ chihiro] ==
== [ ceres/ceres] ==
Skeleton driver. Needs i386 protected-mode and Xbox hardware emulation.
Needs startup/reset memory map, i/o device mapping, interrupt acknowledge, WD1002-05 Winchester/Floppy Disk Controller (WFC), keyboard, mouse.

== [ cliffhgr] ==
== [ ces/cesclass] ==
''' goaltogo ''' - Laserdisc game. Works in theory, but is waiting for a good quality laserdisc dump.
Needs custom layout for dual LCDs, artwork and lamps position needed to make progresses, U43 and U44 bad in Trap Shoot Classic, games are incredibly sluggish, irq sources are unknown, Trap Shoot Classic runs on a single LCD, needs mod.

== [ cmmb] ==
== [ chromatics/cgc7900] ==
Skeleton driver.
Skeleton driver.

== [ cninja] ==
== [ cinematronics/dlair] ==
''' cninjabl ''' - Bootleg on different hardware.
''' dlairc, dlairb, dlaira, dlair_2, dlair_1, dleuro, dleuroalt, dlital''' - Only LD-V1000 versions are supported, due to no viable solution for reading configuration DIPs at init time.

== [ cntsteer] ==
''' spaceace and clones ''' - No laserdisc dump yet.
== [ cinematronics/leland] ==
''' aafbb ''' - One of the program ROMs is a bad dump.
== [ citoh/cit220] ==
Preliminary driver. I8085A based.
== [ coleco/wrinkles] ==
Sensors aren't emulated yet.
== [ commodore/c64] ==
''' clipper ''' - Hardware differences haven't been emulated yet.
== [ commodore/c65] ==
Preliminary driver. Extensive TODO at the top of the driver.
== [ commodore/cbm2] ==
''' bx256hp, cbm730 ''' - The i8088 board isn't emulated yet.
''' cbm720_de ''' - Missing chargen dump.
== [ commodore/mps1230] ==
Printer. Basically a skeleton driver.
== [ commodore/pet] ==
== [ compugraphic/pwrview] ==
Preliminary driver. I80186 based.
== [ conitec/prof180x] ==
== [ conitec/prof80] ==
== [ cromemco/c10] ==
Driver currently gets to a loop where it waits for an interrupt.
== [ dataeast/btime] ==
''' tisland ''' - The decryption seems good but needs a ROM patch for some opcodes. The ROM is confirmed good, so maybe some special feature of the DECO-7 CPU?
== [ dataeast/cntsteer] ==
''' cntsteer ''' - Needs better understanding of the communications and correct ROZ layer implementation.  
''' cntsteer ''' - Needs better understanding of the communications and correct ROZ layer implementation.  

''' gekitsui, zerotrgt ''' - Need better ROZ layer implementation.
''' gekitsui, zerotrgt and clone ''' - Need better ROZ layer implementation.
== [ dataeast/dec0] ==
''' automat''' - Bootleg on different hardware. Minor video glitches.
''' bandit ''' - Incomplete decbac chip emulation causes bad GFXs.
''' mastbond, secretab ''' - Bootleg on different hardware. Unemulated layer scrolling and banking.
''' ffantasybl ''' - Hangs after killing Lamia. Might have to do with the M68705 MCU, which isn't dumped.
== [ dataeast/dec8] ==
''' ghostb3a ''' - The game hangs as gameplay starts. ROMs confirmed working on PCB. MAME sync problems?
''' srdarwinb ''' - Bootleg on slightly different hw.
== [ dataeast/deco32] ==
''' gunhard, lockload, lockloadu  ''' - lightgun hookup not completely understood, randomly locks up

== [ coinmstr] ==
== [ dataeast/deco_ld] ==
''' supnudg2 ''' - Incomplete protection simulation.
The driver needs better video e I/O emulation, laserdisc hook-ups.

''' trailblz ''' - Question roms aren't dumped.
== [ dataeast/deco_mlc] ==
''' skullfng and clones ''' - Random hangs sometimes.

== [ coinmvga] ==
''' stadhr96j2 ''' - Stops with a mismatch between mother board and cart country code.
Interrupt generation is unknown and touch screen needs to be hooked up.

== [ comebaby] ==
== [ dataeast/deshoros] ==
Skeleton driver. Game runs on a Pentium (I/II/III?) class machine running Windows 98!
Needs graphics emulation through artwork system and printer emulation.

== [ coolridr] ==
== [ dataeast/karnov] ==
Skeleton driver. Uses SH2 + SH1, 68k etc. Dual screen game, plays like a cheap korean rip-off of Outrunners (suspected to be recompiled from the same code ;p). CPU comms don't make sense, interrupts don't make sense.. somebody mentioned that the SH1 has 'extra' features, but according to dox it's plain sh1, and the sh2 core should be 100% backwards compatible. it SHOULD be possible to get this working, or at least doing something more and would be a good / interesting project for somebody.
''' karnovjbl ''' - Bootleg. Uses a different MCU (NEC D8748HD) which needs simulation or, if possible, dumping.

== [ cop01] ==
== [ dataeast/pcktgal] ==
''' mightguy ''' - Protection not emulated.
''' pcktgalba ''' - This bootleg connects two PCBs with completely different hardware. The Pocket Gal PCB is emulated here, while the other isn't currently connected and the switching between the two games isn't emulated.

== [ cps1] ==
== [ dataeast/progolf] ==
''' captcommb, dinohunt, dinopic, dinopic2, knightsb, punipic, punipic2, punipic3, sf2m1, sf2m3, sf2mdt ''' - Bootlegs which run on different hardware, which needs to be correctly implemented.
''' progolfa ''' - Ball is misplaced when on the ground.

== [ cps2] ==
== [ dataeast/tumbleb] ==
''' gigamn2 ''' - A bootleg which runs on different hardware. Dump is incomplete.
''' funkyjetb, tumblebpa ''' - Bootlegs on different hardware

== [ crystal] ==
== [ ddr/ac1] ==
''' officeye, topbladv ''' - Protection PICs have been dumped but there isn't a pic16c727 core yet.
''' ac1scch ''' - Hardware differences aren't emulated yet.

== [ cshooter] ==
== [ ddr/bcs3] ==
GFX roms in black 'blobs' (Dox working on it)
''' bcs3a, bcs3b, bcs3c, bcs3d ''' -

== [ cubocd32] ==
== [ ddr/chessmst] ==
''' odeontw2 ''' - Inputs don't seem to work.
''' chessmsta ''' - Figure out why it won't work, for starters it assumes z80 carry flag is set at poweron?

== [ cybertnk] ==
== [ ddr/kc] ==
Needs improved sprite emulation, road emulation, tilemap scrolling, color banking, inputs dont't seem to work in game.

== [ cyclemb] ==
== [ ddr/mc8030] ==
Needs decap or simulation of the 2 MCUs (8741).
Very little documentation available, so the driver is mostly guesswork. Z80 based.

== [ darkhors] ==
== [ ddr/nanos] ==
''' jclub2, jclub2o ''' - Graphics seem to be compressed and aren't fully decoded yet.

== [ dblewing] ==
== [ ddr/pcm] ==
Protection simulation is pretty advanced, but still incomplete.
Lack of software makes it difficult to prove the emulation is correct.

== [ ddenlovr] ==
== [ dec/dct11em] ==
''' quizchq, quizchql ''' -
Skeleton driver.

== [ ddragon] ==
== [ dec/dectalk] ==
''' ddragon6809, ddragon6809a ''' - Bootlegs on different hardware.
Extensive TODO at the top of the driver.

== [ ddz] ==
== [ dec/kn01] ==
''' ddz ''' - Skeleton driver. Hardware similar to crystal.c. Roms appear to be encrypted / scrambled.
Needs SCSI and mouse emulation.

== [ de_1] ==
== [ dec/kn02] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
MIPS family based. Preliminary driver.

== [ de_2] ==
== [ dec/pdp11] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.

== [ de_3] ==
== [ dec/rainbow] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.

== [ de_3b] ==
== [ dec/vax11] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.

== [ dec0] ==
== [ dec/vk100] ==
''' automat, ffantasybl, secretab ''' - Bootlegs on different hardware.

== [ deco32] ==
== [ dec/vt100] ==
''' lockload, lockloadu  ''' -

== [ deco_ld] ==
== [ dec/vt62] ==
The driver needs better video e I/O emulation, laserdisc hook-ups.
VT61 based. Very preliminary. Missing some dumps.
== [ dms/dms5000] ==
Skeleton driver.
== [ dms/dms86] ==
Preliminary driver.
== [ dynax/ddenlovr] ==
''' momotaro ''' - Protection + some ROMs are badly dumped.
== [ dynax/dynax] ==
''' tenkai2b ''' - Missing dump of the internal ROM of the TMP91640.
== [ dynax/royalmah] ==
''' cafebrk, cafepara ''' - Internal ROM has been dumped but data ROM seems scrambled.
''' cafedoll, cafedollg, ougonhai ''' - Protection checks not completely circumvented.
''' chalgirl, mjsenka, mjsiyoub, rkjanoh2 ''' - Banking needs to be verified by finishing the game.
''' dragonmj, ichiban, pongboo2 ''' - Banking not understood yet.
''' janoh ''' - Incomplete dump.
''' janoha ''' -
''' jansou ''' - Missing internal program ROM.
''' mjdejavu and clone ''' - Calls by the player don't work.
''' mjtensin ''' - Random crashes, related to interrupts.
''' ougonhaib3 ''' - One GFX ROM is a bad dump.
== [ efo/cedar_magnet] ==
''' mag_drac ''' - Bad dump.
== [ elektor/ec65] ==
Preliminary driver.

== [ deco_mlc] ==
== [ elektron/elektronmono] ==
''' stadhr96, stadhr96a ''' - Protection isn't fully simulated and they seem to require raster IRQ video update support.
MCF5206E based. Skeletonish.

== [ decocass] ==
== [ ensoniq/enmirage] ==
''' ctisland3 ''' - Different bitswap?
Needs Four Pole Low-Pass Voltage Controlled Filter section, external sync signal, foot pedal, ADC feedback, piano keyboard controller, expansion connector, stereo output.

''' cexplore ''' - Mssing rom dump from overlay PCB.
== [ ensoniq/esq1] ==

''' cgraplop2 ''' - Wrong dongle?
== [ ensoniq/esqasr] ==
Skeleton driver.

== [ deshoros] ==
== [ ensoniq/esqkt] ==
Needs graphics emulation through artwork system and printer emulation.
''' ts10, ts12 ''' -

== [ deshoros] ==
== [ ensoniq/esqmr] ==
Skeleton driver.
Skeleton driver.

== [ dlair] ==
== [ eolith/eolith] ==
Laserdisc games. Work in theory, but are waiting for a good quality laserdisc dump.
''' raccoon ''' - Game animation & timers seem too fast.
== [ epson/hx20] ==
Needs emulation of: keyboard interrupt, LCD controller, serial, SW6 read, RS-232, microcassette, printer, ROM cartridge, floppy TF-20, barcode reader. Might need a M6800 core rewrite.
== [ epson/px8] ==
== [ epson/qx10] ==

== [ dmndrby] ==
== [ esprit/esp250c] ==
Electrocoin on snk hardware.  Needs better video emulation. Enters service mode while attract mode is running.
Preliminary driver.

== [ drw80pkr] ==
== [ esprit/executive10] ==
Driver shows something, but emulation is still incomplete. I8039 based CPU with CRTC6845 video and AY8910 sound.
Video emulation is missing features, no NOVRAM store / recall.

== [ dwarfd] ==
== [ exidy/exidy440] ==
''' qc, quarterh and clones ''' - Missing laserdisc dumps.
''' showdown4 ''' - Different type of protection wrt to the parent.

== [ dynax] ==
== [ f32/f-32] ==
''' majrjhdx, tenkai2b, tenkaid ''' - Missing dump of the internal rom of the TMP91640.
''' royalpk2 ''' - It will soft-lock when attempting to use either settings-save options in the service menu.

== [ epos] ==
== [ facit/f4431] ==
''' catapult, revenger ''' - Bad dumps.
Missing emulation of character attributes (RAM at 0xc000), cursor, 132 column mode, smooth scrolling, timings, printer.

== [ esd16] ==
== [ facit/facit4440] ==
''' mchampdxb ''' - Graphics ROMs aren't dumped.
Keyboard isn't emulated.

== [ esh] ==
== [ fairchild/f387x] ==
Laserdisc game. Works in theory, but is waiting for a good quality laserdisc dump.  Does have a small list of TODO items that could be looked at prior to a disc dump.
Computer. F8 based. Driver is skeleton-ish.

== [ f1gp] ==
== [ fairlight/cmi] ==
''' f1gpb ''' - Bootleg on different hardware.
MASTER 'TIM' test fails.  LGTST 'TIM' test is out of tolerance without 6840 hack.

== [ fcrash] ==
== [ falco/falco500] ==
''' kodb ''' - Bootleg on different hardware.
''' falco5220e ''' - Bad dump. ASIC emulation is incomplete.

== [ firebeat] ==
== [ falco/falcots] ==
Driver is incomplete. Missing MIDI card emulation, video emulation problems..

== [ flicker] ==
== [ force/miniforce] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Very preliminary driver.

== [ fortecar] ==
== [ fujitsu/fm7] ==
Missing banckswitching, inputs, ..
''' fm11, fm16beta, fm7740sx ''' - Extra features not implemented.

== [ freekick] ==
== [ fujitsu/fmtowns] ==
''' freekick, countrun ''' - Main program inside of custom CPU block.
Video emulation is far from complete.

''' countrb2 ''' - Possible bad dump, or encrypted.
== [ funtech/supracan] ==

''' gigas ''' - One of the program roms is a bad dump.
== [ funworld/4roses] ==
Skeleton driver. The games' program ROM has been decrypted, but they have an undumped MCU which needs decapping or simulation.

== [ funworld] ==
== [ funworld/funworld] ==
''' fw_a7_11, fw_a7_11a, fw_a0_1, jokcrdep ''' - Different hardware with epoxy block, to be reverse engineered.

''' royalcrdf, royalcrdp ''' - Encrypted. Seems to use an epoxy block with CPU + extras (ICs, TTL, etc) to manage the encryption.
''' jolyjokrc ''' - Bad program ROM.

''' jokercrd ''' - Totaly encrypted. This game use a Funworld custom CPU.
''' multiwinb ''' - Encryption not figured out yet.

''' magicd2a ''' - CPU issues. This game use a slightly modified instructions set.
''' royalcrd_msx , royalcrd_nes and clone ''' - Stealth games which combine the poker game hardware and the console hardware.

''' magicd2b ''' - CPU issues. This game use a slightly modified instructions set.
== [ funworld/photoply] ==
FDC error, needs a DASM investigation / work-around.

''' mongolnw ''' - Need to hook the missing microcontroller (TSC87C52-16CB) to emulate this game properly.
== [ funworld/supercrd] ==
Partially decrypted but need more work to be playable.

''' multiwin ''' - Encrypted with unidentified CPU.
== [ gaelco/atvtrack] ==
Preliminary driver.

''' soccernw ''' - Need to hook the missing microcontroller (TSC87C52-16CB) to emulate this game properly.
== [ gaelco/bigkarnk_ms] ==
Heavily modified bootleg of Big Karnak running on the Modular System. Only preliminary work has been done.

''' saloon ''' - This game is totally encrypted. No PIAs to drive I/O.
== [ gaelco/gaelco2] ==
''' play2000_50i ''' - Bad dump.

== [ g627] ==
''' aligatorp, chmppool, jungleani, srollnd ''' - Missing ds5002fp dump.
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.

== [ gaelco2] ==
== [ gaelco/goldart] ==
''' aligator, touchgo, touchgoe, touchgon, wrally2 ''' - Unemulated protection device with internal rom and suicide capabilities (DS5002FP). There's an unprotected versions of Alligator Hunt and it might be possible to simulate the protection in the protected version, but it isn't easy, looks like MCU may provide ROM patches.
DS5002FP based. Preliminary driver, GFX, sound and inputs aren't properly emulated yet.

''' snowboar, snowboara ''' - Unemulated protection device (Lattice IspLSI 1016-80LJ)
== [ gaelco/mastboy] ==
''' mastboyiv2 ''' - Needs a different MCU program.

''' grtesoro, grtesoro4 ''' - Unemulated protection device with internal rom and suicide capabilities (DS5002FP). grtesoro also has badly dumped program roms.
== [ gaelco/rollext] ==
GFX glitches, possible DSP core bugs.

== [ gaiden] ==
== [ gaelco/splash] ==
''' mastninj ''' - Sprites, sound and y-scroll need fixing.
''' funystrp, puckpepl''' - Protection, controls eating of dots + other things.

== [ gal3] ==
''' rebus ''' - Another protected Microhard game.
In need of laserdisc dump. Skeleton driver.

== [ galaxia] ==
''' ringball ''' - Currently stuck at initialization / test mode, probably protected.
''' galaxia ''' - Skeleton driver.  It's a galaxian rip-off on a custom board with CVS-like hardware IIRC (Haze).

== [ galaxold] ==
== [ galaxian/fastfred] ==
''' harem ''' - One of the program roms is badly dumped.
''' boggy84b2 ''' - Missing the dump of a program ROM.

''' trvchlng ''' - Questions roms aren't dumped.
== [ galaxian/galaxian] ==
''' amidarc, aracnisa ''' - Resets when starting a game.

''' vstars ''' - Encrypted?
''' ckongcv, ckongis ''' - Bootleg on different hardware.

== [ galdrvr] ==
''' dingoe ''' - Probable bad dump and encryption.
''' dingoe ''' - Probable bad dump and encryption.

''' monsterz ''' - Unemulated protection.
''' highroll ''' - Auto starts game after inserting coin, bad cards GFX, bad inputs response, not all inputs are mapped.

''' scorpiona, skelagon, supergx ''' - Bad dumps.
''' jungsub ''' - Different hardware, needs better GFX handling and one GFX ROM is bad.
''' ncentury, scramblebun, scrammr ''' - Stuck at boot. IRQ isn't enabled correctly. Protected?
''' mooncrs5, mutacion, supergx ''' - Bad dumps.
''' olibug ''' - One of the GFX ROMs is bad. Uses the Galaxian PROM, which gives bad colors(?).

''' tenspot ''' - Menu isn't working yet.
''' tenspot ''' - Menu isn't working yet.
Line 408: Line 768:
''' warofbugg ''' - Bootleg on slightly different hardware.
''' warofbugg ''' - Bootleg on slightly different hardware.

== [ galivan] ==
== [ galaxian/galaxold] ==
''' youmab, youmab2 ''' - Weird bootlegs, who knows.
''' drivfrcsga, spcwarp ''' - Bad dump.
''' trvchlng ''' - Questions ROMs aren't dumped.
== [ galaxian/scobra] ==
''' rescuefe ''' - Bad / incomplete dump.
== [ gamepark/gp2x] ==
Skeleton driver.
== [ gamepark/gp32] ==
Driver is quite advanced, but isn't fully working yet.
== [ gametron/sbugger] ==
''' sbugger ''' - Bad dump, different revision to working set.
== [ grundy/newbrain] ==
== [ handheld/hh_cop400] ==
''' vidchal ''' - Needs videotape support.
== [ handheld/hh_hcms40] ==
''' bombman, gdefender, ggdman, ktparman, puckimon, tkjmaru, wantgman ''' - Missing artwork.
== [ handheld/hh_pic16] ==
''' pabball, uspbball ''' - Preliminary drivers.
== [ handheld/hh_smc1k] ==
Missing SVGs.
== [ handheld/hh_sm510] ==
''' nsmb3, nsmw ''' - Missing LCD scan.
== [ handheld/hh_tms1k] ==
''' bship and clone, elecbowl ''' - As far as MAME is concerned, the game is emulated fine. But for it to be playable, it requires interaction  with other, unemulatable, things (eg. game board/pieces, playing cards, pen & paper, etc).
''' tithermos ''' - Temperature sensor comparator isn't emulated yet (right now just the digital clock works).
== [ handheld/pensebem] ==
== [ handheld/tispeak] ==
''' k28m2 ''' - LCD isn't emulated.
''' lantransp, tnttellp ''' - Version from the patent. Maybe incompatible with released modules?
== [ hds/hds200] ==
Needs fixing the SCN2674/Z80DMA hookup, missing keyboard keys and RS232 control lines.
== [ heathkit/h19] ==
''' gp19 ''' - GP-19 graphics mode only shows the top half of the image (on the visible screen).
== [ heathzenith/z100] ==
Undumped MCU, plus needs removing of the parity check IRQ patch, implementation of the S-100 bus features, irqs need 8259 "auto-ack"-ing in order to work properly and vertical scrolling isn't understood.
== [ heathzenith/z22] ==
Missing keyboard emulation.
== [ hitachi/b16] ==
No documentation available, almost no software available. Long TODO on top of file.
== [ hitachi/bml3] ==
Long TODO at the top of the file.
== [ hitachi/mbs1] ==
Cassette won't load; many missing features.
== [ homebrew/d6809] ==
Most devices aren't hooked up. Skeletonish.
== [ homebrew/minib] ==
Keyboard isn't working correctly.

== [ galpani2] ==
== [ homebrew/p112] ==
Kaneko protection MCU with internal rom, managing CPU comms. Decap should possible, should be the same for all games / sets.
Skeleton-ish driver. Z8018216 based.

== [ gamecstl] ==
== [ homebrew/pc532] ==
'Modern' PC Hardware running a MAME bootleg.
Needs ET532 emulation.

== [ getrivia] ==
== [ homebrew/phunsy] ==
''' jokpokera ''' -

== [ ggconnie] ==
== [ homebrew/ravens] ==
Preliminary driver. Hardware is PC-Engine based.
The cassette saves a noise but it returns a bad load.

== [ gladiatr] ==
== [ homebrew/sbc6510] ==
''' ppking ''' - Missing MCU dump or simulation.
ATMEGA8 CPU emulation is incomplete.

== [ glass] ==
== [ homebrew/uzebox] ==
Unemulated protection device with internal rom and suicide capabilities (DS5002FP).
SD card not supported yet.

== [ goldngam] ==
== [ homelab/homelab] ==
''' brailab4, homelab3, homelab4 ''' - Preliminary driver. Cassette support needs to be fixed, among other things.
== [ hp/hp_ipc] ==
''' hp9808a ''' - Preliminary driver.
== [ hp/hp16500] ==
Preliminary driver.
Preliminary driver.

== [ goldnpkr] ==
== [ hp/hp2620] ==
''' falcnwldb ''' - Has a second encrypted CPU.
Keyboard isn't emulated.

''' pokerdub ''' - Missing one program ROM.
== [ hp/hp3478a] ==
Runs, AD LINK ERROR on stock ROM due to unimplemented AD link.
== [ hp/hp48] ==
''' hp39g ''' -
== [ hp/hp49gp] ==
Preliminary driver.
== [ hp/hp95lx] ==
Native keyboard isn't emulated. Driver still preliminary.
== [ hp/hp9k] ==
Boot tests fail.
== [ hp/hp9k_3xx] ==
Preliminary driver.
== [ hp/hpz80unk] ==
Skeleton driver. Needs banking and peripherals support.
== [ husky/hunter2] ==
Preliminary driver. Without software to test it, it's difficult to progress with the emulation.
== [ ibm/rs6000_type7xxx] ==
Skeleton-ish. Server. PPC601 based.
== [ ibm/rtpc] ==
Diagnostic disk 1 fails with code 67; aix vrm disk 1 fails with alternating code a6/13.
== [ ibm/thinkpad600] ==
Needs keyboard and RTC emulation.
== [ ice/chexx] ==
Electro-mechanical bubble hockey games.
== [ ice/ice_bozopail] ==
Redemption game. Mechanical parts aren't emulated.
== [ ice/lethalj] ==
''' franticf and clone ''' - Directional inputs (wheel) don't work yet.
== [ ice/vp101] ==
MIPS + custom 3D hardware. Boots but lacks 3d GFX hardware emulation.
== [ igs/cabaret] ==
''' cabaret ''' - Not fully playable because of some pitfalls.
''' double8l, kungfua ''' - Undumped internal ROM.
== [ igs/goldstar] ==
''' 3cdpoker, 3cdpokera, animalw, cll, cmfb55, luckylad, pkrmast, prkmasta, rolling, srmagic, super972 ''' - They need work on inputs / dips.
''' animalhs and clones, eldoraddoa ''' - Need correct GFX banking, I/O.
''' ll3, wcherry ''' - Only preliminary work has been done.
''' aplan, chryangla, cmast99, cmast99b ''' - The game appears to be stuck in a loop resetting itself after initialising NVRAM.
''' bonusch ''' - Undumped MCU.

''' pokerduc ''' - Encrypted.
''' cb3c ''' - Needs correct memory map and one GFX ROM is a bad dump.

''' royale, royale ''' -  
''' cb3f ''' - Encryption not completely figured out.

== [ goldstar] ==
''' cherry96 ''' - Different hardware.
''' cb3c ''' - Bad dump.

''' cb3d ''' -  
''' chryangl, chryanglb ''' - Hangs when betting or after a couple of attract mode cycles. Protection related?

''' chryangl ''' -
''' cmast92 and clone, eldoradd, eldoraddo ''' - Needs correct GFX emulation. Game is running otherwise.

''' cmast92 ''' - Graphics ROMs aren't dumped yet.
''' cmast97 and clone ''' - PROM decode needs fixing, needs correct GFX banking.

''' cmasterbv, cmv4a ''' - Missing switch between normal and "stealth" game.
''' cmasterbv, cmv4a ''' - Missing switch between normal and "stealth" game.

''' jkrmast, luckylad ''' - Encrytped.
''' cmasteri ''' - ROMs contain only half of what they should, but dump sizes are confirmed wrt to ROM chip type.
''' cmtetriskr ''' - Needs correct GFX decode.
''' cmtetrsb ''' - Soon after boot it shows garbage due to wrong graphics banks.
''' cmv4zg, cmv4zga ''' - Seem to reset after reels stop spinning. Slightly protected?
''' crazybonb, wcat3a ''' - Decryption should be good. Possibly needs a different machine driver?
''' hamhouse ''' - Needs correct I/O.
''' jkrmast, jkrmasta ''' - Preliminary emulation.
''' luckybar ''' - mc68705 MCU.

''' magoddsc, magoddsd ''' - Custom encrypted CPU block.
''' magoddsc, magoddsd ''' - Custom encrypted CPU block.

''' pkrmast, prkmasta ''' - Incomplete dumps and probably encrypted.
''' nd8lines ''' - Needs correct PROMs decoding and inputs.

''' mtonic ''' - Unidentified CPU.
''' noved ''' - Needs GFX2 region decryption / decode, controls.

''' nfm ''' - Some roms don't seem to belong to the dumped set.
''' feverch, mbs2euro, megaline ''' - Need more work in memory map, inputs, and reels alignment.

''' unkch1, unkch2, unkch3, unkch4 ''' -
''' nfm and clone ''' - Need decoding of the girls' GFX ROM.

== [ gp_1] ==
''' roypok96c ''' - Stuck at the Program Check screen.
Skeleton driver. Poker games.

== [ gp_2] ==
''' super7 ''' - Needs GFX and palette work. First time it boots and works, with written NVRAM it stops waiting for initialization. Slightly wrong decryption?
Skeleton driver. Poker games.

== [ gpworld] ==
''' super9 ''' - GFXs aren't decoded yet.
Laserdisc hardware. Works in theory, but is waiting for a good quality laserdisc dumpDoes have a small list of TODO items that could be looked at prior to a disc dump.
''' tcl ''' - Encrypted.
''' war3cb ''' - Address scrambling needs to be checked.
''' wcat3 ''' - Encryption not completely broken, can be seen running after a couple soft resets.
== [ igs/igs_fear] ==
''' icescape ''' - Touchscreen commands aren't emulated yet.
== [ igs/igs_m027] ==
''' amazonia and clone, amazoni2, klxyj, gonefsh2, luckycrs, olympic5 and clone, sdwx ''' - Need dump of the internal ROM.
''' chessc2 ''' - Needs IGS025 emulation.
''' extradrw ''' - Inputs not implemented yet.
== [ igs/igs_m027xa] ==
''' crzybugsj, haunthig and clone, wldfruit ''' - Missing internal ROM dump.
''' tripfevb ''' - Hangs at payout.
== [ igs/igs011] ==
''' tygn ''' - Needs correct protection workarounds. Currently fades to black during play.
== [ igs/igs017] ==
''' jking302us ''' - IGS026 and IGS029 protection needs simulation.
''' mgcs ande clone ''' - IGS029 protection needs more work.
''' sdmg2p ''' - Protection sometimes kicks in after starting game, hopper isn't hooked up correctly.
''' slqz2a ''' - Undumped program ROM.
''' tarzan ''' - Missing sprites and sound ROM, imperfect tiles decryption.
''' tarzana ''' - Missing IGS029 protection, missing sprites and sound ROM.
== [ igs/igspoker] ==
''' cpoker210ks, cpoker300us ''' - Protection handling and inputs / outputs need to be verified.
''' stellecu ''' - Bad / incomplete dump.
== [ igs/jackie] ==
''' kungfu ''' - Needs correct inputs for the 'fighting' game.
== [ igs/pgm] ==
''' dmnfrntpcb, kovlsjb, kovlsjba, kovlsqh, kovlsqh2, kovshp, kovshxas, kovytzy, oldsplus, pgm3in1, puzlstar, svgtw ''' - Need internal ROM of IGS027A.
''' drgw2100hk ''' - Protections isn't simulated yet.
== [ igs/spoker] ==
''' 3super8 ''' - Roms are badly dumped.
''' jinhulu2 ''' - Seems to try linking to something. Also needs IGS003 protection emulated.
== [ igt/drw80pkr] ==
Driver shows something, but emulation is still incomplete. I8039 based CPU with CRTC6845 video and AY8910 sound.
== [ igt/gkigt] ==
Preliminary driver. Needs hookup of the QUART devices, and fix "QUART COUNTER NOT RUNNING" error message; interrupt system hookup; understanding of what's "netflex" device. Furthermore, the CMOS doesn't seem to get properly initialized. Also, the ms72c set seems to have extra checks.
== [ igt/peplus] ==
''' all imperial games ''' - Stuck during initialization.
''' all pc* sets ''' - This sets use tokens instead of coin. They get stuck with "Token in timeout" message.
''' peke0004 and clones, peke0017 and clones,  pex0006k, pex0013k, px0013ka ''' -
''' peke0026, pemg0025, pemg0026, pemg0182, pemg0183, pemg0213, pemg0225, pemg0252, peps0205 ''' - Need printer support.
''' all pepk* sets but pepk1024 ''' -
''' pepp0021, pepp0079, pepp0596, pepp0598 ''' - Need link support.
''' pex0489p, pex2474p ''' - Need unknown PE+ GAME POKER program to run.
''' sv1pf434 ''' - Occasionally makes an alarm sound most likely related to the door.
== [ igt/splus] ==
Driver imported from Agemame. Needs modernisation.
== [ igt/videopkr] ==
''' bpoker ''' -
== [ informer/informer_207_376] ==
Two ROMs need a redump.
== [ informer/informer_213] ==
Terminal. 6809 based. The ASIC needs to be figured out.
== [ intel/ipc] ==
''' ipc ''' - Dump incomplete.
== [ intel/ipds] ==
Skeleton driver. I8085A based.
== [ intel/isbc] ==
''' rpc86, isbc86, isbc8605, isbc8630, isbc286, sm1810 ''' - Preliminary driver 8086 / 286 based.
== [ intel/isbc660] ==
Needs more Multibus cards emulated and installed.
== [ intel/rex6000] ==
== [ intergraph/interpro] ==
Preliminary driver.
== [ irem/m10] ==
''' ipminvad1 ''' - Incomplete dumps.
== [ irem/m107] ==
''' kftgoal, wpksoc ''' - Missing EEPROM hook-up.
== [ irem/m62_bkungfu] ==
Blitter data is encrypted and MCU is undumped.
== [ irem/m72] ==
''' hharryb2, loht_ms, lohtb, rtypem82b, rtype2m82b ''' - The bootleg hardware is different to the original hardware.
== [ irem/m92] ==
''' nbbatman2bl ''' - Bootleg with different sprite system, MCU as soundcpu, OKI samples for music/sound.
== [ irem/redalert] ==
''' demoneye ''' - Missing 3rd graphic layer making level 2 impossibleUnclear what the layer should show.
== [ isc/compucolor] ==
ROMs are badly dumped. Needs floppy hook-up.
== [ itech/itech8] ==
''' stratabs ''' - Controls aren't hooked up.
== [ jaleco/acommand] ==
''' acommand ''' - Inputs aren't fully understood. Requires a major rework of the artwork sub-system. Needs to be merged with cischeat.cpp driver.

== [ gstriker] ==
== [ jaleco/armchamp] ==
''' twcup94, twcup94a, vgoalsoc, vgoalsoca '''Tecmo MCU providing jump addresses etc.  Has direct access to entire CPU bus, prevents code modification (MCU writes 'ROM ERROR' if you change ROM).  ROZ pitch difficult to understand.
Mechanical arm simulation isn't perfect.

== [ gticlub] ==
== [ jaleco/blueprnt] ==
Driver is still in preliminary status. Most games show something and/or are somewhat playable.
''' unkzilec ''' - Only the GFX ROMs are dumped.

== [ gts1] ==
== [ jaleco/cischeat] ==
Skeleton driver. Poker games.
''' armchmp2 and clones ''' - Arm motor emulation is incorrect.

== [ gts3] ==
''' wildplt ''' - Busted timings.
Skeleton driver. Poker games.

== [ gts80] ==
== [ jaleco/ms32] ==
Skeleton driver. Poker games.
''' f1superb ''' - The road is always rendered as straight. The game has a road layer and extra ROMs for it. There is an unknown maths DSP for protection.

== [ gts80a] ==
== [ jaleco/tetrisp2] ==
Skeleton driver. Poker games.
''' nndmseal and clones ''' - Missing camera and printer emulation.

== [ gts80b] ==
''' stepstag, step3, vjdash ''' - Missing HD / bios dumps for the PC part.
Skeleton driver. Poker games.

== [ guab] ==
== [ jpm/guab] ==
''' crisscrs ''' - Missing disk image dump.
''' crisscrs ''' - Missing disk image dump.

== [ gumbo] ==
== [ jpm/jpmimpct] ==
''' mspuzzlen ''' - Bad dump.
''' buzzundr, monspdr, snlad ''' - Incomplete dumps.
== [ jpm/jpmimpctsw] ==
''' all sets but j6aceclb, j6big50, j6bigbuk, j6bnza, j6camelt, j6cascz, j6gogold, j6guab, j6hapyhr, j6kungfu, j6mono60, j6montlk, j6roller, j6sonic, j6untch and relative clones ''' - Need correct layouts and settings.
== [ jpm/jpmsru] ==
Missing layouts.
== [ jpm/jpmsys5] ==
''' cashcade ''' - Incomplete dump? Shows a loading error.
''' monopldx1 ''' - Missing questions?
== [ jpm/jpmsys5sw] ==
The mechanical games aren't emulated yet.
== [ kaneko/galpani2] ==
Kaneko protection MCU with internal rom, managing CPU comms. Decap should possible, should be the same for all games / sets.
== [ kaneko/galpanic_ms] ==
Heavily modified bootleg of Gals Panic running on the Modular System. Only preliminary work has been done.
== [ kaneko/kaneko16] ==
''' bonkadva ''' - Shows an upside down KO! sprite, probably due to a failed start up check.
== [ kaneko/snowbros] ==
''' sutjarod ''' - Needs correct protection data.
== [ kaypro/kaypro] ==
Most machines are incompletely emulated. The problems listed in the driver are:
''' kaypro1084 ''' - Boots from floppy, but needs hard drive added.
''' kaypro4a ''' - Floppy not working.
''' kayproiip88, kaypro484p88 ''' - Works as a normal Kaypro 4, extra hardware not done.
''' omni2, omni4 ''' - I/O board isn't emulated.
''' robie ''' - Has twin 2.6MB 5.25 floppy drives which aren't supported, no software available.
== [ koei/pasogo] ==
== [ konami/cobra] ==
Complicated Konami 3D hardware. Bujutsu works a bit better.
== [ konami/combatsc] ==
'''  bootcamp, bootcampa, combatscj, combatsct ''' - Trackball isn't correctly emulated.
== [ konami/dbz] ==
''' dbz2bl ''' - Bootleg on different hardware. Heavy priority / GFX issues, no sound.
== [ konami/gberet] ==
''' gberetb ''' - Needs correct PROM decoding. As is, GFX are too mangled to play it.
== [ konami/giclassic] ==
Preliminary driver.
== [ konami/goldenregion] ==
Sprite banking isn't understood. Mechanical part isn't simulated.
== [ konami/gticlub] ==
''' thunderh and clone ''' - They use an additional top board for sound, network and analog control functions.
== [ konami/hornet] ==
''' sscope and clones, sscope2 and clones ''' -
''' terabrst and clones ''' - Missing gun emulation.
''' terabrstaa, terabrstja, terabrstua ''' - Missing gun emulation, won't boot due to issues with the cgboard/konppc.
''' thrilldbu ''' - Heavy GFX glitches, fails wheel motor test.
== [ konami/ironhors] ==
''' farwest ''' - Bootleg running on different hardware.
== [ konami/konamigv] ==
''' btchamp, kdeadeye, tmosh and clones ''' - All games on this system suffer from a corner case involving audio track playback in the SCSI CD-ROM emulation.
== [ konami/konamigx] ==
''' opengolf and clones, racinfrc and clones ''' - These games use a special ROZ layer generated by the "PSAC4" custom IC which appears to include a height map.
== [ konami/konamim2] ==
''' btltryst ''' - Unemulated GFX modes make the game too glitchy to be playable.
''' totlvica, totlvicj, totlvicu ''' - They get stuck during boot.
''' heatof11 ''' - Hangs if Japan is selected. Timing related, as setting perfect interleave fixes it.
== [ konami/konblands] ==
Missing laserdisc dump.
== [ konami/konendev] ==
Most dumps are incomplete. Those fully dumped boot but fails various mechanical hardware tests.
== [ konami/konmedal] ==
''' slimekun ''' -
''' tsururin ''' - Resets after initial ROM / RAM test. IRQ related.
== [ konami/konmedal020] ==
Preliminary emulation.
== [ konami/konmedal68k] ==
''' crossmg2, fruitsmg ''' - Mechanical parts aren't emulated yet.
''' dobouchn ''' - Controls need verifying.
''' pwrchanc, spcpokan ''' - Colors are wrong, inputs not verified.
''' unkkonmd ''' - Stops with network ID error.
== [ konami/konmedalppc] ==
Preliminary driver. PPC based.
== [ konami/ksys573] ==
Game suffer from incomplete PSX-based hardware emulation and some are missing emulation of the external digital sound and I/O board.
== [ konami/moo] ==
''' moomesabl ''' - Bootleg on different hardware. Sprite ROMs weren't dumped for this bootleg set.
== [ konami/nwk-tr] ==
Complex Konami 3D hardware.
== [ konami/otomedius] ==
Skeleton driver. PC hardware.
== [ konami/overdriv] ==
Driver has heavy graphic problems. Missing road (two unemulated K053250).
== [ konami/stingnet] ==
Preliminary driver. PPC based.
== [ konami/tasman] ==
Konami GX based PCB for gambling games.
== [ konami/tmnt2] ==
''' glfgreat and clones ''' - DMA emulation is incomplete.
''' ssridersb ''' - Bootleg on different hardware. Bad dump.
''' ssriders2 ''' - Bootleg on different hardware.
== [ konami/twinkle] ==
''' bmiidx, bmiidxa, bmiidxc, bmiidxca ''' - Connected over the mini-din8 (CN7) and DVD check requires RTS->CTS.
== [ konami/viper] ==
Preliminary driver, PPC+voodoo.
== [ konami/xmen] ==
''' xmenabl ''' - Sprites are glitched, one Oki ROM is probably bad.
== [ korg/korgm1] ==
Preliminary driver.
== [ kurzweil/krz2000] ==
TMP68301 based. Skeletonish.
== [ kyber/kminus] ==
Computer. Z80 based. No notes on what's missing.
== [ kyocera/kyocera] ==
''' pc8201 ''' - Cassette's not working, floppies aren't hooked up.
''' pc8201a ''' - Cassette's not working.
''' npc8300 ''' - Doesn't boot.
== [ lsi/m3] ==
Unfinished floppy hookup (no available software to test it). Not all keys are mapped.
== [ lsi/octopus] ==
== [ luxor/abc1600] ==
TODOs are short/long reset (RSTBUT), CIO, hard disk and connect RS-232 port A.
== [ luxor/ds90] ==
Skeleton driver. M68010 based.
== [ makerbot/replicator] ==
== [ matsushita/duet16] ==
Floppy not hooked up correctly, still WIP.
== [ matsushita/jr100] ==
Paste drops many characters. Cassette not working correctly
== [ matsushita/jr200] ==
Wrong timings. Also needs a MN1544 4-bit CPU core and ROM dump.
== [ matsushita/kn5000] ==
Preliminary driver. TMP94C241F based.
== [ mattel/intv] ==
''' intvkbd ''' - Has additional components / devices (i.e. tape) which aren't emulated.
== [ maygay/maygay1bsw] ==
Mechanical game imported from AGEMAME.
== [ maygay/maygayv1] ==
Skeleton driver for fruit machine games.
== [ mc/mccpm] ==
FDC is implemented but there's no software to test it.
== [ mera/m79152pc] ==
Skeleton driver. Z80 based.
== [ merit/merit.cpp] ==
''' tictacuk ''' - Doesn't register coins.
== [ merit/mtouchxl] ==
''' mtchxl5k and clones, mtchxlgld and clone ''' - The security key hasn't been reverse engineered.
''' mtchxlti ''' -
== [ merit/pubtimed] ==
Skeletonish. M6802 based darts game.
== [ metro/metro] ==
''' metabee ''' - Hopper isn't emulated, so game doesn't start.
''' poittoc ''' - One of the program ROMs isn't dumped.
''' puzzlet ''' - In game timer doesn't decrease.
== [ mg1/mg1] ==
Misses hard disc controller and mouse emulation.
== [ microkey/primo] ==
== [ microterm/microterm_f8] ==
WIP driver. Missing some GFX modes.
== [ midcoin/24cdjuke] ==
Skeleton driver for a CD Juke Box.
== [ midcoin/wink] ==
''' wink, winka ''' - Protection module has been reverse engineered but it's still missing something.
== [ midw8080/8080bw] ==
''' invasionrza ''' - Bootlegs on slightly different hardware.
''' sisv1 ''' - Some ROMs aren't dumped.
== [ midway/astrocde] ==
''' tenpindx ''' - This game used a physical hockey puck which the player slid down the bowling alley. Sensors on the other end picked up the location and velocity of the puck and simulated the pin behavior. Requires simulation of this input interface in order to be considered working.
== [ midway/atlantis] ==
The Zeus2 video chip needs more work.
== [ midway/balsente] ==
''' triviaes4, triviaes5 ''' - Though clearly derived by the originals in this driver, it uses different hardware, especially for the sound. Banking / ROM loading isn't figured out yet.
== [ midway/mcr] ==
''' nflfoot ''' - CED-based disk game. Has gory Z80-based serial I/O interface that is not understood. The CED player interface is undocumented. A poor quality rip exists of the video (probably the best we will get). There is a second CED disk with different teams playing which we do not have access to.
== [ midway/midyunit] ==
''' mkrep ''' -
== [ midway/midzeus] ==
''' crusnexo, thegrid and clones ''' - These Zeus II-based games use a proprietary 3D graphics chip that has no available documentation.

== [ gunpey] ==
== [ midway/mw18w] ==
Complex video chip, supports compressed graphics formats etc. Skeleton driver, work has been done, but no good progress made.
Mechanical game. Needs artwork and lamps and sensors hook up.

== [ hankin] ==
== [ midway/mwsub] ==
Skeleton driver. Poker games.

== [ harddriv] ==
== [ midway/seattle] ==
''' harddriv1 ''' -
''' sfrushrkw, sfrushrkwo ''' - Wavenet isn't emulated.

''' racedrv1, racedrv2, racedrivb1, racedrivc1, racedrivc2, racedrivg1, racedrivpan ''' -
== [ midway/spyhuntertec] ==
''' spyhuntpr ''' - Very different hardware.

''' steeltalp ''' -
== [ midway/vegas] ==
''' sf2049te and clone ''' - Voodoo 3-based, one step beyond the Voodoo Banshee problems.

''' hdrivairp ''' -
== [ midway/williams] ==
''' defndjeu, tornado2 ''' - Bad dumps.

== [ hikaru] ==
== [ miltonbradley/vectrex] ==
''' raaspec ''' - Timings and mandatory artwork missing.
== [ mips/mips] ==
''' rc3230, rs3230 ''' -
== [ misc/39in1] ==
''' 19in1, 48in1 and clones, 60in1, fruitwld and clone, jumanji, plutus, pokrwild, rodent ''' - Should be correctly decrypted but expect something different from the CPLD.
''' 4in1a, 4in1b ''' - These have been decrypted, currently boot but stuck at  'Hardware Check' with an error. Need adjusting of the cpld_*() methods.
== [ misc/3do] ==
Emulation is still preliminary. Needs DSPP core properly hooked up (should be similar if not same to the one used by the later Konami M2 HW).
== [ misc/4enlinea] ==
Needs proper UM487F device emulation. CPU logic seems quite off.
== [ misc/4enraya] ==
''' strker ''' - Stops with 'RAM no good' message.
== [ misc/acefruit] ==
''' acefruit ''' - Inputs aren't fully understood. Video in bonus game needs fixing.
''' starspnr ''' - Most likely needs a redump of the program ROMs.
== [ misc/amaticmg] ==
Emulation of the type 2 and 3 boards is preliminary, thus only suprstar (board type 1) kinda works, though it errors out when inserting coins.
== [ misc/amerihok] ==
Preliminary driver. Mechanical / screenless system. Uses a Z8 based MCU.
== [ misc/ampoker2] ==
''' arizna10 ''' - Undumped PIC provides protection. Currently can't exit operator mode to get in game.
''' ampkr2jsp, ampkr2jspa ''' -
== [ misc/amuzy] ==
Skeleton-ish. H8/3007 CPU (internal ROM apparently not used), barely documented Yamaha YGV625 sprite processor and CRTC and OKI M9810 for sound.
== [ misc/anes] ==
Blitter is imperfectly emulated, but games can be played.
== [ misc/arachnid] ==
Mechanical game. Needs artwork with lamps support.
== [ misc/artmagic] ==
''' shtstar ''' - Runs on different hardware. Also needs correct "CPU code".
== [ misc/avt] ==
Needs CTC and daisy-chain.
== [ misc/bingor] ==
Protection problems? Video hardware don't make much sense.
== [ misc/blitz68k] ==
''' Cadillac Jack sets ''' - These games freeze while trying to print the redemption tickets. Also need the MCU dumped and emulated, since they currently relay on ROM patches to bypass the checks.
''' The other games ''' - Undumped MCUs.
== [ misc/buster] ==
Skeleton driver.
Skeleton driver.

== [ hitpoker] ==
== [ misc/calomega] ==
Protection: needs dumping or simulating PIC.
''' comg123, comg164, comg187, comg214, comg227, comg230 ''' - Bad/incomplete dumps.
== [ misc/carrera] ==
''' alantin, bsebmanbl, bsebmanbl2, drkseal ''' - Need correct inputs.
''' ncarrera ''' - Needs MCU dump.
== [ misc/cb2001] ==
Incomplete decryption.
== [ misc/changyu] ==
Lots of not utilized ROMs.
''' changyu ''' - MCU isn't hooked up yet.
== [ misc/chsuper] ==
''' losttrea ''' - Inputs need verifying, probably playable apart from that.
== [ misc/coinmstr] ==
''' pokeroul, supnudg2 ''' - Incomplete protection simulation.
''' trailblz ''' - Question ROMs aren't dumped.
== [ misc/coinmvga] ==
Touch screen needs to be hooked up. GFX problems.
== [ misc/crospuzl] ==
Dies at POST with a SPU error.
== [ misc/crystal] ==
''' donghaer, maldaiza ''' - Protection PIC hasn't been dumped yet.
''' officeye ''' - Protection PICs have been dumped but there isn't a pic16c727 core yet. Simulation is quite good, but there is still some instability.
''' wulybuly ''' -
== [ misc/dgpix] ==
''' btplay2k, letsdnce ''' - Timing problems.
== [ misc/drdmania] ==
Darts machine with video. Z80 based. One ROM dump is bad.
== [ misc/dwarfd] ==
''' qc, quarterh and clones ''' - Missing laserdisc dumps.
== [ misc/ecoinf2] ==
Skeleton driver for fruit machine games.
== [ misc/ecoinf3] ==
Skeleton driver for fruit machine games.
== [ misc/ecoinfr] ==
Skeleton driver for fruit machine games.
== [ misc/epos] ==
''' catapult, revenger ''' - Bad dumps.
== [ misc/esd16] ==
''' fantstry and clone ''' - Playable, but no sound because of an undumped PIC.
== [ misc/esh] ==
LD TROUBLE appears at POST. Sync/timing issue? Performance spike after some time of gameplay, CPU comms gets corrupt?
== [ misc/eva] ==
Preliminary driver. TMS 1000 / COP420 based.
== [ misc/ez2d] ==
Possibly bad BIOS dump.
== [ misc/fastinvaders] ==
Games reset. Schematics are available.
== [ misc/freekick] ==
''' countrun ''' - Main program inside of custom CPU block.
''' countrunb2 ''' - Possible bad dump, or encrypted.
== [ misc/fresh] ==
Preliminary driver. M68000 based.
== [ misc/funkball] ==
Preliminary driver. PC based hardware (Cyrix GX + 3DFX).
== [ misc/gambl186] ==
Missing At89c52 dump. EEPROM behaviour still buggy.
== [ misc/gameace] ==
''' hotbody2 ''' - Program ROM isn't dumped.
== [ misc/gammagic] ==
Both games are missing M68K ROM dumps.
''' 99bottles ''' - Likely bad CD dump.
''' gammagic ''' - Hangs after "ignoring write to swapbufferCMD when CMDFIFO is enabled" message.
== [ misc/gamtor] ==
Skeleton driver for fruit machine games.
== [ misc/gi6809] ==
Needs discovering the proper way to tie PIA's signals to Microprocessor's IRQs and coin in device support.

== [ hng64] ==
== [ misc/gms] ==
The I/O CPU is a protected MCU.  There is some thought that the games uses this as a protection device. See driver notes for in depth todo/status report.
''' ballch, cots, sc2in1, sscs, super555 ''' - Hang while booting, patched for now.

== [ homedata] ==
''' magslot, sc2in1 ''' - Need correct GFX decode for 1st layer.
''' mirderby ''' - Preliminary driver.

== [ hornet] ==
''' rbmk ''' - 89C51 MCU isn't correctly hooked up yet.
Driver is still in preliminary status. Most games show something and/or are somewhat playable.  

''' sscope, sscopea, sscope2 ''' -
''' rbspm ''' - 89C51 MCU isn't correctly hooked up yet. PIC16F84 is dumped but MAME doesn't have a CPU core for it.

''' terabrst, terabrsta ''' - Missing gun emulation.
''' ssanguoj ''' - Undumped 89C51 MCU.

== [ hotstuff] ==
== [ misc/goldngam] ==
Preliminary driver.
Preliminary driver.

== [ hshavoc] ==
== [ misc/goldnpkr] ==
Genesis hardware, but uses a PIC to control state based encryption.  All the code that matches the Megadrive version has been decrypted, but the extra code (startup code, coins etc.) appears to have some annoying extra encryption.
''' falcnwldc ''' - Main CPU / MCU communications aren't correctly implemented yet.
''' goldnpkd ''' - You always get a winning flush. Unemulated protection?

== [ icecold] ==
''' jkrbonus ''' - Inputs need correction (in particular SW2 isn't hooked up). Also one GFX ROM is bad.
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.

== [ igs009] ==
''' maxidpkr ''' - Undumped 68705P5 MCU.
''' gp98 ''' - Bad dump.

''' jingbell ''' - Protection simulation is incomplete.
''' olym65bj, olym65wc ''' - Encryption only partially beaten, also need a R6511 CPU core.

== [ igs011] ==
''' wldwitchb, wldwitche, wtchjackh ''' -  
''' nkishusp ''' -  

== [ igs017] ==
''' pokerdub ''' - Missing one program ROM.
All games but sdmg2 and mgdh suffer from incomplete protection simulation.  

''' tarzan, tarzana, starzan ''' - Incomplete dumps.
''' potnpkrn ''' - Hangs early on. Protection check?

''' tjsb ''' Sprites decryption is incomplete.
''' witchcdk ''' - A ROM is corrupt.

== [ igs_m027] ==
== [ misc/gsspade] ==
Main program / boot code in (currently undumpable) MCU.
Mechanical redemption game? Only the sound board CPU ROM is dumped.

== [ igspoker] ==
== [ misc/hideseek] ==
''' stellecu ''' - Bad dump.
Missing the internal ROM dump of the HD64F7045F28 main CPU.

== [ inder] ==
== [ misc/highvdeo] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
''' bingopd, cuncino, grancapi, magicbom, newtiger, saladue and clone, zoomania and clone ''' - Need correct / verified inputs.

== [ intrscti] ==
''' unksmk ''' - Doesn't respond to inputs. Protected.
Probably missing code in epoxy block.

== [ ironhors] ==
== [ misc/hitpoker] ==
''' farwest ''' - Bootleg running on different hardware.
Protection: needs dumping or simulating PIC.

== [ istellar] ==
== [ misc/hotstuff] ==
Laserdisc game.  Has a small list of TODO items that could be looked at prior to a disc dump.
Preliminary driver.

== [ itgambl2] ==
== [ misc/intrscti] ==
Italian Gambling games based on H8/3337 MCU. Internal ROM is currently undumpable.
Undumped program ROM in an epoxy block.

== [ itgambl3] ==
== [ misc/island] ==
Italian Gambling games based on Mitsubishi (Renesas) M16C MCU family. Internal ROM is currently undumpable.
Unemulated features of the DS80C320 CPU and preliminary driver.

== [ itgamble] ==
== [ misc/istellar] ==
Mostly Italian Gambling games mostly based on H8/3048 MCU. Internal ROM is currently undumpable.
Laserdisc game. Missing a disc dump.

== [ jackpool] ==
== [ misc/jackpool] ==
Needs better understanding of the master/slave communications, better EEPROM and NVRAM hook-up.
Needs better understanding of the master/slave communications, better EEPROM and NVRAM hook-up.

== [ jangou] ==
== [ misc/jackpot] ==
''' luckygrl ''' - Encrypted program roms.
Missing master unit comms (for game override?); loads of unused GFXs, irq and NMI in work RAM space; glitches in attract, service and D-Up screens (requires an NMI mask?); palette, RAMDAC?; complete I/O, identify chip type(s); EEPROM defaults (needs to be initialized in service mode for proper operation).

== [ jokrwild] ==
== [ misc/jokrwild] ==
Missing random number generator, inputs and sound.
Missing random number generator, inputs and sound.

== [ jp] ==
== [ misc/joystand] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Sticker machine which needs camera, printer and light pen support to be useable.

== [ jpmimpct] ==
== [ misc/jungleyo] ==
''' m_tbirds ''' - Mechanical game imported from AGEMAME.
With a clean NVRAM MAME needs to be soft reset after init or the game will trip a '1111 exception' (caused by invalid opcode executed at  0x102, incomplete decryption most likely); likewise anything in the 0x100-0x1f7 range doesn't seem valid at all; the game sometimes expects 1+ coins even if player has available points  (and freezing with "COIN" text blinking), very unlikely to be intended  behaviour?

== [ jubilee] ==
== [ misc/kingpin] ==
Preliminary driver. Needs better memory map, correct video RAM offset, CRT controller hook up.
''' dealracl ''' - Partially a bad dump and / or wrong ROM loading.

== [ jvh] ==
== [ misc/laz_aftrshok] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Mechanical game, needs controls simulation.

== [ kingdrby] ==
== [ misc/laz_ribrak] ==
''' cowrace ''' - Incomplete dump.
''' awetoss ''' - Mechanical game, needs controls simulation.
== [ misc/magic10] ==
''' hotslot, magic102 and clone, mcolors, mcolorsa, suprpool ''' - Missing  dump of the internal ROM of the HD6473308cp10.
== [ misc/magicard] ==
''' belslots, hotslots, magicle, quingo ''' - Fail on I2C BUS ERROR - protection device missing.
''' bigdeal0 ''' - Locks with 68070 continually executing address error exception.
''' dallaspk ''' - Requires protection device (serial port ?).
''' magicard ''' -
''' kajotcrd ''' - Gets stuck during initialisation.
''' magicrd1a, magicrd1b, magicrd1d ''' -
''' magicrde, magicrdea ''' - Alarm when credit is added and credit is then cleared.
''' magicrdec ''' - Fails on "OUT OF RANGE ERROR".
''' magicrdj, magicrdja ''' - Fail on "ERROR IN SETTINGS".
''' simpbest ''' - Undumped MCU controls winning percentage.
== [ misc/magictg] ==
Preliminary driver, almost works.
== [ misc/malzak] ==
''' malzak, malzak2 ''' - Sprite collision detection doesn't fully work.

== [ kinst] ==
== [ misc/marywu] ==
''' kinst2k3, kinst2k4 ''' - Upgrade kits.

== [ kissproto] ==
== [ misc/matrix] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Game ROMs are encrypted (preliminary decryption to be checked), may require a missing boot device;

== [ koftball] ==
== [ misc/mcm70] ==
Incomplete protection simulation.
At power on need to press START to use;  missing cassette (x2) handling, MCP-132 printer/plotter device (Diablo HyType I) emulation, serial communications interface unit (terminal and modem ports).

== [ konamigv] ==
== [ misc/menghong] ==
''' btchamp, kdeadeye, tokimosh, tokimosp ''' - All games on this system suffer from a corner case involving audio track playback in the SCSI CD-ROM emulation.
HY04 protection needs simulation (controls tile RNG at very least and possibly colors). EEPROM isn't hooked up yet.

== [ konamigx] ==
== [ misc/microbox2] ==
''' ggreats2, opengolf, opengolf2, racinfrc, racinfrcu ''' - These games use a special ROZ layer generated by the "PSAC4" custom IC which appears to include a height map.
Missing WD2123 device (dual channel 8251A) implementation.

== [ konamim2] ==
== [ misc/miniboy7] ==
Preliminary driver, needs overall better emulation of the M2 system.
''' bejpoker, sminiboy ''' - Missing inputs: HOLD 1 and SMALL.

== [ kongambl] ==
== [ misc/mirderby] ==
Skeleton driver for mostly unknown hardware.
Preliminary sprites and scrolling.

== [ kopunch] ==
== [ misc/multfish] ==
''' crzmon2 and clones, rollfr_5 ''' - Not decrypted yet.

== [ ksys573] ==
== [ misc/multfish_boot] ==
Game suffer from incomplete PSX-based hardware emulation and some are missing emulation of the external digital sound and I/O board.
''' igromult, igromula ''' - GFX ROMs aren't dumped.

== [ kungfur] ==
== [ misc/neoprint] ==
Missing inputs and lamps.
Needs implementation of the remaining video features and sound interface. Inputs are bare bones and need extra work. Needs simulation of the printer/camera devices, lamps. Upd4990a returns 4 years less than expected.

== [ laserbas] ==
== [ misc/nibble] ==
Jaleco-like protection device.
Skeleton-ish. Unidentified CPU (possibly TMS9900).

== [ laserbat] ==
== [ misc/norautp] ==
''' catnmousa ''' - Bad dump.
''' bjpoker, kimblz80, pma ''' -  

== [ legionna] ==
''' dphl, dphla, dphljp, drhl, drhla, gtipoker, kimbldhl, newhilop, smshilo, ssjkrpkr ''' - Missing interrupts for I8080 CPU.
Complex Seibu 'COP' protection device. Work has been done and some games are nearing playable state.

== [ leland] ==
''' fastdrwp, dphlunka, dphlunkb ''' - Hardware unknown.
''' aafbb ''' - One of the program roms is a bad dump.

== [ lgp] ==
''' noraut3a, noraut3b ''' - Incomplete inputs / some strange behaviour.
Laserdisc game.  Has a small list of TODO items that could be looked at prior to a disc dump.

== [ littlerb] ==
''' norautu, unkljfpk ''' - Encrypted.
Annoying VDP-like chip controlling access to video devices.  Commands not fully understood, correct readback of data just as important as writes as addresses etc. are stored and it affects future writes.  Runs through attract mode with bad graphics, but no guarantees are made that the sprite-list it's currently processing is in the right format, or the right place as everything is written through the 'VDP' device.

== [ ltcasino] ==
''' norautua, norautub ''' - Decryption incomplete. They run but have strange behaviour.
''' ltcasinn ''' - Missing inputs.

== [ ltd] ==
''' tpoker2 ''' - Missing 68705 MCU dump / simulation.
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.

== [ lucky74] ==
== [ misc/notechan] ==
''' lucky74a ''' -  The program ROM seems incomplete or encrypted in some smart way.
Very preliminary driver. Screenless system. Z80 + M6295 based.

== [ m10] ==
== [ misc/nsmpoker] ==
''' andromed, greenber, ipminvad1 ''' - Incomplete dumps.
Preliminary driver.

== [ m52] ==
== [ misc/oneshot] ==
''' alpha1v ''' -
''' maddonnab ''' - No program ROMs on this set.  GFX have misplaced tiles when used with other program ROMs, so this is a different license / revision.

== [ m72] ==
== [ misc/pasha2] ==
''' lohtb ''' - The bootleg hardware is different to the original hardware.
''' zdrum ''' - Coins don't work, inputs incomplete, seems to trip some unimplemented / buggy behaviour of the Hyperstone core. Also needs hard disk dump and MP3 board emulation.

== [ m92] ==
== [ misc/piggypass] ==
''' ppan ''' - Bootleg on different hardware.
Redemption games. Mechanical.

== [ m107] ==
== [ misc/pntnpuzl] ==
''' kftgoal, wpksoc ''' - Missing EEPROM hook-up.

== [ macs] ==
== [ misc/poker72] ==
''' macsbios ''' -
Doesn't get in game, only test screens seem to work.

''' mac2bios ''' -
== [ misc/quizpun2] ==
''' quizpun, quizpun2 ''' - Protection MCUs have been dumped and hooked up, but the driver still needs some work.

''' kisekaem ''' -
== [ misc/rfslots8085] ==
''' bformula2 ''' - Bad dump.

''' kisekaeh ''' -
== [ misc/rfslotsmcs48] ==
''' ajofrin, babyfrts25 ''' - Bad dumps.

''' cultname ''' -
== [ misc/rgum] ==
Stuck at the play screen with 'attendere' (wait) message after coining up.

== [ magic10] ==
== [ misc/sanremo] ==
''' hotslot, magic102, mcolors suprpool ''' - Missing  dump of the internal rom of the HD6473308cp10.
''' roadstar ''' - Possibly different I/O map.

== [ magicard] ==
== [ misc/sfbonus] ==
Missing emulation of the Philips CD-i system.
''' amclink ''' - "Game" function unknown.

== [ magictg] ==
''' version4 and clones''' - Incomplete dumps.
Skeleton driver. Bad dump?

== [ magtouch] ==
== [ misc/skeetsht] ==
Preliminary driver.
Preliminary driver.

== [ malzak] ==
== [ misc/skylncr] ==
''' malzak, malzak2 ''' - Sprite collision detection doesn't fully work.
''' bdream97 ''' - The inputs tend to act out of control at many times. This may have to do with the large number of unknown reads and writes to an I/O port at $66.
''' blshark ''' - Protected or maybe incomplete decryption.
''' miaction, tigerslt ''' - Preliminary emulation.
''' olymp, speedway ''' - Decryption probably incomplete.
''' seadevil ''' - Needs correct GFX ROM loading / decoding.
''' score5, spcliner ''' - Palette doesn't work, so MAME only shows a black screen, even while you can hear the game running.
''' sonikfig ''' - Once coined, there's no way to start a game.
''' speedwaya ''' - Decryption should be good but it doesn't boot.
== [ misc/smsmcorp] ==
''' trvhanga ''' - Missing questions ROMs.
== [ misc/ssingles] ==
''' atamanot ''' - Needs a trojan, in order to understand how the protection really works.
== [ misc/statriv2] ==
''' cs1_ssp and later versions ''' - Laserdisc games in need of laserdisc dump.
''' nsupertr3 ''' - Some questions don't display correctly.
''' quaquiz2 ''' - No inputs, needs nvram.
''' bbchall, statriv5se, supertr ''' - Questions' ROMs aren't dumped.

== [ maygay1b] ==
== [ misc/su2000] ==
Mechanical game imported from AGEMAME.
Preliminary driver.

== [ maygayv1] ==
== [ misc/summit] ==
Needs inputs, prom decode, sound, artwork (lamps), probably some irq masking and the like.

== [ mazerbla] ==
== [ misc/tecnodar] ==
Uses a custom video controller which isn't fully understood.  Mazer Blazer appears to use an MM54104 'Digitalker' speech IC, however, the two speech ROMs are undumped.
Darts game. Mechanical part isn't simulated.

== [ mcr] ==
== [ misc/tmspoker] ==
''' nflfoot ''' - CED-based disk game. Has gory Z80-based serial I/O interface that is not understood. The CED player interface is undocumented. A poor quality rip exists of the video (probably the best we will get). There is a second CED disk with different teams playing which we do not have access to.
Preliminary driver.

== [ mediagx] ==
== [ misc/triplex] ==
Mainly just need the inputs hooked up, which are mapped to the parallel port via a JAMMA interface
Missing OMTI 5200 controller board emulation (floppy) and needs dump of the keyboard MCU and implementation of the full keyboard, with mouse.

== [ megasys1] ==
== [ misc/triton] ==
''' edfbl, monkelf ''' - Bootleg on different hardware.
Cassette interface isn't emulated.

== [ megatech] ==
== [ misc/trucocl] ==
Incorrect behavior at time out and there are some sms based games which aren't yet fully supported.
You can't coin-up after first game over.

== [ mephisto] ==
== [ misc/unkpoker] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
I8085 based. Gets stuck if a coin isn't inserted at boot.

== [ merit] ==
== [ misc/vamphalf] ==
''' dodge ''' - Incomplete dump.
''' misncrft and clone, worldadv ''' - They start to stall for several seconds at a time after they've been running for a certain amount of time

== [ meritm] ==
''' mrkickera ''' - If you allow EEPROM saving, then this set corrupts the EEPROM and then won't boot.
''' megat5a ''' - Bad dump.

== [ meritm] ==
''' yorijori ''' - Currently needs a ROM patch to work.
Skeleton driver. Extremely complex prototype hardware.

== [ metro] ==
== [ misc/vcombat] ==
''' puzzlet ''' - An unknown unemulated chip (probably a PIC) provides protection.
Partially working driver.  Most of the memory maps for all four CPUs are complete.

== [ micropin] ==
== [ misc/videosaa] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
''' jokrlady, paradar, scratch, toureiff, winner ''' - Undumped main CPU ROM.

== [ midqslvr] ==
== [ misc/vlc] ==
Skeleton driver. PC hardware.
Video section isn't emulated. Also needs security PAL U35 decoding, In/Out interface Board communication (included mechanical METER + some switch Door open, etc..), JCM Bill acceptor communication (probably ID-003 protocol), printer communication (Star Printer ).

== [ midvunit] ==
== [ misc/vocalizer] ==
''' offroadc ''' - some calculation bug in the TMS32031 (I suspect) causes the clip plane to clip out a number of close polygons, most importantly your truck. As-is, the game is sort of playable, if you like some extra challenge.
Extensive TODO at the top of the driver.

== [ midzeus] ==
== [ misc/voyager] ==
''' crusnexo, thegrid and clones ''' - These Zeus II-based games use a proprietary 3D graphics chip that has no available documentation.
PC hardware. Preliminary driver.

''' mk4b ''' - Early revision probably working on early revision hardware.
== [ misc/vpoker] ==
Needs 6840PTM hook-up, I/Os and sound emulation.

== [ miniboy7] ==
== [ misc/wildpkr] ==
Bad dumps, pretty much no information available other than the dump, missing color prom.
Preliminary driver. Needs memory map improvements, ACRTC support, GFX decode and sound support.

== [ missile] ==
== [ misc/xtom3d] ==
''' mcombat, mcombata ''' - Bootlegs on different hardware.
PC based (Celeron + 3DFX). Very preliminary.

== [ mitchell] ==
== [ mit/tx0] ==
''' pkladiesbl ''' - Needs CPU "decrytpion" / ordering.

== [ mlanding] ==
== [ mits/altair] ==
Almost working. Needs better communications, among other minor improvements.
Preliminary driver.

== [ model1] ==
== [ mits/mits680b] ==
''' swa, wingwar, wingwara ''' - Guesswork incomplete on the math copro dsp functions and program impossible to dump.
Skeleton-ish. M6800 based.

== [ model2] ==
== [ mitsubishi/multi16] ==
Implementation of the 3D systems is either guesswork (Model 2, 2A) or incomplete (Model 2B, 2C).

== [ model3] ==
== [ mitsubishi/multi8] ==
Driver is still preliminary. Most games boot and show something.

== [ monzagp] ==
== [ modelracing/subhuntr] ==
Preliminary driver. Possibly missing a rom.
s2650 based. Driver is skeleton-ish.

== [ moo] ==
== [ morrow/microdec] ==
''' moobl ''' - Bootleg on different hardware.
Floppy doesn't work and timer chip isn't hooked up.

== [ mpu4] ==
== [ morrow/mpz80] ==
Mechanical games imported from AGEMAME.

== [ mpu4drvr] ==
== [ morrow/tricep] ==
The TODO in the driver mentions: Correctly implement characteriser protection for each game. Fix meter sense error when coining up in Team Challenge - different cabinet. Improve AVDC implementation, adding split-screen interrupts (needed for mid-screen palette changes). Hook up OKIM6376 sound in The Mating Game. Get the BwB games running - They have a slightly different 68k memory map. The 6850 is at e00000 and the 6840 is at e01000. Find out what causes the games to reset in service mode (see jump taken at CPU1:c8e8).
Preliminary driver. MC68451 MMU isn't emulated.

== [ mpu5] ==
== [ motorola/m6805evs] ==
Skeleton driver.
Skeleton driver.

== [ mquake] ==
== [ motorola/mvme162] ==
A complete mystery. The existing dumps are 100% confirmed. Test mode works. All remaining code is heavily encrypted. Even the original author the game doesn't recall any encryption, but it is definitely there. It is not done in software; all unencrypted code has been accounted for.
M68040 based. Extensive TODO at the top of the driver.
== [ msx/msx2] ==
''' fsa1fm '' - Modem not emulated, firmware partially working.
''' hbg900p and clones ''' - RS232 not communicating.
''' hx23f and clones ''' - Firmware goes into an infinite loop on the title screen.
''' hx33 ''' - Half the pixels are missing in the firmware?
''' mbh70 ''' - How to enter/use the firmware?

== [ mrgame] ==
''' mpc27 ''' - Light pen not emulated.
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.

== [ ms32] ==
''' nms8260 ''' -  
''' f1superb ''' - The road is always rendered as straight. The game has a road layer and extra roms for it. There is an unknown maths DSP for protection.

== [ namcops2] ==
''' victhc95 and clones ''' - 2nd cpu/turbo not emulated, firmware won't start.
Skeleton driver. PlayStation2 hardware.

== [ namcos10] ==
''' y503iiir and clones, y805128r2, y805128r2e ''' - Network not implemented.
Incomplete dumps.  Hardware has very strange protection.

== [ namcos11] ==
''' y805128, y805256 ''' - Floppy support broken.
''' souledgea, souledge1, souledge1j ''' - Random draw list corruption.

== [ namcos12] ==
== [ msx/msx2p] ==
''' kaiunqz ''' - DMA problems.
''' expert3i, expert3t, expertac, expertdx ''' - Some hardware not emulated.

''' mdhorse ''' - DMA problems.
== [ msx/msxtr] ==
sfg extensions may not work due to irq callbacks being registered with the Z80 only; v9958 commands seem to execute too fast (several software items hang because of this); midi interface operation on fsa1gt needs verifying, needs implementation of DAC/PCM related hardware/filter and hook up to the S1990; microphone input is missing-

''' tektagtb, tektagtc ''' - Incomplete dump.

''' sws2000 ''' - DMA problems.
== [ multitech/mkit09] ==

''' sws2001 ''' - DMA problems.
== [ multitech/mpf1] ==
''' cs113 '''

== [ namcos21] ==
== [ mupid/mdisk] ==
It boots from floppy, so presumably only needs an emulated main system to work.
== [ mupid/mupid2] ==
Skeletonish. Z80 based.
== [ nakajima/nakajies] ==
Banking not fully understood, keyboard communications are partially hacked and misses PCMCIA slot.
== [ namco/20pacgal] ==
''' 25pacman ''' - Newer set on slightly different hardware.
== [ namco/cswat] ==
The game utilizes a projector. Can it be simulated with external artwork? Interrupts need to be improved.
== [ namco/gal3] ==
In need of laserdisc dump. Skeleton driver.
== [ namco/namcona1] ==
''' bbbingo, bbbingot, zelos, zelost ''' - Medal games with main - satellites setup. Communications need emulating.
== [ namco/namcond1] ==
''' gynotai ''' - Ball sensors aren't understood.
== [ namco/namcos10] ==
''' ballpom, ippo2, keroro, medalnt and clone, medalnt2, nflclsfb, puzzball and clone, sekaikh, sugorotc ''' - Need additional I/Os emulated.
''' gegemdb, kd2001, slotouji ''' - Not decrypted yet.
''' pacmball, sekaikha ''' - Bad dumps.
''' taiko2, taiko3, taiko4, taiko5, taiko6, taikort ''' - Small timing issues.
== [ namco/namcos11] ==
''' fambowl ''' - Needs additional I/O board emulation.
== [ namco/namcos12] ==
''' sws2000, sws2001 ''' - DMA problems.
''' tektagtjb, tektagtja ''' - Bad / incomplete dumps.
== [ namco/namcos21_c67] ==
''' aircombj, aircombu ''' - No polygons displayed.
''' aircombj, aircombu ''' - No polygons displayed.

''' cybsled and clone, solvalou ''' - They crash.
== [ namco/namcos21_de] ==
''' driveyes ''' - Uses 3 screens with dedicated board for each.
''' driveyes ''' - Uses 3 screens with dedicated board for each.

''' winrun, winrun91 ''' - System 21 prototype hardware. Mostly work.
== [ namco/namcos22] ==
''' dirtdash ''' - Bad dump.
''' ridgeracf ''' - Incomplete dump. Very different version.
== [ namco/namcos23] ==
Many aspects of the hardware are not completely understood.
== [ namco/sweetland] ==
Screenless crane machine. Mechanical parts aren't emulated.
== [ nasco/crgolf] ==
''' mastrglf ''' - There's a custom CPU box, main cpu banking and communications with sub cpu aren't understood. Possibly protected.
== [ nasco/suprgolf] ==
''' albatross''' - Missing GFX ROMs dumps.
== [ natsemi/icm3216] ==
Missing configurable ram size (1M, 2M, 4M, 8M), iop and scsi, cpu timing and minibus.
== [ natsemi/sys16] ==
Fails some diagnostic tests. Needs implementing of gpib, printer ports, sio/disk/tape boards.
== [ ncd/ncd68k] ==
Preliminary driver. MC68020 based.
== [ ncd/ncdmips] ==
Preliminary driver. MIPS based.
== [ ncd/ncdppc] ==
Preliminary driver. Power PC based.
== [ nec/apc] ==
Several major features still unimplemented, available software doesn't make use of them.
== [ nec/bungo] ==
Dump is incomplete and components are guessed as there's no documentation.
== [ nec/pc100] ==
== [ nec/pc6001] ==
Undumped MCU dump (i8049, controls tape and keyboard). We currently hack tape loading to directly inject contents directly into RAM, would be hairy to support without the actual dump.
Needs daisy chain support for all connected devices that can send an irq event, emulation suffers from irq miscatches especially from keyboard and timer.
FDC is unemulated (unknown part #), it also diverges between pc6001 and pc6601.
Video chip is a M5C6847P-1, a derivative of MC6847, later '''pc6001mk2''' uses a(n unknown part #) superset with black instead of green as typical background pen and a new "Mode 5" gfx, which can do nasty mid-scanline effects (cfr. Tiny Xevious Mk 2, where it draws score display portion with different mode than gameplay).  

== [ namcos22] ==
'''pc6001mk2''' also has a μpd7552 voice chip, unemulated (cfr. Chrith Ai no Tabidachi / クリス 愛の旅立ち intro)
''' airco22b ''' - boots but missing sprite clear DMA?

''' alpin2ra ''' - issues with step lock.
'''pc6001sr''' is yet again a superset of the older HWs, no way to surpass the initial PC-6001MK2SR World screen (again irq misfire off the bat?).

''' cybrcomm ''' -
== [ nec/pc8001] ==
Very preliminary emulation. Big TODO at the top of the driver.

''' ridgera2 and clones''' - They POST but don't start.
== [ nec/pc8401a] ==

''' tokyowar ''' - missing sprite clear DMA? Or protection?
== [ nec/pc8801] ==

== [ namcos23] ==
== [ nec/pc88va] ==
Many aspects of the hardware are not completely understood.
'''pc88va''' jumps off the weeds with two bogus opcodes (noted in source)
'''pc88va2''' no SW loads up due of missing μpd71071 DMA demand mode (required by the FDC device).
Unemulated plain PC8801 compatibility mode.
== [ nec/pc9801] ==
Extensive TODO list on top of driver.
== [ nec/pc9801_epson] ==
Extensive TODO list on top of driver.
== [ nec/pc9821] ==
Extensive TODO list on top of driver.
== [ nec/pc98ha] ==
Extensive TODO list on top of driver.
== [ nec/pcfx] ==
Needs front panel and storager emulation. Currently there's no disk controller, so only possible to boot into the monitor.
== [ nec/tk80bs] ==
== [ neogeo/neogeo] ==
''' kog ''' - Bootleg with different protection.
''' mvstemp ''' - Development board. Unemulated.
''' sbp ''' - Possibly protected.
''' stakwindev ''' - Development board. Has battery-backed SRAMs for some of the program, which makes it likely impossible to emulate as the content of the SRAMs is lost due to dead battery.
== [ neogeo/neogeocd] ==
== [ next/next] ==
== [ nichibutsu/cclimber] ==
''' bagmanf ''' - Bootleg on different hardware.
== [ nichibutsu/galivan] ==
''' youmab, youmab2 ''' - Weird bootlegs, they have logic issues (always invincible, power ups can be freely selected).
== [ nichibutsu/hrdvd] ==
Implementation of DVD routing and YUV decoding is missing. MPEG chip is only stubbed for now.

== [ naomi] ==
''' csplayh1 ''' - runs on Super CD HW, Inputs don't work at all, slower than the others too.
Most games show something and some are playable, but emulation is still incomplete.

== [ nbmj8688] ==
== [ nichibutsu/nbmj8688] ==
''' nightlov ''' - Input problems.
''' nightlov ''' - Input problems.

== [ nbmj8891] ==
== [ nichibutsu/nbmj8891] ==
''' hnageman, hnxmasev ''' - Missing VHS dump.
''' hnageman, hnxmasev ''' - Missing VHS dump.

== [ nbmj8991] ==
== [ nichibutsu/nbmj8991] ==
''' av2mj1bb, av2mj2rg ''' - Missing VHS dump.
''' av2mj1bb, av2mj2rg ''' - Missing VHS dump.

== [ neodrvr] ==
== [ nichibutsu/nichild] ==
''' kog ''' - Bootleg with different protection.
''' ldquiz4, shabdama ''' - Miss laserdisc dumps. Preliminary driver.
== [ nichibutsu/nightgal] ==
''' sexygal, sgaltrop, sweetgal ''' - Missing protection simulation.
== [ nintendo/aleck64] ==
'''mtetrisc''' - Uses additional 2d sprite overlay for tetrominoes gfxs, mostly working minus gfx decoding itself.
== [ nintendo/cham24] ==
Missing coins and timer due to unemulated Amtel MCU.
== [ nintendo/dkong] ==
''' dkongjrc, dkongddk ''' - Graphic ROMs not switched.
== [ nintendo/gb] ==
''' mduckspa ''' - Clone with some differences.
== [ nintendo/gba] ==
''' robotech ''' - Single game reissue of "Robotech - The Macross Saga (Euro, USA)" on the GBA but with double sized ROM (BIOS replacement in first half?) and other mods.  It is unclear how compatible this is with standard hardware.
== [ nintendo/n64] ==
== [ nintendo/n64_gateway] ==
Actual LodgeNet system is not emulated, so the extra controller buttons and other system functions are not implemented.
== [ nintendo/nds] ==
Driver is preliminary. Currently WIP.

''' ms5pcb ''' - Missing program ROMs dump.
== [ nintendo/nes] ==
''' drpcjr, sb486 ''' - Missing mice, keyboard and floppy drive support.

== [ neoprint] ==
''' fctitler ''' - Misses emulation of the switch that selects which boots: builtin vs cart.
Needs implementation of the remaining video features and sound interface.  Inputs are bare bones and need extra work. Needs simulation of the printer/camera devices, lamps. Upd4990a returns 4 years less than expected.

== [ neptunp2] ==
== [ nintendo/nes_arcade_bl] ==
Skeleton driver. Missing GFX ROMs dump.
Z80 for timer and maybe coinage isn't implemented.

== [ nightgal] ==
== [ nintendo/nes_clone] ==
''' ngalsumr, sexygal, sweetgal ''' - Missing protection simulation.
Differences from the original hardware aren't emulated yet.

== [ norautp] ==
== [ nintendo/nes_m82] ==
''' dphl, dphla, dphljp, drhl, gtipoker, kimbldhl, smshilo ''' - Missing interrupts for I8080 CPU.
Supports up to twelve cartridge slots, currently unimplemented.

''' bjpoker, kimblz80, noraut3a, noraut3b, norautu, norautua, norautub, pma ''' -
== [ nintendo/nes_sh6578] ==
Enhanced SH6578 NES clone hardware. Differences not emulated yet.

''' fastdrwp, dphlunka, dphlunkb ''' - Hardware unknown.
== [ nintendo/nes_vt02_vt03] ==
''' ablping, cbrs8, mc_105te, megapad, protpp, rfcp168, senwld, vdogdeme, vdogdemo, vtboxing, vtpinball ''' - These NES clones have modified hardware. Differences aren't fully implemented yet, causing these games not to work properly.

''' tpoker2 ''' - Missing 68705 MCU dump / simulation.
== [ nintendo/nes_vt09] ==
''' rbbrite ''' - Possibly different hardware (VT369?).

== [ nsm] ==
== [ nintendo/nes_vt32] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
''' dgun13201, dgun13202 ''' - These NES clones have modified hardware. Differences aren't fully implemented yet, causing these games not to work properly.

== [ nsmpoker] ==
== [ nintendo/nes_vt369_vtunknown] ==
Preliminary driver.
These NES clones have modified hardware. Differences aren't fully implemented yet, causing these games not to work properly.

== [ nss] ==
== [ nintendo/nss] ==
Menu system is only partially understood.
Menu system is only partially understood.

== [ nwk-tr] ==
== [ nintendo/sfcbox] ==
Driver is still in preliminary status.
Preliminary driver. SNES based.
== [ nintendo/snesb] ==
''' ffight3b ''' - Protection patched out for now, should be emulated.
== [ nintendo/vboy] ==
== [ nintendo/vt_unknown] ==
Unidentified main CPU. Dump might be bad.
== [ nintendo/vt1682] ==
''' gm235upc ''' - Needs IO ports on sound CPU side and write access to space for RAM.
''' intg5410 ''' - Controls not hooked up and sometimes it crashes on game change.
''' lxts3, njp60in1, unk1682 ''' - Random number generator broken, missing line scroll mode emulation.
''' wowwg ''' - Needs high colour line mode for main menu.
== [ nix/fitfight] ==
''' hotmindff ''' - Scrolling offsets + inputs need to be fixed.
== [ nmk/nmk16] ==
''' firehawkv ''' - Incomplete dump.
''' powerinsc ''' - Sprites are in a different format which hasn't been decoded yet.
''' tdragonb2 ''' - Runs too fast. Probably IRQs related.
== [ nokia/dbox] ==
Needs GALs dump / decoding, debug terminal and demuxer work.
== [ nokia/mikromikko2] ==
Computer. 80186 based.
== [ northstar/horizon] ==
== [ olivetti/m20] ==
Needs a proper Z8001 CPU core.
== [ olivetti/m24] ==
== [ olivetti/olivpc1] ==
Keyboard not working yet.
== [ olympia/monzagp] ==
Preliminary driver. Possibly missing a ROM.
== [ olympia/portrait] ==
Lots of GFX problems.
== [ olympia/vega] ==
Controls aren't correctly hooked up and objects aren't properly positioned.
== [ olympiaint/olyboss] ==
Not all programs work. Some floppy problems.
== [ olympiaint/olytext] ==
Skeletonish. Z80 based.
== [ olympiaint/peoplepc] ==
== [ omnibyte/msbc1] ==
== [ orca/zodiack] ==
''' bounty2 ''' - Different memory map. Probably something in the epoxy module marked "CPU PACKII".
== [ osborne/osbexec] ==
== [ osi/osi] ==
''' c1pmf ''' -

== [ nycaptor] ==
== [ pacman/pacman] ==
''' cyclshtg ''' - Missing (protection?) MCU dump.
''' sprglobp2 ''' - Encryption not figured out yet.
== [ pacman/schick] ==
Hack of Pengo. It has been decrypted but there is some additional protection.
== [ palm/palm] ==
Newer models' differences aren't emulated yet.
== [ pc/asst128] ==
A ROM isn't dumped.
== [ pc/at] ==
Assorted PC-AT clones. Only preliminary emulation.
== [ pc/atpci] ==
Pentium and PCI emulation still preliminary.
== [ pc/calchase] ==
''' calchase ''' - Has mangled Win 98 dump (need to type boot at DOS prompt), in-game sports some video bugs, inputs are sketchy and no steering is implemented.
''' hostinv ''' - "DISK BOOT FAILURE", trying to save BIOS settings causes black screen (shadow RAM issue), disk dump itself doesn't seem ISO 9660 complaint (protection?)
== [ pc/champ2] ==
Jumps in unpopulated RAM area as soon as it banks (PC=ca029 -> 0000:36AF), area may be multibanked instead.
== [ pc/compc] ==
Preliminary driver. I8088 based. Boots with a timer2 error.
== [ pc/dawg] ==
Fails CPUID, actual Southbridge model unemulated.
== [ pc/ec184x] ==
''' ec1845 ''' - Differences to the other models aren't emulated yet.
== [ pc/europc] ==
== [ pc/ibmpc] ==
''' ibm5140 ''' - It doesn't boot.
== [ pc/ibmpcjr] ==
''' ibmpcjx ''' - Dump is incomplete.

== [ oneshot] ==
== [ pc/iskr103x] ==
''' maddonnb ''' - No program roms on this set.  GFX have misplaced tiles when used with other program roms, so this is a different license / revision.  
''' iskr1030 ''' - Keyboard test doesn't pass.

== [ overdriv] ==
== [ pc/mc1502] ==
Driver has heavy graphic problems. Missing road (two unemulated K053250).
''' pk88 ''' - Missing video and keyboard emulation.

== [ pangofun] ==
== [ pc/pangofun] ==
''' pangofun ''' - PC based hardware, possibly bad / incomplete dump.  
''' pangofun ''' - PC based hardware, possibly bad / incomplete dump.  

== [ panicr] ==
== [ pc/pc] ==
Capable of reading back the background layout ROMs for collision, readback method isn't properly understood, so the game doesn't play correctly.
Generic driver for ibm5150 derived PCs. Most machines' specific details haven't been implemented yet.

== [ paranoia] ==
== [ pc/pcat_dyn] ==
''' toursol1 ''' - Protection check hasn't been patched out, like it has in the parent.
== [ pc/pcat_nit] ==
''' streetg and clones ''' - PC hardware emulation is still incomplete.
== [ pc/przone] ==
Correct motherboard / BIOS hasn't been identified yet, mouse is currently hooked up instead of trackball. Printer error B0 keeps popping in attract/game select.
== [ pc/ps2] ==
== [ pc/sis630] ==
Preliminary driver. Big TODO on top of file.
== [ pc/teradrive] ==
Half PC, half megadrive. Missing the whole megadrive part.
== [ pce/ggconnie] ==
Hardware is PC-Engine Supergrafx based. RTC & hopper not emulated.
== [ pce/paranoia] ==
Jamma interface is not emulated.
Jamma interface is not emulated.

== [ pcat_dyn] ==
== [ pce/tourvis] ==
PC hardware. Gets stuck on 640K DRAM banking, beeps endlessly once it gets to memory test.
Lacks complete jamma interface emulation.
== [ philips/cdi] ==
General CDI emulation suffers from incomplete simulation of the SLAVE and CDIC MCUs.
''' quizardff ''' - Misses MCU dump.
== [ philips/vg5k] ==
1200 bauds cassette doesn't work.
== [ philips/yes] ==
Very preliminary driver. HD6845 drawing not implemented.
== [ phoenix/phoenix] ==
''' fenix ''' - Bootleg, to be checked closer. Dump is incomplete.
''' griffono ''' - Hangs during attract mode or after coining up.
== [ pinball/allied] ==
Pinball games. Emulation is (almost) complete, but the missing simulation of the tables makes them unplayable.
== [ pinball/by17] ==
Pinball games. Emulation is (almost) complete, but the missing simulation of the tables makes them unplayable.
== [ pinball/by35] ==
Pinball hardware. Not playable without mechanical part simulation.

== [ pcat_nit] ==
== [ pinball/gp_1] ==
PC hardware.
Pinball games. Emulation is (almost) complete, but the missing simulation of the tables makes them unplayable.

== [ pcxt] ==
== [ pinball/gts1] ==
''' tetriskr ''' - Corrupt game graphics after some time of gameplay, caused by a wrong reading of the i/o $3c8 bit 1.
Pinball games. Emulation is (almost) complete, but the missing simulation of the tables makes them unplayable.

== [ peyper] ==
== [ pinball/icecold] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Mechanical arcade games which need simulation of the mechanical part to be playable.

== [ pgm] ==
== [ pinball/missamer] ==
''' drgw2, drgw2j, olds, olds100, olds100a ''' - Somewhat playable, but protection simulation isn't perfect yet.
Mainly there's no ball physics simulation.

''' drgw3 and clones ''' - DMA protection device non correctly emulated.
== [ pinball/recel] ==
Pinball games. Preliminary, and the missing simulation of the tables makes them unplayable.

''' ddp2 and clones, dmnfrnt, dmnfrnta, dw2001, kov, kov115, kovj, kovplus, kovplusa, kov2p, kov2p205, kovlsjb, kovlsjba, kovlsqh2, kovshp, oldsplus, puzlstar, puzzli2, py2k2, svg, theglad, theglada ''' - Need internal rom of IGS027A.
== [ playmark/sderby] ==
''' croupier and clones, magictch, tropfrt ''' - Protection MCU handles win rates etc.  Correct win behavior is critical to this gambling games functioning as expected, so simulation probably doesn't make sense.

''' orleg2 ''' - Runs on pgm2 hardware.
== [ poly88/poly88] ==

== [ phoenix] ==
== [ positron/positron] ==
''' fenix ''' - Bootleg, to be checked closer. Dump is incomplete.
Computer. MC6809 based. Emulation is very incomplete due to missing info.
== [ psikyo/psikyosh] ==
''' s1945iiibl,s1945iiibla ''' - Sprites only show up if launched with -debug.
== [ psion/psion] ==
''' psion1 ''' - Peculiarities of this model aren't emulated.
== [ psion/psion3] ==
Needs emulation of battery backed RAM.
== [ psion/psion3a] ==
Needs emulation of battery backed RAM, sound devices, serial ports and fixing of RAM detection for 3mx.
== [ psion/siena] ==
Needs emulation of battery backed RAM.
== [ psion/workabout] ==
Needs emulation of battery backed RAM.
== [ quantel/dpb7000] ==
Disk Sequencer Card emulation is preliminary.
== [ qume/qvt70] ==
Preliminary emulation. No inputs.

== [ photoply] ==
== [ regnecentralen/rc702] ==
PC hardware. Possible CPU core bugs.
Needs floppy emulation to be able to test and emulate more features.

== [ pinkiri8] ==
== [ regnecentralen/rc759] ==
Current blocker is the video emulation i/o ports, it looks somewhat exotic.
Needs better I82730 emulation.

== [ play_1] ==
== [ robotron/a5105] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
There's a hang while scrolling and cassette loading (bit 7 of port 91) needs work.

== [ play_2] ==
== [ robotron/a51xx] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Skeleton driver. 65C816 based.

== [ play_3] ==
== [ robotron/a7150] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Needs MMS16 (Multibus clone) and slot devices emulation, native keyboard and more work on the  A7100 model.

== [ play_5] ==
== [ robotron/k1003] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Skeleton driver. I8008 based. Keyboard isn't emulated.

== [ plygonet] ==
== [ robotron/k8915] ==
Dsp56k CPU emulation needs to be completed. Network interface needs to be worked out.
Skeleton driver. Z80 based. Chargen ROM isn't dumped.

== [ pntnpuzl] ==
== [ robotron/rt1715] ==

== [ poker72] ==
== [ robotron/z1013] ==
Preliminary driver for an unknown poker game.
''' z1013k69, z1013k76, z1013s60 ''' - Hardware differences aren't emulated yet.

== [ progolf] ==
== [ robotron/z9001] ==
''' progolfa ''' -

== [ psattack] ==
== [ rockwell/aim65_40] ==
Skeleton driver.
Skeleton driver.

== [ psychic5] ==
== [ roland/roland_cm32p] ==
''' bombsa ''' - Bad dump.
Synth. Sound isn't emulated yet.
== [ roland/roland_d10] ==
Expander. Sound isn't emulated yet.
== [ roland/roland_d50] ==
Skeletonish. Synthesizer. UPD78312 based.
== [ roland/roland_d70] ==
== [ roland/roland_mt32] ==
Skeletonish. Expander. P8098 based.

== [ quakeat] ==
== [ roland/roland_pr100] ==
Unknown PC hardware.
MIDI sequencer. Needs emulation of the gate arrays.

== [ queen] ==
== [ roland/roland_sc55] ==
Unknown PC hardware.
Skeletonish. Expander. P8098 based.

== [ quizpun2] ==
== [ roland/roland_sc55mk2] ==
It uses an unknown DIP40 device for protection, that supplies the address to jump to (same as mosaic.c) and handles the EEPROM.
First off it needs a H8/500 series CPU core.

== [ r2dx_v33] ==
== [ roland/roland_tb303] ==
''' nzerotea, r2dx_v33 ''' - Complex Seibu COP3 protection + banking (probably linked to the protection) + sprites incompletely decrypted.
Bass line. NEC_D650. Sound unemulated (discrete).

== [ raiden2] ==
== [ roland/roland_tr909] ==
''' raiden2, raidndx, zeroteam, xsedae and clones ''' - Complex Seibu COP2 protection + banking (probably linked to the protection) + sprites incompletely decrypted.
Drum machine. UPD7810. Sound unemulated.

== [ rbmk] ==
== [ rolm/r9751] ==
Possibly missing MCU dump.

== [ rcorsair] ==
== [ sage/sage2] ==
Undumped program roms in epoxy block.
Floppy loading doesn't work.

== [ redalert] ==
== [ sanyo/phc25] ==
''' demoneye ''' - Missing 3rd graphic layer making level 2 impossibleUnclear what the layer should show.
''' map1010 ''' - Tape control not implemented yet.
== [ sega/bingoc] ==
''' bingoc ''' - Needs to be connected to the terminals. Sound banking could be wrong.
== [ sega/chihiro] ==
X-BOX hardware emulation is still preliminary, but some games boot, albeit slowly.
== [ sega/coolridr] ==
''' aquastge ''' - coin pusher, some video bugs, never completes RAM test, some inputs aren't hooked up.
== [ sega/dc_atomiswave] ==
Most games show something and some are playable, but emulation is still incomplete.
== [ sega/dccons] ==
Dreamcast emulation is preliminary. Big TODO at the top of the driver, not extensively tested.
== [ sega/flashbeats] ==
Preliminary driver. H8/3007 based.
== [ sega/fwheel] ==
Communications with other boards aren't implemented yet, causing missing controls.
== [ sega/gpworld] ==
Laserdisc hardware. Works in theory, but is waiting for a good quality laserdisc dump.  Does have a small list of TODO items that could be looked at prior to a disc dump.
== [ sega/hikaru] ==
Skeleton driver.
== [ sega/hshavoc] ==
Genesis hardware, but uses a PIC to control state based encryptionAll the code that matches the Megadrive version has been decrypted, but the extra code (startup code, coins etc.) appears to have some annoying extra encryption.
== [ sega/kopunch] ==
Boxing bag game. Sensors aren't emulated, so it isn't "playable".
== [ sega/lindbergh] ==
Skeleton driver. Pentium 4 / Celeron based.

== [ rgum] ==
== [ sega/mdconsole] ==
Skeleton driver. There is a Big Black Box in the middle of the PCB (for encryption, or containing roms?).

== [ rowamet] ==
== [ sega/megadriv_acbl] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
''' bk3ssrmb ''' - The mechanism to switch between the 2 games hasn't been identified yet.

== [ royalmah] ==
''' jparkmb, twinktmb ''' - Undumped PIC controls at least coins and dips. Crude simulation causes problems in detecting coins.
''' cafebrk, cafedoll, jansou, mjvegas, ''' - Missing internal program rom.

''' janoh ''' - Incomplete dump.
''' sonic3mb ''' - Undumped PIC.

''' janoha ''' -  
''' srssf2mb ''' - Both games seem to expect starting in the 0xf00000 range.

''' mjsenka, mjsiyoub, mjyarou ''' -
== [ sega/megadriv_rad] ==
''' ra145 ''' - Bad dump.

''' mjtensin ''' - Random crashes, related to interrupts.
== [ sega/megadriv_sunplus_hybrid] ==
SunPlus side isn't hooked up.

== [ s11] ==
== [ sega/megadriv_vt_hybrid] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
VT side isn't hooked up.

== [ s11a] ==
== [ sega/megaplay] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
''' mp_bio ''' - Frequently softlocks after continue, usually on the 2nd stage.

== [ s11b] ==
''' mp_shnb3 ''' - Game softlocks if you coin during the intro sequence.
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.

== [ s11c] ==
== [ sega/megatech] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Incorrect behavior at time out and there are some sms based games which aren't yet fully supported.

== [ s3] ==
== [ sega/model1] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
''' netmerc ''' - Guesswork incomplete on the math copro dsp functions and program impossible to dump without decapping.

== [ s4] ==
''' vf ''' - Collision detection is broken due to imperfect TGP RAM port emulation or hookup.
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.

== [ s6] ==
== [ sega/model2] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Implementation of the 3D systems is either guesswork (Model 2, 2A) or incomplete (Model 2B, 2C).

== [ s6a] ==
''' hpyagu98 ''' - Stuck at boot with 'error #1' message.
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.

== [ s7] ==
''' rascot2 ''' - Probably part of a multiple unit setup (server, terminals, video boards).
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.

== [ s8] ==
== [ sega/model3] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Driver is still preliminary. Most games boot and show something.

== [ s9] ==
== [ sega/naomi] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Most games show something and some are playable, but emulation is still incomplete.

== [ sangho] ==
== [ sega/saturn] ==
''' pzlestar''' - MSX2 based hardware. Memory banking is wrong.

== [ savquest] ==
== [ sega/sderby2] ==
Skeleton driver.
The video CPUs are waiting for commands from another source. It is assumed that there is at least one other PCB (834-5526?) which drives the video PCBs and perhaps generates sound. The satellite PCB is emulated in sg1000a.cpp.

== [ sbugger] ==
== [ sega/sega_ferie] ==
''' sbugger ''' - Bad dump, different revision to working set.  
Inputs problems.

== [ scramble] ==
== [ sega/segaai] ==
''' conquer ''' - Bad dump.
Cassette isn't correctly implemented yet.

== [ sderby] ==
== [ sega/segaatom] ==
''' pmroulet ''' - Protection MCU handles win rates etc. Correct win behavior is critical to this gambling game functioning as expected, so simulation probably doesn't make sense.
Preliminary driver. H8S/2373 based.

== [ seattle] ==
== [ sega/segac2] ==
''' sfrushrk ''' - Won't go in-game. Don't know why. Hangs after selecting your car.
''' pclub, pclubj, pclubjv2, pclubjv4, pclubjv5 ''' - Need camera and printer handling.

== [ segac2] ==
== [ sega/segafruit] ==
''' pclubj, pclubjv2, pclubjv4, pclubjv5 ''' - Need camera and printer handling.
Decryption may still not be 100% correct yet.

== [ segag80r] ==
== [ sega/segag80r] ==
''' astrob1 ''' - Dies when you first start.
''' astrob1 ''' - Dies when you first start.

== [ segahang] ==
== [ sega/segahang] ==
''' endurob2 ''' - Bad dump.
''' endurob2 ''' - Bad dump.

== [ segald] ==
== [ sega/segald] ==
Laserdisc hardware.  Has a small list of TODO items that could be looked at prior to a disc dump.
Laserdisc hardware.  Has a small list of TODO items that could be looked at prior to a disc dump.

== [ segaorun] ==
== [ sega/segapico] ==
''' shangon1 ''' - Bad dump.

''' toutrun2 ''' - Missing decryption key.
== [ sega/segapm] ==
Skeleton driver. Sega 32X based.

== [ segas16a] ==
== [ sega/segas16b] ==
''' wb35, wbr35a ''' - Decryption key is bad.
''' fpointbla ''' - Bootleg with different memory map / registers. Misses bgfx and sprites aren't correctly aligned.

== [ segas16b] ==
''' dddoor, wfishing ''' - Needs correct inputs / outputs.
''' aceattac, altbeastj1, altbeastj2 ''' - Missing decryption key.

== [ segas18] ==
== [ sega/segas18] ==
''' pontoon ''' -
''' pontoon, pontoona ''' - Only the terminal is dumped. pontoona might be the main unit, but needs the FD1094 dumped.

== [ segas24] ==
== [ sega/segas24] ==
''' sspirtfc ''' - Missing floppy image.
''' sspirtfc ''' - Missing floppy image.

''' sgmast ''' - Missing decryption key.
== [ sega/segas32] ==
''' as1 ''' - Needs laserdisc dump and emulation.
== [ sega/segasm1] ==
''' bingpty, carboule ''' - Satellite boards. Need dump of the other boards.
''' blicks, tinkerbl ''' - Inputs (inserting a coin freezes some of the text on screen).
== [ sega/segasp] ==
Hardware is very similar to naomi, see naomi.cpp. Moreover it needs RFID device emulation.
== [ sega/segaxbd] ==
''' rascot ''' - Only the terminal is dumped.
== [ sega/segaybd] ==
''' pdrift and clones ''' - They lock up. TAS opcode related?
== [ sega/sg1000a] ==
''' sderbys ''' - Satellite board. The main board needs to be dumped. Only partially decrypted.
''' sderby2s ''' - Satellite board. The main board needs to be dumped. Also inputs aren't hooked up.
== [ sega/shtzone] ==
Gun doesn't work. Actual timer doesn't seem to match what's set by the dips.
== [ sega/sms_bootleg] ==
Missing timer, banking non totally implemented.
== [ sega/speedbsk] ==
''' speedbsk ''' - Mechanical, extensive TODO at the top of the driver.
== [ sega/stv] ==
'''  choroqhr ''' - One ROM is a bad dump.
''' decathlt, decathlto ''' - Run very slow and lots of GFX glitches.
''' dfeverg, fanzonem ''' - Require SH2's SCI serial port emulated, to communicate with coin/medal-related I/O board. dfeverg also is missing a ROM.
''' finlarch, smleague ''' - Randomly hang / crash. They work with a ridiculous MDRV_INTERLEAVE number, might need strict SH-2 synching.
''' magzun ''' - I/O errors.
''' nclubdis ''' - Unemulated security card.
''' nclubv3, pclub2 and clones, pclub3, pclubpok, stress ''' - Unemulated printer.
''' sackids ''' - Runs with a dedicated bios which isn't dumped.
''' sfish2, sfish2j ''' - CD handling broken.  Needs MPEG decoder.
''' twcup98, twsoc98 ''' - Some situations with the GK result in the game stalling.
''' vfremix ''' - Texture upload issues in some cases, see source.
''' yattrmnp ''' - Needs emulation of the medal game specific hardware.
== [ sega/svmu] ==

== [ segas32] ==
== [ sega/system16] ==
''' kokoroj2 ''' - Unemulated CD board.
''' bayrouteb1 ''' - Broken sprites (missing IRQ?).

''' f1lap ''' - Protection + Needs a minimum of 2 boards.  
''' altbeastbl, altbeastbl2, bayrouteb2, beautyb, bloxeedbl, dduxb1, eswatb1, fpointb1, fpointbj, goldnaxeb1, goldenaxeb2, iqpipe, passshtb, passht4b, shdancbla, shinobld, shinoblda, tturfb1, wb3bb1, wb3bble ''' - Bootlegs on different hardware.

== [ segaxbd] ==
''' timescanbl ''' - Encrypted.
''' gprider ''' - Program roms not dumped.

== [ seta] ==
== [ sega/timetrv] ==
''' timetrv2 ''' - Needs laserdisc dump for this ROM, which has different frame indexes from the parent.
== [ sega/vicdual] ==
''' carnivalca ''' - One of the program ROMs need a redump.
''' invho2a ''' - Bad colors (wrong for Invinco, all black for Head On 2) render the games unplayable. Multiple dump attempts of the color PROM have given the same result.
== [ seibu/airraid] ==
''' airraid, cshooter ''' - GFX ROMs in black 'blobs'.
== [ seibu/banprestoms] ==
Need emulation of the card printer / dispenser.
== [ seibu/deadang] ==
''' popnrun and clone ''' - GFX ROMs aren't dumped. They are inside an epoxy block, similar to the Air Raid one.
== [ seibu/legionna] ==
''' cupsoc and clones ''' - Complex Seibu 'COP' protection device. Most functions have been emulated, but glitches remain which makes games not completely playable.
== [ seibu/panicr] ==
Collision detection is broken.
== [ seibu/raiden_ms] ==
Bootleg on Modular System, heavily modified from the original. V30 based.
== [ seibu/raiden2] ==
''' zeroteam and clones, xsedae ''' - Complex Seibu COP2 protection + banking (probably linked to the protection).
== [ seibu/seibucats] ==
Needs DVD emulation first, lots more.
== [ seibu/seicupbl] ==
These bootlegs don't have the COP protection of the original. It hasn't been figured out yet how they replace it.
== [ seibu/stfight] ==
''' cshootert ''' - GFX ROMs are contained in black "blobs" and thus undumped.
== [ sequential/prophet600] ==
== [ seta/macs] ==
''' macsbios ''' -
''' mac2bios ''' -
''' kisekaem ''' -
''' kisekaeh ''' -
''' cultname ''' -
== [ seta/namcoeva] ==
Whack-a-mole type games. Inputs aren't emulated yet.
== [ seta/seta] ==
''' inttoote ''' - Unemulated protection.
''' inttoote ''' - Unemulated protection.

''' inttootea ''' - Incomplete dump?
''' zingzipbl ''' - Bootleg on different hardware.
== [ seta/seta2] ==
''' ablastb ''' - Bootleg on different hardware. At least the "tilemap sprite" y offset flags are different.
''' namcostr ''' - Bad dump. The game has mechanical parts.
''' staraudi ''' - Needs flipscreen hooked up properly with new code to function at all.
== [ seta/simple_st0016] ==
''' dcrown, dcrowna ''' - Slightly different hardware.
''' mayjinsn ''' -
== [ sfrj/galeb] ==
Cassette isn't working yet.
== [ sfrj/idpartner] ==
Preliminary driver. Z80 based.
== [ sfrj/orao] ==
Cassette isn't working yet.
== [ sfrj/tim011] ==
Skeleton-ish. Z180 based.
== [ sgi/crimson] ==
Skeleton driver. MIPS based
== [ sgi/indy_indigo2] ==
''' indigo2_4415 ''' - The different hardware isn't emulated yet.
== [ sgi/iris_power] ==
Skeleton driver. MIPS based.
== [ sgi/o2] ==
Skeleton driver. MIPS based.
== [ sgi/octane] ==
Skeleton driver. MIPS based.
== [ sgi/tt] ==
Needs graphics and emulation of the variants.
== [ sharp/fontwriter] ==
Extremely preliminary driver. The M37720 core is missing DMAC support.
== [ sharp/mz2000] ==
== [ sharp/mz6500] ==
== [ sharp/mz700] ==
== [ sharp/pc1500] ==
== [ sharp/pce220] ==
''' pcg850v ''' -
== [ sharp/pocketc] ==
== [ sharp/x1] ==
== [ sharp/x1twin] ==
== [ sharp/x68k] ==
== [ siemens/pcd] ==
== [ siemens/pcmx2] ==
Personal computer. NS32016 based.
== [ siemens/pg685] ==
Preliminary driver. NEC V20 based.
== [ sigma/sigmab52] ==
''' s8waysfc ''' -
== [ sigma/sigmab98] ==
''' dashhero ''' - Does not acknowledge the button bashing correctly.
== [ sinclair/atm] ==
''' atm ''' -
== [ sinclair/ql] ==
== [ sinclair/scorpion] ==
== [ sinclair/spectrum] ==
== [ sinclair/zx] ==
''' lambda, pc8300, pow3000 ''' - Fail to show text.
''' zx97 ''' - Unemulated bankswitching.
== [ skeleton/adacp150p] ==
ASCII printer adapter. Does not do much more than pass the extensive self-test.
== [ skeleton/alphasma] ==
Needs work on ADB and PS/2. The charset ROM is wrong.
== [ skeleton/ax20] ==
Skeleton driver.
== [ skeleton/bert] ==
Preliminary driver. Z8671 based.
== [ skeleton/bitgraph] ==
''' bitgrphb ''' -
== [ skeleton/bpmmicro] ==
Universal device programmer. 286 based.
== [ skeleton/br8641] ==
Preliminary driver based on guesswork. Needs documentation.
== [ skeleton/busicom] ==
Addition and subtraction do not work.
== [ skeleton/candela] ==
''' can09 ''' - Preliminary driver: among other things needs keyboard, 6845 CRTC and FDC support.
== [ skeleton/cdc721] ==
Skeleton driver.
== [ skeleton/ckz80] ==
No documentation available, so driver is mostly guesswork. If fdc is enabled in address map, it hangs waiting for a fdc response. Otherwise, it displays an error, and you can press a key to try again.
== [ skeleton/codata] ==
Very preliminary driver.
== [ skeleton/controlid] ==
Fingerprint reader device. Very skeletonish.
== [ skeleton/cortex] ==
Skeleton driver.
== [ skeleton/cp1] ==
== [ skeleton/cxhumax] ==
ROMs are badly dumped / missing.
== [ skeleton/daruma] ==
Printer. Very preliminary driver.
== [ skeleton/datacast] ==
Unimplemented keypad, incomplete SAA5240 emulation.
== [ skeleton/design] ==
Tobacco vending machines. Don't accept coins, possibly because of unemulated coin selectors.
== [ skeleton/digel804] ==
Needs removing of the ACIA hack in digel804_state::acia_command_w, minor finishing touches to i/o map, EPROM socket stuff (ports 0x40, 0x41, 0x42 and 0x47) and artwork.
== [ skeleton/digijet] ==
Engine Control Unit (ECU). Skeleton driver. Uses an I8049.
== [ skeleton/digilog320] ==
Needs finishing floppy hookup; SCC interrupts; unknown DUART inputs/outputs; RS232; RTC; artwork with LEDs.
== [ skeleton/dim68k] ==
Very preliminary driver. Big TODO at the top of the driver.
== [ skeleton/dm7000] ==
Preliminary driver.
== [ skeleton/dsb46] ==
Preliminary driver.
== [ skeleton/dual68] ==
Skeleton driver.
== [ skeleton/epic14e] ==
Misses keyboard emulation.
== [ skeleton/eurit] ==
Preliminary driver. ISDN-Telefon. M37730S2 based.
== [ skeleton/fanucs15] ==
Skeleton driver.
== [ skeleton/fanucspmg] ==
Needs verifying VRAM hookup, hooking up enough keyboard to get it to boot a floppy.

''' setaroul ''' - Prelimary emulation.
== [ skeleton/fc100] ==
Understand how 600 baud is selected for cassette. Hook up graphics modes and colours. Unknown i/o ports. Needs cart software (current code is just a guess).

== [ sfbonus] ==
== [ skeleton/fk1] ==
''' amclink ''' - "Game" function unknown.
Preliminary driver.
== [ skeleton/ft68m] ==
Skeleton driver.
== [ skeleton/grfd2301] ==
Preliminary driver. Dump isn't complete.
== [ skeleton/hazeltin] ==
Preliminary driver.
== [ skeleton/hazl1420] ==
Preliminary driver. Chargen not dumped.
== [ skeleton/hprot1] ==
''' hprot2r6 ''' - LCD commands are sent, but nothing shows up on screen. Needs ADM695AN emulation.
''' hprotr8a ''' - Loops during boot displaying an error message related to low power supply voltage. Needs ADM695AN emulation.
== [ skeleton/hudson_poems] ==
Xtensa CPU core isn't complete.
== [ skeleton/i7000] ==
Preliminary driver (NSC800 based).

''' fb6s1, fb6s2, fb6s3 ''' - Missing reel graphics.
== [ skeleton/icebox] ==
Z80 based. Floppy drives aren't hooked up. Unknown ports.

''' fbdeluxe, funriver, funriverv, spooky, version4 ''' - Incomplete dump.
== [ skeleton/if800] ==
Skeleton driver. I8086 based.

== [ sfcbox] ==
== [ skeleton/imsai] ==
Preliminary driver. SNES based.
Banking and dip-switches aren't implemented. I8085 based.

== [ sigmab52] ==
== [ skeleton/indiana] ==
Preliminary driver.
Preliminary driver.

== [ skeetsht] ==
== [ skeleton/itc4] ==
Skeletonish. Temperature controller. Z80 based.
== [ skeleton/itt3030] ==
Keyboard isn't properly hooked up. Other problems at the top of the driver.
== [ skeleton/jade] ==
If you hit a key as soon as it is started, the system will present a prompt and work. Otherwise it runs into the weeds because the ROM banking isn't yet emulated.
== [ skeleton/jonos] ==
Skeleton driver. I8085A based. No info available.
== [ skeleton/juku] ==
Needs display mode 384x200, sound, possibly tape and network. Floppy interface isn't understood, though it works enough with the only disk available.
== [ skeleton/kron] ==
Needs keyboard fixing and understanding how to hook up the real char table.
== [ skeleton/lg_dvd] ==
USB DVD writer. Skeleton driver. MT1839 based.
== [ skeleton/mes] ==
== [ skeleton/mfabfz] ==
Driver still in the early stages of development. No inputs are hooked up.
== [ skeleton/mice] ==
Very preliminary driver. No schematics available.
== [ skeleton/micro20] ==
Skeleton driver. Uses a 68020 and a 68881 FPU.
== [ skeleton/micronic] ==
Needs IR I/O port, LCD contrast and backlight emulation.
== [ skeleton/miniframe] ==
Preliminary driver. M68010 based.
== [ skeleton/ml20] ==
Needs currently unimplemented V25 features (serial, etc.).
== [ skeleton/ms9540] ==
Incomplete dump, no documentation available.
== [ skeleton/mstation] ==
== [ skeleton/mt735] ==
== [ skeleton/mycom] ==
== [ skeleton/onyx] ==
Main screen prints an error with CTC (because there's no clock into it atm). Devices aren't hooked up yet.
== [ skeleton/p8k] ==
== [ skeleton/plan80] ==
Autorepeat on the keyboard is broken. Not all devices have been hooked up.
== [ skeleton/pm68k] ==
== [ skeleton/proteus3] ==
Cassette and keyboard need work.
== [ skeleton/pv9234] ==
== [ skeleton/pwp14] ==
Word processor. Z80 based.
== [ skeleton/qtsbc] ==
== [ skeleton/rd100] ==
No infos available but some PCB pictures. MC6809P based.
== [ skeleton/rvoice] ==
Skeletonish. HD63701Y0 based.
== [ skeleton/sacstate] ==
The weird characters that show on screen are various escape sequences. These are different depending on the terminal type chosen. The codes need to be understood and emulated before this system makes sense.
== [ skeleton/sartorius] ==
Preliminary driver.
Preliminary driver.

== [ skylncr] ==
== [ skeleton/sb8085] ==
''' leader ''' - Bootleg on different hardware.
== [ skeleton/sbrain] ==
Keyboard needs improvements, missing expansion bus slot emulation.
== [ skeleton/scopus] ==
Keyboard isn't emulated.
== [ skeleton/shine] ==
Preliminary driver. Everything needs to be verified.
== [ skeleton/sk101bl] ==
Trading terminal. I80C31 based. Preliminary.
== [ skeleton/swyft] ==
== [ skeleton/systec] ==
Skeletonish. Most devices aren't hooked up. Z80 based.
== [ skeleton/tavernie] ==
Incomplete dump. GFX and cassette need fixing.
== [ skeleton/teleray10] ==
Terminal. M6502 based. Preliminary driver.
== [ skeleton/terak] ==
LSI-11 based. Really a skeleton driver, few infos available.
== [ skeleton/testpat] ==
Discrete. Preliminary netlist available.
== [ skeleton/tk635] ==
Undocumented custom chip controls most functions.
== [ skeleton/tsispch] ==
== [ skeleton/tulip1] ==
No 8256A MUART emulation which handles interrupts, timers, serial and parallel interfaces.
== [ skeleton/v6809] ==
== [ skeleton/vector3] ==
Preliminary driver. Extensive TODO on top of the driver.
== [ skeleton/wicat] ==
== [ skeleton/xor100] ==
Cassette and floppy aren't working.
== [ skeleton/zorba] ==
== [ snk/dmndrby] ==
Electrocoin on snk hardware.  Needs better video emulation. Enters service mode while attract mode is running.
== [ snk/hng64] ==
ROZ layer rotation not understood, some 3d glitches, several priority issues (i.e. buriki gameplay and attract mode), sams64_2 flickers like mad and "press start button" always displayed in game, racing games uses unemulated network CPU which most likely interferes with logic and currently kludged to work to some extent.
== [ sony/dfs500] ==
Emulation of the video hardware (DSP signal path) for GFX processing is still needed.
== [ sony/news_68k] ==
Needs mouse and keyboard, graphics and slots emulation.

== [ slapfght] ==
== [ sony/news_r4k] ==
''' slapfigha ''' - Undumped 68705 protection MCU.
Needs more complete floppy support (only supports floppy boot at the moment), NetBSD SCSI support (mostly/entirely changes needed in the SPIFI driver), parallel I/O, remaining kb/ms support and APbus expansion slots.

== [ sleic] ==
== [ sony/psx] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.

== [ sms] ==
== [ sony/pve500] ==
''' trvhanga ''' - Missing questions roms.

== [ snesb] ==
== [ sony/smc777] ==
''' endless ''' - Game isn't correctly decrypted yet.

== [ spinb] ==
== [ sony/taitogn] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
''' kollon, sianniv ''' - IRQ at the wrong time.

== [ splash] ==
== [ sony/zn] ==
''' funystrp, puckpepl''' - Protection, controls eating of dots + other things.
''' bam2 ''' - Lacks music (which streams from a hard disk under the control of an H8/3644 MCU).
''' beastrzb ''' - Incomplete dump.
''' primrag2 ''' - Watchdog reset at startup.
''' strider and clones ''' - Random hangs / crashes.
== [ stern/cliffhgr] ==
''' cliffhgra2 ''' - Fails a start up check.
''' goaltogo ''' - Laserdisc game. Works in theory, but is waiting for a good quality laserdisc dump.
== [ stm/pp] ==
== [ subsino/lastfght] ==
Game speed seems to be completely wrong, timers and player movement too fast?
== [ subsino/subsino] ==
''' dinofmly and clone ''' - Stop at password check. Probably need a preinitialized NVRAM.
''' mtrainnv ''' - Subsino sold a "Settings/Clear ROM" for some released titles. These devices are *extremely* expensive (and ultra rare, only sold to big casino corporations), and should be placed in the empty socket to fix a dead board due to NVRAM corruption. A version of Magic Train running on subsino.cpp (unlike mtrain, which is needed to match this program ROM.
''' ndongmul ''' - Not looked at yet.
''' grndprix, newhunter, newhunterb, sevenlnd ''' - Tilemaps, lamps and inputs troubles.
''' newhunterc ''' - Needs correct memory map.
== [ subsino/subsino2] ==
''' qbeebing, strain, tbonusal, treacity and clone ''' - Possibly missing some protection patches.
''' queenbee and clones, squeenb ''' - Games run way too fast.
''' treamary ''' - Gets stuck on CHIP1 test, enters test mode if bypassed.
''' xplan ''' - Always starts with 4 credits. Interrupts don't seem to work correctly.
== [ sun/sun1] ==
== [ sun/sun2] ==
== [ sun/sun3] ==
== [ sun/sun3x] ==
== [ sun/sun4] ==
== [ suna/suna8] ==
''' hardhea2b, hardheadb2 ''' - Protected bootlegs on different hardware.
== [ sunelectronics/blockch] ==
Paddle/ball sprite drawing is guessed, video timing is wrong, 2nd irq timing is guessed.
== [ sunelectronics/route16] ==
''' jongpute ''' - Palette problem makes the tiles difficult to recognize.

''' rebus ''' - Another protected Microhard game.
''' vscompmj ''' - Inputs don't seem to work correctly.

== [ st_mp100] ==
== [ synertek/ktm3] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Only a few address lines are decoded at all. The resulting mirroring might not be accurately emulated yet.

== [ st_mp200] ==
== [ synertek/mbc020] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Computer. M6512 based. Skeletonish driver.

== [ st0016] ==
== [ ta/alphatpc16] ==
''' atamanot ''' - Preliminary driver.
SCSI emulation is guessed / incomplete.

''' dcrown ''' - Slightly different hardware.
== [ ta/alphatpx] ==
Preliminary driver. Currently only shows the initial boot message. I8085A based.

== [ st0016] ==
== [ tab/tabe22] ==
''' mayjinsn ''' -
Needs a dump of the keyboard controller (currently HLE'd), NVRAM / memory layout isn't correct, currently needs a hack to send out data on the RS232 port.

== [ statriv2] ==
== [ taito/2mindril] ==
''' cstripxi ''' - Laserdisc game in need of laserdisc dump.
Missing working simulation of the sensors. Requires a major rework of the artwork sub-system.

''' quaquiz2 ''' -
== [ taito/arkanoid] ==
''' arkatour2 ''' - Undumped MCU.

''' tripdraw ''' -
''' hexaa ''' - Protection hasn't been figured out yet.

== [ stepstag] ==
== [ taito/bublbobl] ==
Incomplete frankendump.
''' bub8749 ''' - Uses a different MCU, dumped but needs to be hooked up.

== [ strnskil] ==
== [ taito/cchance] ==
''' banbam, pettanp ''' - Protection MCU.. seems to be a data (or code?) ROM for it tho.
Imperfect hopper emulation makes this game to not coin up and gives "hopper time out errors" when you win.

== [ stv] ==
== [ taito/cpzodiac] ==
''' decathlt ''' - Funky DMA/decompression protection (reads gfx data via protection chip, descramble / decompress? scrambled registers).
Punching bag game with red dot matrix display. Z80 based.

''' decathlt, decathlto, elandore, ffreveng, twcup98 ''' - Protection. astrass suffers from it too, but it's kludged to work.  
== [ taito/grchamp] ==
''' grchampa ''' - Uses different ports. Possible bad dump.

''' findlove ''' - Controls broken.
== [ taito/gsword] ==
''' josvolly ''' - Incomplete MCU hook up.

''' finlarch, smleague ''' - Randomly hang / crash. They work with a ridiculous MDRV_INTERLEAVE number, might need strict SH-2 synching.
== [ taito/kikikai] ==
''' mexico86a ''' -

''' magzun, techbowl, micrombc ''' - I/O errors.
== [ taito/lgp] ==
Laserdisc game.  Has a small list of TODO items that could be looked at prior to a disc dump.

''' nclubv3, pclub2, pclub3, pclubpok, stress ''' - Unemulated printer.
== [ taito/marinedt] ==
Collision detection has some problems.

''' sfish2, sfish2j ''' - CD handling broken.  Needs MPEG decoder.
== [ taito/nycaptor] ==
''' cyclshtg ''' - Missing (protection?) MCU dump.

''' vfremix ''' - Texture upload issues in some cases, see source.
== [ taito/sbmjb] ==
Needs hopper emulation.

== [ suna8] ==
== [ taito/taitoair] ==
''' brickzn, brickzn3, sparkman, starfigh ''' - Protection / encryption (custom CPU modules containing Z80 + encryption logic).
''' ainferno and clone ''' - Missing landing monitor camera (blackened), 3d HUD graphics; expert course has wrong 3d geometry; almost surely crashing during replay has missing smoke effect, looks quite odd atm.

== [ superdq] ==
== [ taito/taitojc] ==
Laserdisc games. Works in theory, but is waiting for a good quality laserdisc dump.
''' dangcurv and clones ''' - DSP bug causes missing 3D. Currently hang after initial tests.

== [ system1] ==
== [ taito/taitopjc] ==
''' shtngmst ''' - Missing MCU dump.
Inconsistent frame rate compared to PCB recordings; game has a tendency to freeze frame hiccup.

== [ system16] ==
== [ taito/taitotx] ==
''' bayrouteb1 ''' - Broken sprites (missing IRQ?).
Preliminary driver. PC based.

''' bayrouteb2, beautyb, dduxb1, eswatb1, fpointb1, fpointbj, goldnaxeb1, iqpipe, passshtb, passht4b, shinob1d, tturfb1, wb3bb1 ''' - Bootlegs on different hardware.
== [ taito/taitotz] ==
Preliminary driver.

== [ taito] ==
== [ taito/taitowlf] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Missing coin inputs.

== [ taito_f2] ==
== [ taito/taito_f2] ==
'''footchmpbl ''' - Bootleg on different hardware. It has very different hardware registers.
'''footchmpbl ''' - Bootleg on different hardware. It has very different hardware registers.

== [ taito_f3] ==
== [ taito/taito_f3] ==
''' bubsymphb ''' - Bootleg on different hardware. Backgrounds don't show up.
''' bubsymphb, bubsymphba ''' - Bootleg on different hardware. Backgrounds don't show up. Seems to make a different use of priority RAM.

== [ taito_o] ==
== [ taito/taito_o] ==
Driver still in preliminary stages. TODO: inputs (coins), NVRAM, sprite priorities, dips, interrupts (sources).ö
Driver still in preliminary stages. TODO: inputs (coins), NVRAM, sprite priorities, dips, interrupts (sources).

== [ taito_z] ==
== [ taito/wgp] ==
''' racingb ''' - Serious video emulation issues (raster irq?).
Recently demoted to not working status.

== [ taitoair] ==
== [ tandberg/tdv2324] ==
Possible 320c25 bugs. Possible m68k-c25 communication issues.  Not easy, the c25 code is hard to read, probably interesting.
I8085A based. CPU gets stuck reading i/o port 0x30 in a loop.

== [ taitogn] ==
== [ tangerine/alphatan] ==
''' gobyrc, rcdego ''' - Custom inputs need calibrating.
Unemulated SAA5070 device.

''' nightrai ''' - No background / enemy sprites.
== [ tatsumi/kingdrby] ==
''' cowrace ''' - Incomplete dump.

''' sianniv ''' - IRQ at the wrong time.
== [ tatsumi/tatsumi] ==
Very complex GFX hardware hasn't been fully emulated yet.

''' zooo ''' - Missing most of the playfield.
== [ tch/wheelfir] ==
Games suffer from heavy glitching. Some are also incomplete prototypes.

== [ taitojc] ==
== [ teamconcepts/comquest] ==
''' dangcurv ''' - Hangs on its DSP test. Needs correct controls hooking up.
Skeleton driver.

''' dendeg, dendegx, dendeg2, dendeg2x ''' - Hang / crash, various palette/textures problems.  
== [ technos/ddragon] ==
''' ddragon6809, ddragon6809a ''' - Bootlegs on different hardware, encrypted.

''' landgear ''' - analog inputs don't work in-game.
== [ tecmo/gaiden] ==
''' mastninj ''' - Sprites, sound and y-scroll need fixing.
== [ tecmo/tehkanwc] ==
''' tehkanwcc ''' - Bootleg with different inputs.
== [ tektronix/tek405x] ==
== [ tektronix/tek410x] ==
== [ tektronix/tek440x] ==
== [ tektronix/tekigw] ==
Needs am9516 dma controller, slots and cards, gpib devices, graphics and keyboard.

== [ taitopjc] ==
== [ telercas/tmc1800] ==
Skeleton driver. Requires TLCS-900 CPU core to make progress.
''' osc1000, tmc1800 ''' - No ROM dump available.

== [ taitotz] ==
== [ telercas/tmc2000e] ==
Skeleton driver. Requires TLCS-900 CPU core to make progress.

== [ taitowlf] ==
== [ televideo/ts803] ==
Preliminary, PC+voodoo.

== [ tank8] ==
== [ televideo/tv912] ==
''' tank8a, tank8b, tank8c, tank8d ''' - Bad / incomplete dumps.
Terminal. I8035 based.

== [ tattack] ==
== [ televideo/tv950] ==
Preliminary, maybe protection.
Keyboard isn't working properly.

== [ tcl] ==
== [ televideo/tv955] ==
Skeleton, decryption incomplete.
Terminal. M65C02 based.

== [ techno] ==
== [ tesla/ondra] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Cassette isn't working yet.

== [ tehkanwc] ==
== [ tesla/pmd85] ==
''' tehkanwcc ''' - Bootleg with different inputs.

== [ tetrisp2] ==
== [ tesla/sapi1] ==
''' nndmseal ''' - Missing camera and printer emulation.
''' sapizps3 and clones ''' - They try to read a disk and stop responding after showing the logo.

== [ thayers] ==
== [ thepit/thepit] ==
Laserdisc game. Works in theory, but is waiting for a good quality laserdisc dump.  Does have a small list of TODO items that could be looked at prior to a disc dump.
''' theportr ''' - Wrong colors render the games unplayable. The PCB has the PROM for The Pit, colors confirmed the same on PCB and in emulation. Bootlegger or operator error in fitting the wrong PROM?

== [ thepit] ==
''' zaryavos ''' - Incomplete dump.
''' zaryavos ''' - Incomplete dump.

== [ thoop2] ==
== [ ti/exelv] ==
Unemulated protection device with internal rom and suicide capabilities (DS5002FP).
EXL 100 cannot be emulated because the ROMs are not dumped. EXELTEL stops early in the boot process and displays a red error screen, presumably because the I/O processor is not emulated.
== [ ti/ti85] ==
''' ti73b, ti83, ti83p and clones, ti83pse and clones, ti84p and clones, ti84pse and clones ''' - Emulation of these models hasn't been started yet.
== [ ti/ti931] ==
Preliminary driver. Z80 based.
== [ ti/ti990_10] ==
== [ ti/ti990_4] ==
== [ tigertel/gizmondo] ==
Preliminary driver.
== [ toaplan/dt7] ==
Preliminary driver. Big TODO at the top of the file.
== [ toaplan/slapfght] ==
''' tigerhb4 ''' - 68705 MCU has been dumped, but not hooked up yet.
== [ toaplan/toaplan2] ==
''' nprobowl, probowl2 ''' - Mechanical part isn't simulated.
''' pipibibsbl2 ''' - Bootleg on different hardware.
== [ toshiba/paso1600] ==
Chargen and kanji ROM aren't dumped. FDC isn't identified (missing software anyway).
== [ toshiba/pasopia] ==
Missing emulation of the FDC and other I/O expansions.
== [ toshiba/pasopia7] ==
== [ trainer/dolphunk] ==
It is not possible to save / load programs.
== [ trainer/pro80] ==
Missing interrupt emulation, cassette load needs fixing.
== [ trainer/tk80] ==
''' ics8080 ''' - Keyboard problems.
== [ trs/dgn_beta] ==
Machine never boots.
== [ trs/lnw80] ==
Floppies don't work.
== [ trs/max80] ==
Computer. Z80 based. Currently stuck because floppy reading fails.
== [ trs/radionic] ==
Tape and floppy support are problematic.
== [ trs/tandy2k] ==
== [ trs/trs80] ==
''' all sets but trs80 ''' - Most floppies don't boot (regression).
== [ trs/trs80m2] ==
== [ trs/trs80m3] ==
''' cp500, trs80m3 ''' - Most floppies don't boot (regression).
''' trs80m4 ''' - Boots model 3 floppies, but not model 4 ones.
''' trs80m4p ''' - Completely different memory map.
== [ tvgames/elan_eu3a05] ==
''' airblsjs, buzztime, pvmilfin ''' - Preliminary emulation.
''' carlecfg ''' - Unimplemented GFX modes, big GFX glitches.
''' pvwwcas ''' - Controls aren't working yet.
''' rad_tetr ''' - Player 2 inputs don't work.
''' sudoelan ''' - Might be slightly different hardware.
== [ tvgames/elan_eu3a14] ==
Preliminary driver.
== [ tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_nand] ==
Newer hardware than the one in vii.cpp, new opcodes aren't emulated yet.
== [ tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_rom] ==
Newer hardware than the one in vii.cpp, new opcodes aren't emulated yet.
== [ tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_romram] ==
Newer hardware than the one in vii.cpp, new opcodes aren't emulated yet.
== [ tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_spi] ==
Newer hardware than the one in vii.cpp, new opcodes aren't emulated yet.
== [ tvgames/generalplus_gpl16250_spi_direct] ==
Newer hardware than the one in vii.cpp, new opcodes aren't emulated yet.
== [ tvgames/generalplus_gpl162xx_lcdtype] ==
''' bkid218, pcp8718, pcp8728 ''' - Menus aren't working properly yet.
== [ tvgames/generalplus_gpl32612] ==
Newer hardware than the one in vii.cpp, new opcodes aren't emulated yet.
== [ tvgames/spg110] ==
Preliminary driver. Sunplus SPG110 based.
== [ tvgames/spg29x] ==
Need the internal ROM dump.
== [ tvgames/spg2xx] ==
'''  ablkickb, abltenni, ordentv, rad_crik, rad_fb2, rad_sktv, tiktokmm, tvsprt10, vtechtvs, wfcentro ''' - Inputs aren't hooked up correctly.
''' guitarfv ''' - Timer issues make the music way too slow.
''' jouet ''' - ROM checksum fails, but is expecting 0 as a result? Shows 'CopyRight' when booting normally? Protection?
== [ tvgames/spg2xx_digimake] ==
Camera and touchpad unemulated.
== [ tvgames/spg2xx_ican] ==
''' icanguit ''' - Data saving doesn't work.
== [ tvgames/spg2xx_jakks_gkr] ==
''' jak_sdoo ''' - Possibly a CPU bug causing some minigame to fail.
== [ tvgames/spg2xx_jakks_tvtouch] ==
Touchpad not emulated.
== [ tvgames/spg2xx_senca] ==
''' mywicodx, zon32bit ''' - Banking not understood.
== [ tvgames/spg2xx_skannerztv] ==
Inputs aren't hooked up correctly.
== [ tvgames/spg2xx_smarttv] ==
== [ tvgames/spg2xx_telestory] ==
Sound data for the narrator is written to the SIO data port, which currently isn't implemented.
== [ tvgames/spg2xx_tvgogo] ==
Camera not implemented.
== [ tvgames/spg2xx_wiwi] ==
Inputs aren't hooked up correctly.
== [ tvgames/st2302u_bbl_spi] ==
ST2302U based. Emulation is preliminary.
''' bbl380 ''' - Missing internal ROM dump.
== [ tvgames/trkfldch] ==
Preliminary driver. G65816 with custom vector?
== [ tvgames/xavix] ==
Preliminary emulation. Most games are not working, some have additional hardware on the PCB.
== [ tvgames/xavix_2000] ==
Preliminary emulation. Most games are not working, some have additional hardware on the PCB.
== [ tvgames/xavix_2002] ==
Preliminary emulation. Most games are not working, some have additional hardware on the PCB.
== [ tvgames/xavix2] ==
SoC emulation is very preliminary.
== [ ultimachine/rambo] ==
== [ ultratec/minicom] ==
== [ unisys/univac] ==
== [ universal/superdq] ==
Laserdisc games. Works in theory, but is waiting for a good quality laserdisc dump.
== [ usp/patinho_feio] ==
== [ ussr/argo] ==
Needs devices hook-up and cassette UART on ports C1 and C3.
== [ ussr/b2m] ==
Preliminary driver. FDC support is broken, among other problems.
== [ ussr/bk] ==
''' bk0010 ''' - Error message at start. Thrown into monitor.
''' bk0010fd ''' - Continually reboots. The system expects a ROM at A000.
''' bk0011m ''' - Black screen at start, differences with the other systems in the driver aren't emulated.
== [ ussr/cm1800] ==
Peripherals aren't hooked up.
== [ ussr/dvk_kcgd] ==
Needs a K1801VM2 CPU core (interrupts and EVNT pin, full EIS set, other insns).
== [ ussr/irisha] ==
Preliminary driver. I8080 based.
== [ ussr/istrebiteli] ==
''' motogonki ''' - Preliminary. Shows something on screen.
== [ ussr/mikro80] ==
Cassette save produces incorrect signal.
== [ ussr/mk85] ==
Skeleton-ish. K1801VM2 based.
== [ ussr/mk90] ==
== [ ussr/ms6102] ==
DMA problems, keyboard not emulated.
== [ ussr/okean240] ==
Very preliminary. Needs memory banking, floppy and cassettes, etc.

== [ timeplt] ==
== [ ussr/partner] ==
''' chkun ''' - Runs on slightly different hardware.

== [ timetrv] ==
== [ ussr/pk32] ==
Needs laserdisc dump. Laserdisc player models used by this game are unemulated.

== [ tmnt] ==
== [ ussr/pk8000] ==
''' ssridersb ''' - Bootleg on different hardware. Bad dump.
''' pk8002 ''' -
== [ ussr/pk8020] ==
''' bk8t ''' - Keyboard not working, stuck at a "config" screen.
''' kontur ''' - Needs to boot from a floppy and there isn't one available that works.
''' korvet ''' - Can boot CP/M, but the keyboard then doesn't work.
''' neiva ''' - Keyboard not working.
== [ ussr/sm1800] ==
== [ ussr/special] ==
''' anakonda ''' -  It complains of a disk problem (not emulated).
''' erik ''' - Should have colour and floppy disks, unknown how to access them. No disk software available.
''' lik ''' Space and < keys not working.
''' pioner ''' - Not all keys have been found (Function keys, Left-arrow, more?). Monitor ROMs missing, used ones from "special".
''' kharkovsky, specialm, specialp ''' -
''' specimx ''' - Machine tends to crash/freeze internally after a while.
''' unga ''' - If you enter SYSTEM to exit basic, it corrupts itself and runs into the weeds. At the initial prompt, if you hit Enter it jumps to 0000 and thence into the weeds.
== [ ussr/uknc] ==
== [ ussr/vector06] ==
== [ ussr/vta2000] ==
Missing inputs.
== [ videoton/tvc] ==
UPM crashes when formatting a floppy.
== [ votrax/votrhv] ==
''' hc120 ''' - Inputs are incomplete.

''' ssriders2 ''' - Bootleg on different hardware.
== [ vsystem/f1gp] ==
''' f1gpb ''' - Steering wheel isn't correctly calibrated.

== [ tokyocop] ==
''' f1gpbl ''' - Bootleg on different hardware.
Skeleton driver. PC hardware.

== [ toratora] ==
== [ vsystem/gstriker] ==
Very strange, may be missing a rom, schematics available.
''' gstriker and clones ''' - Several GFX features aren't emulated yet, making the game almost unplayable.

== [ trackfld] ==
''' vgoalsoc, vgoalsoca ''' - Tecmo MCU providing jump addresses etc.  Has direct access to entire CPU bus, prevents code modification (MCU writes 'ROM ERROR' if you change ROM).  ROZ pitch difficult to understand.
''' trackfldnz ''' - Bootleg on different hardware.

== [ triforce] ==
== [ vsystem/rpunch] ==
Skeleton driver. Needs Gamecube emulation.
''' svolleybl ''' - Bootleg on different hardware (video registers are changed).

== [ trvmadns] ==
== [ vtech/clickstart] ==
Random hangs, probably due to incorrect question banking.
Preliminary driver. UNSP based.

== [ ttchamp] ==
== [ vtech/geniusiq] ==
Skeleton-ish. V30 based, Banking issues, PIC for protection? or sound?
''' iq128, iq128_fr, iqtv512 ''' - Very preliminary driver.

== [ turrett] ==
== [ vtech/laser3k] ==
Skeleton driver.
Keyboard is only partially emulated, misses RGB graphics mode emulation, FDC C800 page appears to be inside the FDC cartridge (a dump is needed). Also misses Centronics printer port and cassette emulation.

== [ twinkle] ==
== [ vtech/lcmate2] ==
Preliminary driver. TODO:  Sound (IDE DMA, finish communications), DVD, Harddrive, 16seg led font.
RTC doesn't remember the time, alarm doesn't work and Reset/On button needs to be added.

== [ vcombat] ==
== [ vtech/pc1000] ==
Partially working driver.  Most of the memory maps for all four CPUs are complete.

== [ vd] ==
== [ vtech/pc2000] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Z80 based.

== [ vega] ==
== [ vtech/pc4] ==
Rom dump is probably bad.

== [ vegas] ==
== [ vtech/prestige] ==
''' warfa ''' - Something is wrong with the on-board ethernet chip emulation. If the chip is hacked out, the game boots, but that's not accurate. There were many rendering issues last time I checked.
Needs better IRQ timing, the mouse is too slow and sometime freezes, the memory banking isn't entirely understood, cartridges need to be implemented.

''' roadburn ''' - Sound board is different; with some manual fiddling, you can get it in-game, but it doesn't work particularly well.
== [ vtech/primusex] ==

''' nbashowt, nbanfl ''' - These Vegas games used a Voodoo Banshee video card. The current 3dfx voodoo emulation has some basic support for the Banshee, but it is pretty minimal. The tricky bit is that the Banshee (and later, the Voodoo 3) have integrated 2D and 3D capabilities, so we need to emulate at least part of a VGA controller in addition to the 3D. These boards also had some new features that require some addition internal reworking of the Voodoo driver.
== [ vtech/socrates] ==
Extensive TODO at the top of the driver.

''' cartfury, sf2049, sf2049se, sf2049te ''' - Voodoo 3-based, one step beyond the Voodoo Banshee problems.
== [ vtech/vsmileb] ==
Improper handling of the "Fast Rampdown" feature in the SPG2xx audio device causes bad narration.

== [ vicdual] ==
== [ vtech/vtech1] ==
''' headonsa, headon2s ''' - Won't coin up.
''' vz200de ''' - Not dumped yet.

== [ viper] ==
== [ wavemate/bullet] ==
Skeleton driver, PPC+voodoo.
Memory banking is broken.

== [ vp101] ==
== [ wavemate/jupiter] ==
Skeleton driver.
Preliminary driver. Devices aren't connected yet.

== [ vpoker] ==
== [ wicat/t7000] ==
Needs 6840PTM hook-up, I/Os and sound emulation.
Missing cursor display and attributes.

== [ vsnes] ==
== [ wing/lucky74] ==
''' suprmriobl, suprmriobl2 ''' - Bootleg with extra Z80.
''' excitbj ''' - The program ROM for the terminal isn't dumped.

== [ wgp] ==
''' lucky74b ''' -  The program ROM seems incomplete or encrypted in some smart way.
Recently demoted to not working status.

== [ wheelfir] ==
== [ wing/pinkiri8] ==
Extensive TODO list on top of driver.
Current blocker is the video emulation i/o ports, it looks somewhat exotic.

== [ white_mod] ==
== [ wing/slotcarn] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Missing proper colors and reel support.

== [ whitestar] ==
== [ wing/superwng] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Crashes after bonus stage, see notes, bad ROM?

== [ wico] ==
== [ wyse/wy60] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Currently uses a bunch of hacks due to missing features in MAME's 8051 CPU core.

== [ williams] ==
== [ wyse/wy85] ==
''' defndjeu, tornado2 ''' - Bad dumps.

== [ wldarrow] ==
== [ xerox/bigbord2] ==
''' mdrawpkr, mdrawpkra ''' -
Main problem is floppy disk support is missing.

== [ wpc_95] ==
== [ xerox/xerox820] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
''' bigboard, mk82, x820ii ''' - Floppies don't work.

== [ wpc_an] ==
''' mk83, mojmikro, x168 ''' - Slightly different hardware.
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.

== [ wpc_dcs] ==
== [ yamaha/tg100] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Unemulated H8/520 CPU.

== [ wpc_dot] ==
== [ yamaha/yman1x] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Control Synthesizer. Skeleton driver. HD6413002FP16 based.

== [ wpc_flip1] ==
== [ yamaha/ymmu100] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Missing a lot of effects.

== [ wpc_flip2] ==
== [ yamaha/ymmu128] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
H8 core serial communication problems.

== [ wpc_s] ==
== [ yamaha/ymmu15] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.

== [ wwfsstar] ==
== [ yamaha/ymmu5] ==
''' wwfsstaj ''' - Bad dump.
Very preliminary driver.

== [ xtom3d] ==
== [ yamaha/ymmu80] ==
Skeleton driver. PC hardware.
Missing a lot of effects.

== [ zac_1] ==
== [ yamaha/ymmu90] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Missing analog inputs.

== [ zac_2] ==
== [ yamaha/ympsr340] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Preliminary driver. Exact CPU model unknown. Front panel / keyboard scanner and sound generation aren't emulated.

== [ zac_proto] ==
== [ yamaha/ympsr400] ==
Skeleton driver. Pinball games.
Missing HD63B05V0D73P dump.

== [ zn] ==
== [ yamaha/ymqs300] ==
''' bam2 ''' - Lacks music (which streams from a hard disk under the control of an H8/3644 MCU).

''' beastrzb ''' - Incomplete dump.
== [ yamaha/ymqy70] ==
Preliminary driver.

''' glpracr2, glpracr2j, glpracr2l ''' - Lock up when starting a game/entering test mode.
== [ yamaha/ymvl1] ==
TMP68301 emulation of the serial comms isn't good enough.

''' nbajamex ''' - Black screen. Wrong banking?
== [ yamaha/ymvl70] ==
Missing a lot of effects.

''' primrag2 ''' - Locks up when starting a game.
== [ zaccaria/seabattl] ==
''' seabattla ''' - Different hardware, needs emulation of its peculiarities.

== [ zr107] ==
== [ zvt/pp01] ==
''' waveshrk ''' - Uses the lower board from GTI Club (GN678), and a ZR107(PWB(A)300769A top board.
Interrupt controller isn't emulated and cassette support is untested.

Revision as of 08:11, 26 November 2024

This page is designed to allow for a quick look over all the drivers with a MACHINE_NOT_WORKING flag by giving, as much as possible, an idea on the amount of effort needed to fix them.


80C5xx + dsp56k based. Skeletonish.


RISC OS Draw app uses unimplemented copro instructions; needs ABORT line support to the ARM core; missing hard disc controller, serial interface, 82c711, podules expansions.




rmhaihiabl - Bootleg hardware has different I/O, which isn't implemented yet.


Hardware differences from the base Acorn Archimedes are not fully understood yet.

Shares timing issues like base AA.


torch301, torch725, abc110, acw443, abc310, reutapm, bbcmaiv, bbcmarm, discmate, discmon, cfa3000, cfa3000bp, econx25, autoc15, daisy, mpc800, mpc900, mpc900gx, sist1 - All have different hardware combinations which aren't implemented yet.


btm2105 -


PS/2 keyboard doesn't work properly, CMOS settings don't work, pending fatalerror from ARM7 core.


tetfight - PS7500 is preliminary. EEPROM write hook up isn't correct, causing incorrect configuration after saving.



Needs CTC/SIO interrupt acknowledge, CTC clocks and sound emulation.


Needs devices, LCD and sound hook-ups.


Needs boot ROM disable, wrap around mode, floppy, DMA, harddisk, keyboard, RS232, printer, colour graphics board.


Floppy emulation needs fixing, peripherals aren't emulated.



fstation - Suntris crashes due to HD63484 emulation problems.

funlddlx - Keeps looping between F_IN and FOUL messages.


Preliminary driver.


Similar to Apple II (same bus architecture, keyboard and floppy interface), but video controller is completely different.

agat9 - Needs memory banking. Extensive todo at the top of the driver.


Skeletonish. UPD7811 based.


Preliminary driver. NEV V53 CPU and L7A1045-L6048 sound DSP emulation is preliminary.


The driver seems quite flashed out, but has no notes on what's missing.


tbasebal - M68705 MCU isn't emulated yet.


Keyboard not dumped and emulated.


Still very incomplete.


When running MP/M, dir command crashes the system.


Only the diags floppy boots. Preliminary driver.


Laserdisc games on Amiga 500 hardware. They all work in theory, but are waiting for a good quality laserdisc dump.


Amiga chips emulation lacks a lot of features.


ar_dart2 - Bad dump.


eldoraldg - Touchscreen is offset and cannot be calibrated, joystick buttons aren't recognized properly, has slight GFX bug with roulette ball.

lsrquiz - No player 2 inputs (ingame), wrong pitch for most gfxs, access violation during gameplay or on emu exit (microtouch?).

lsrquiz2i - Wrong pitch for some gfxs, access violation during gameplay (microtouch?).

lsrquizg - Doesn't accept coins, no player 2 inputs (ingame), wrong pitch for most gfxs, access violation during gameplay or on emu exit (microtouch?).

odeontw - 'Invalid NVRAM', accesses area $6xxxxx and claims invalid RAM config if bypassed.

odeontw2 - Resets halfway thru "please wait" in service mode, therefore NVRAM cannot be inited.


A complete mystery. The existing dumps are 100% confirmed. Test mode works. All remaining code is heavily encrypted. Even the original author of the game doesn't recall any encryption, but it is definitely there. It is not done in software; all unencrypted code has been accounted for.


M68010 based. Cable head-end unit. Very preliminary.


PC. V40 based. Inputs aren't hooked up.


The driver seems quite flashed out, but has no notes on what's missing.




Serial port doesn't work.


dn5500, dsp5500, dn5500_19i - Newer models aren't fully emulated yet.


space84 - Clone on different hardware.


mprof3, prav8c - Clones on different hardware.


apple2gsmt - Prototype with some different hardware. Differences not emulated yet.

apple2gsr3p - A ROM isn't dumped.


Very preliminary driver.


Lisa OS doesn't boot.



Via6522 emulation is imperfect and causes numerous bugs.


Very preliminary driver.


Very preliminary driver.


Apple II clones, not fully compatible. Differences aren't correctly emulated yet.


mratlus, plldium, polyvcg, trakcvg -


86lions - Runs on earlier, slightly different hardware.

clkwise - Needs redump of the program ROMs.


Skeleton driver. System is SH4 based.


cptshark - Needs verifying inputs and outputs.

gostopac - Stuck during boot with 'S4' message. Also needs correct 'CPU code'.

hapfarm - Problems with interrupts?

magibomba, westvent - Bad dump of a program ROM.

magibombb, magibombc, magibombf, magibombh, magibombi - Freeze due to unemulated protection.

magibombd, winbingoa Need correct sprite ROM dump.

magibombg - Needs correct "CPU code", EEPROM and sprite ROM dump.

monkeyl and clones - Need correct "CPU code", outputs and inputs need to be checked.

speedmst and clones - Need correct "CPU code" and EEPROM dump.

wwitch - Need correct "CPU code", correct GFX ROM loading, outputs and inputs.


Fruit machines. AMD Geode based. Skeletonish.


a2600_pop - 2 joysticks and 2 paddles are hooked up to the unit; unknown how.


a1200xl - Bad dump.

a65xea, a130xe -


All of these games suffer from some advanced protection that affects them in different ways. Through some magic accesses in memory, data can be decrypted using some special key sequences that are not entirely understood. It's possible to find all possible data sources, run them through the decryption process on the real PCB, and then encode that information in the driver, and for some of the games it has been done. Only rrreveng and clones are missing.

rrreveng and clones - Unemulated protection. It's possible the same method used to break Moto Frenzy's protection could be used.


Emulation still preliminary. TODO is on top of the source file.


paperboyp - Prototype with possibly different hardware. Some program ROMs didn't read consistently and are suspected bad. GFX ROMs weren't dumped for this set.


tank - Netlist has been added but needs debugging and it runs very slow.


atetrisb5 - Uses a large TTL board as substitute for Slapstic and Pokeys. Currently unemulated.


Inputs aren't correctly hooked up, missing sprite-tilemap priority, colors. Sound hw isn't correctly hooked up.


Coins and timer were handled by Bartop system bios. Since bios dump is not available, regular Atari 5200 bios is used and game is marked as not working. Game cart is also marked as bad dump as it is done in "console style", i.e. one file for all game data.


bwidowp - Prototype on different hardware.


dsrtwars - Bootleg with different sound system. Mostly works but sound is very badly emulated.


magworma - Service mode works, game does not.


Banking not understood.


cops and clone - No laserdisc dump.


steeltalp, hdrivairp - Prototypes, possibly running on slightly different hardware.


Juke box. TMS1300 based. The mechanical parts aren't emulated.


jaguar, jaguarcd - Currently the driver is geared toward supporting the cojag arcade games. Jaguar console support is very poor, most games aren't properly playable or have severe performance issues or crashes related to the unsafe blitter code.


klax5bl3 - Audio CPU has encrypted opcodes.


Mainly just need the inputs hooked up, which are mapped to the parallel port via a JAMMA interface.


Skeleton driver. Extremely complex prototype hardware.


mcombat, mcombata, mcombats - Bootlegs on different hardware.

missilem - This kit combines Missile Command and Super Missile Attack on ddaughterboard plugged into the main pcb cpu slot.


Missing tape dump and GFX ROMs need redump.


tank8a, tank8b, tank8c, tank8d - Bad / incomplete dumps.


cellage - Photo booth. Needs correct GFX emulation plus emulation of camera and printer.


DIVS instruction at 0x801112 (the second time) causes a divide-by-zero exception the system isn't ready for due to word at 0x5EA6 being zero. Code might not get there if the attempted FDC boot succeeds; FDC hookup probably needs help. 2797 isn't asserting DRQ?


Lots of work still needed. Lacks software to further improve emulation.


Needs parallel port, centronics port, AUX serial port and FDC/FDD/HD setup.


Needs emulation of additional cards.


mbee128, mbee128p, mbee256, mbee56, mbeepp, mbeett - Hardware differences haven't been emulated yet.


Preliminary driver. Extensive TO-DO at the top of the driver.


Doesn't seem to work with the generic terminal. It's supposed to be used with a Lear Siegler ADM-31 terminal.


Floppy doesn't work correctly.


Preliminary driver.


Inputs might be incorrectly hooked up.


Missing layouts.


Most games fail to boot, giving the CPU a 'WAIT' instruction then sitting there; some complain about Characterizer (protection) and then do the same; a few boot to show light displays with no LED text; some display misaligned LED text; many run VERY slowly, even when the CPU is inactive (inefficient MAME timer system overhead?).


Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.


Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.


Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.


Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.


Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.


Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.


Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.


Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.


Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.


Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.


Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.


Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.


Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.


Fruit machine hardware. Not working yet. Needs artwork.


Needs correct implementation of characteriser protection for each game. BwB games need more work: They have a slightly different 68k memory map. The 6850 is at e00000 and the 6840 is at e01000; they appear to hang on the handshake with the MPU4 board. Currently using a scanline timer to drive an approximation of the SCN2674 scanline logic, but this is perhaps better served as a proper device. Deal 'Em lockouts vary on certain cabinets (normally connected to AUX2, but not there?). Deal 'Em has bad tiles (apostrophe, logo, bottom corner), black should actually be transparent to give black on green.



beeline, inquiztr - Missing floppy disk image.


Fruit machine hardware. Skeleton driver.


Mostly missing layouts to be considered playable.


Fruit machine hardware. Skeleton driver.


m_bcgslm, m_brkfst and clones, m_bfocus, m_cpeno1, m_luvjob - Mechanical games imported from AgeMame. The fruit machine games don't work either.

gldncrwnhop - Has different protection from the parent.

quintond - Missing emulation of RS232 data link device (see BACTA Datapak specs for more info).


Fruit machine hardware. Most games pass the startup tests.


Incomplete protection simulation.


magkengo - Slightly different PCB. Needs emulation of its peculiarities.


Stops while checking the printer.


Keyboard matrix hasn't been completely figured out yet.


Skeleton driver.


Big TODO at the top of the driver.


Preliminary driver (SH4 based system). Has 2 MPEG2 decoder chips.


cps1mult - Needs emulation of the game selection via DIP switches.

pmonster - Needs hopper emulation.

sf2amf, sf2stt - Missing program ROMs dump.

varthb3 - Different video registers need emulating.


pangbp - Has an extra Z80 with battery backed RAM for protection. RAM dump not available.

pkladiesbl, pkladiesblu ' - Needs CPU "decryption".

pkladiesbl2 ' - Needs inputs, sound and GFX fixes.

spangbl2 - Bootleg on different hardware.


Preliminary driver.


Keyboard. Emulation is preliminary. ARM derivative.


IRQs aren't emulated, cassette, FDC and keyboard don't work.


Needs cassette i/f, serial i/f, FDC (requires test program that Service manual mentions), ROM/RAM slot interface, mini plotter printer (FP-1011PL) and graphic printer (FP-1012PR).


FDC/HDD and cassette saving don't work.


Electronic drums. I87C52. Dream SAM9793 and Burr-Brown PCM1717E DAC aren't emulated.



Missing inputs, and I/O callbacks copied from CFX9850G need to be reviewed.


Keyboard is only partially supported, joystick and cassette aren't emulated.


CPU is an unemulated MSM6283, possibly with undumped internal ROM.


mmmbanc - Needs touch screen emulation handled via SH4 serial.


Floppy implementation needs work.


Needs startup/reset memory map, i/o device mapping, interrupt acknowledge, WD1002-05 Winchester/Floppy Disk Controller (WFC), keyboard, mouse.


Needs custom layout for dual LCDs, artwork and lamps position needed to make progresses, U43 and U44 bad in Trap Shoot Classic, games are incredibly sluggish, irq sources are unknown, Trap Shoot Classic runs on a single LCD, needs mod.


Skeleton driver.


dlairc, dlairb, dlaira, dlair_2, dlair_1, dleuro, dleuroalt, dlital - Only LD-V1000 versions are supported, due to no viable solution for reading configuration DIPs at init time.

spaceace and clones - No laserdisc dump yet.


aafbb - One of the program ROMs is a bad dump.


Preliminary driver. I8085A based.


Sensors aren't emulated yet.


clipper - Hardware differences haven't been emulated yet.


Preliminary driver. Extensive TODO at the top of the driver.


bx256hp, cbm730 - The i8088 board isn't emulated yet.

cbm720_de - Missing chargen dump.


Printer. Basically a skeleton driver.



Preliminary driver. I80186 based.




Driver currently gets to a loop where it waits for an interrupt.


tisland - The decryption seems good but needs a ROM patch for some opcodes. The ROM is confirmed good, so maybe some special feature of the DECO-7 CPU?


cntsteer - Needs better understanding of the communications and correct ROZ layer implementation.

gekitsui, zerotrgt and clone - Need better ROZ layer implementation.


automat - Bootleg on different hardware. Minor video glitches.

bandit - Incomplete decbac chip emulation causes bad GFXs.

mastbond, secretab - Bootleg on different hardware. Unemulated layer scrolling and banking.

ffantasybl - Hangs after killing Lamia. Might have to do with the M68705 MCU, which isn't dumped.


ghostb3a - The game hangs as gameplay starts. ROMs confirmed working on PCB. MAME sync problems?

srdarwinb - Bootleg on slightly different hw.


gunhard, lockload, lockloadu - lightgun hookup not completely understood, randomly locks up


The driver needs better video e I/O emulation, laserdisc hook-ups.


skullfng and clones - Random hangs sometimes.

stadhr96j2 - Stops with a mismatch between mother board and cart country code.


Needs graphics emulation through artwork system and printer emulation.


karnovjbl - Bootleg. Uses a different MCU (NEC D8748HD) which needs simulation or, if possible, dumping.


pcktgalba - This bootleg connects two PCBs with completely different hardware. The Pocket Gal PCB is emulated here, while the other isn't currently connected and the switching between the two games isn't emulated.


progolfa - Ball is misplaced when on the ground.


funkyjetb, tumblebpa - Bootlegs on different hardware


ac1scch - Hardware differences aren't emulated yet.


bcs3a, bcs3b, bcs3c, bcs3d -


chessmsta - Figure out why it won't work, for starters it assumes z80 carry flag is set at poweron?



Very little documentation available, so the driver is mostly guesswork. Z80 based.



Lack of software makes it difficult to prove the emulation is correct.


Skeleton driver.


Extensive TODO at the top of the driver.


Needs SCSI and mouse emulation.


MIPS family based. Preliminary driver.







VT61 based. Very preliminary. Missing some dumps.


Skeleton driver.


Preliminary driver.


momotaro - Protection + some ROMs are badly dumped.


tenkai2b - Missing dump of the internal ROM of the TMP91640.


cafebrk, cafepara - Internal ROM has been dumped but data ROM seems scrambled.

cafedoll, cafedollg, ougonhai - Protection checks not completely circumvented.

chalgirl, mjsenka, mjsiyoub, rkjanoh2 - Banking needs to be verified by finishing the game.

dragonmj, ichiban, pongboo2 - Banking not understood yet.

janoh - Incomplete dump.

janoha -

jansou - Missing internal program ROM.

mjdejavu and clone - Calls by the player don't work.

mjtensin - Random crashes, related to interrupts.

ougonhaib3 - One GFX ROM is a bad dump.


mag_drac - Bad dump.


Preliminary driver.


MCF5206E based. Skeletonish.


Needs Four Pole Low-Pass Voltage Controlled Filter section, external sync signal, foot pedal, ADC feedback, piano keyboard controller, expansion connector, stereo output.



Skeleton driver.


ts10, ts12 -


Skeleton driver.


raccoon - Game animation & timers seem too fast.


Needs emulation of: keyboard interrupt, LCD controller, serial, SW6 read, RS-232, microcassette, printer, ROM cartridge, floppy TF-20, barcode reader. Might need a M6800 core rewrite.




Preliminary driver.


Video emulation is missing features, no NOVRAM store / recall.


showdown4 - Different type of protection wrt to the parent.


royalpk2 - It will soft-lock when attempting to use either settings-save options in the service menu.


Missing emulation of character attributes (RAM at 0xc000), cursor, 132 column mode, smooth scrolling, timings, printer.


Keyboard isn't emulated.


Computer. F8 based. Driver is skeleton-ish.


MASTER 'TIM' test fails. LGTST 'TIM' test is out of tolerance without 6840 hack.


falco5220e - Bad dump. ASIC emulation is incomplete.



Very preliminary driver.


fm11, fm16beta, fm7740sx - Extra features not implemented.


Video emulation is far from complete.



Skeleton driver. The games' program ROM has been decrypted, but they have an undumped MCU which needs decapping or simulation.


fw_a7_11, fw_a7_11a, fw_a0_1, jokcrdep - Different hardware with epoxy block, to be reverse engineered.

jolyjokrc - Bad program ROM.

multiwinb - Encryption not figured out yet.

royalcrd_msx , royalcrd_nes and clone - Stealth games which combine the poker game hardware and the console hardware.


FDC error, needs a DASM investigation / work-around.


Partially decrypted but need more work to be playable.


Preliminary driver.


Heavily modified bootleg of Big Karnak running on the Modular System. Only preliminary work has been done.


play2000_50i - Bad dump.

aligatorp, chmppool, jungleani, srollnd - Missing ds5002fp dump.


DS5002FP based. Preliminary driver, GFX, sound and inputs aren't properly emulated yet.


mastboyiv2 - Needs a different MCU program.


GFX glitches, possible DSP core bugs.


funystrp, puckpepl - Protection, controls eating of dots + other things.

rebus - Another protected Microhard game.

ringball - Currently stuck at initialization / test mode, probably protected.


boggy84b2 - Missing the dump of a program ROM.


amidarc, aracnisa - Resets when starting a game.

ckongcv, ckongis - Bootleg on different hardware.

dingoe - Probable bad dump and encryption.

highroll - Auto starts game after inserting coin, bad cards GFX, bad inputs response, not all inputs are mapped.

jungsub - Different hardware, needs better GFX handling and one GFX ROM is bad.

ncentury, scramblebun, scrammr - Stuck at boot. IRQ isn't enabled correctly. Protected?

mooncrs5, mutacion, supergx - Bad dumps.

olibug - One of the GFX ROMs is bad. Uses the Galaxian PROM, which gives bad colors(?).

tenspot - Menu isn't working yet.

warofbugg - Bootleg on slightly different hardware.


drivfrcsga, spcwarp - Bad dump.

trvchlng - Questions ROMs aren't dumped.


rescuefe - Bad / incomplete dump.


Skeleton driver.


Driver is quite advanced, but isn't fully working yet.


sbugger - Bad dump, different revision to working set.



vidchal - Needs videotape support.


bombman, gdefender, ggdman, ktparman, puckimon, tkjmaru, wantgman - Missing artwork.


pabball, uspbball - Preliminary drivers.


Missing SVGs.


nsmb3, nsmw - Missing LCD scan.


bship and clone, elecbowl - As far as MAME is concerned, the game is emulated fine. But for it to be playable, it requires interaction with other, unemulatable, things (eg. game board/pieces, playing cards, pen & paper, etc).

tithermos - Temperature sensor comparator isn't emulated yet (right now just the digital clock works).



k28m2 - LCD isn't emulated.

lantransp, tnttellp - Version from the patent. Maybe incompatible with released modules?


Needs fixing the SCN2674/Z80DMA hookup, missing keyboard keys and RS232 control lines.


gp19 - GP-19 graphics mode only shows the top half of the image (on the visible screen).


Undumped MCU, plus needs removing of the parity check IRQ patch, implementation of the S-100 bus features, irqs need 8259 "auto-ack"-ing in order to work properly and vertical scrolling isn't understood.


Missing keyboard emulation.


No documentation available, almost no software available. Long TODO on top of file.


Long TODO at the top of the file.


Cassette won't load; many missing features.


Most devices aren't hooked up. Skeletonish.


Keyboard isn't working correctly.


Skeleton-ish driver. Z8018216 based.


Needs ET532 emulation.



The cassette saves a noise but it returns a bad load.


ATMEGA8 CPU emulation is incomplete.


SD card not supported yet.


brailab4, homelab3, homelab4 - Preliminary driver. Cassette support needs to be fixed, among other things.


hp9808a - Preliminary driver.


Preliminary driver.


Keyboard isn't emulated.


Runs, AD LINK ERROR on stock ROM due to unimplemented AD link.


hp39g -


Preliminary driver.


Native keyboard isn't emulated. Driver still preliminary.


Boot tests fail.


Preliminary driver.


Skeleton driver. Needs banking and peripherals support.


Preliminary driver. Without software to test it, it's difficult to progress with the emulation.


Skeleton-ish. Server. PPC601 based.


Diagnostic disk 1 fails with code 67; aix vrm disk 1 fails with alternating code a6/13.


Needs keyboard and RTC emulation.


Electro-mechanical bubble hockey games.


Redemption game. Mechanical parts aren't emulated.


franticf and clone - Directional inputs (wheel) don't work yet.


MIPS + custom 3D hardware. Boots but lacks 3d GFX hardware emulation.


cabaret - Not fully playable because of some pitfalls.

double8l, kungfua - Undumped internal ROM.


3cdpoker, 3cdpokera, animalw, cll, cmfb55, luckylad, pkrmast, prkmasta, rolling, srmagic, super972 - They need work on inputs / dips.

animalhs and clones, eldoraddoa - Need correct GFX banking, I/O.

ll3, wcherry - Only preliminary work has been done.

aplan, chryangla, cmast99, cmast99b - The game appears to be stuck in a loop resetting itself after initialising NVRAM.

bonusch - Undumped MCU.

cb3c - Needs correct memory map and one GFX ROM is a bad dump.

cb3f - Encryption not completely figured out.

cherry96 - Different hardware.

chryangl, chryanglb - Hangs when betting or after a couple of attract mode cycles. Protection related?

cmast92 and clone, eldoradd, eldoraddo - Needs correct GFX emulation. Game is running otherwise.

cmast97 and clone - PROM decode needs fixing, needs correct GFX banking.

cmasterbv, cmv4a - Missing switch between normal and "stealth" game.

cmasteri - ROMs contain only half of what they should, but dump sizes are confirmed wrt to ROM chip type.

cmtetriskr - Needs correct GFX decode.

cmtetrsb - Soon after boot it shows garbage due to wrong graphics banks.

cmv4zg, cmv4zga - Seem to reset after reels stop spinning. Slightly protected?

crazybonb, wcat3a - Decryption should be good. Possibly needs a different machine driver?

hamhouse - Needs correct I/O.

jkrmast, jkrmasta - Preliminary emulation.

luckybar - mc68705 MCU.

magoddsc, magoddsd - Custom encrypted CPU block.

nd8lines - Needs correct PROMs decoding and inputs.

noved - Needs GFX2 region decryption / decode, controls.

feverch, mbs2euro, megaline - Need more work in memory map, inputs, and reels alignment.

nfm and clone - Need decoding of the girls' GFX ROM.

roypok96c - Stuck at the Program Check screen.

super7 - Needs GFX and palette work. First time it boots and works, with written NVRAM it stops waiting for initialization. Slightly wrong decryption?

super9 - GFXs aren't decoded yet.

tcl - Encrypted.

war3cb - Address scrambling needs to be checked.

wcat3 - Encryption not completely broken, can be seen running after a couple soft resets.


icescape - Touchscreen commands aren't emulated yet.


amazonia and clone, amazoni2, klxyj, gonefsh2, luckycrs, olympic5 and clone, sdwx - Need dump of the internal ROM.

chessc2 - Needs IGS025 emulation.

extradrw - Inputs not implemented yet.


crzybugsj, haunthig and clone, wldfruit - Missing internal ROM dump.

tripfevb - Hangs at payout.


tygn - Needs correct protection workarounds. Currently fades to black during play.


jking302us - IGS026 and IGS029 protection needs simulation.

mgcs ande clone - IGS029 protection needs more work.

sdmg2p - Protection sometimes kicks in after starting game, hopper isn't hooked up correctly.

slqz2a - Undumped program ROM.

tarzan - Missing sprites and sound ROM, imperfect tiles decryption.

tarzana - Missing IGS029 protection, missing sprites and sound ROM.


cpoker210ks, cpoker300us - Protection handling and inputs / outputs need to be verified.

stellecu - Bad / incomplete dump.


kungfu - Needs correct inputs for the 'fighting' game.


dmnfrntpcb, kovlsjb, kovlsjba, kovlsqh, kovlsqh2, kovshp, kovshxas, kovytzy, oldsplus, pgm3in1, puzlstar, svgtw - Need internal ROM of IGS027A.

drgw2100hk - Protections isn't simulated yet.


3super8 - Roms are badly dumped.

jinhulu2 - Seems to try linking to something. Also needs IGS003 protection emulated.


Driver shows something, but emulation is still incomplete. I8039 based CPU with CRTC6845 video and AY8910 sound.


Preliminary driver. Needs hookup of the QUART devices, and fix "QUART COUNTER NOT RUNNING" error message; interrupt system hookup; understanding of what's "netflex" device. Furthermore, the CMOS doesn't seem to get properly initialized. Also, the ms72c set seems to have extra checks.


all imperial games - Stuck during initialization.

all pc* sets - This sets use tokens instead of coin. They get stuck with "Token in timeout" message.

peke0004 and clones, peke0017 and clones, pex0006k, pex0013k, px0013ka -

peke0026, pemg0025, pemg0026, pemg0182, pemg0183, pemg0213, pemg0225, pemg0252, peps0205 - Need printer support.

all pepk* sets but pepk1024 -

pepp0021, pepp0079, pepp0596, pepp0598 - Need link support.

pex0489p, pex2474p - Need unknown PE+ GAME POKER program to run.

sv1pf434 - Occasionally makes an alarm sound most likely related to the door.


Driver imported from Agemame. Needs modernisation.


bpoker -


Two ROMs need a redump.


Terminal. 6809 based. The ASIC needs to be figured out.


ipc - Dump incomplete.


Skeleton driver. I8085A based.


rpc86, isbc86, isbc8605, isbc8630, isbc286, sm1810 - Preliminary driver 8086 / 286 based.


Needs more Multibus cards emulated and installed.



Preliminary driver.


ipminvad1 - Incomplete dumps.


kftgoal, wpksoc - Missing EEPROM hook-up.


Blitter data is encrypted and MCU is undumped.


hharryb2, loht_ms, lohtb, rtypem82b, rtype2m82b - The bootleg hardware is different to the original hardware.


nbbatman2bl - Bootleg with different sprite system, MCU as soundcpu, OKI samples for music/sound.


demoneye - Missing 3rd graphic layer making level 2 impossible. Unclear what the layer should show.


ROMs are badly dumped. Needs floppy hook-up.


stratabs - Controls aren't hooked up.


acommand - Inputs aren't fully understood. Requires a major rework of the artwork sub-system. Needs to be merged with cischeat.cpp driver.


Mechanical arm simulation isn't perfect.


unkzilec - Only the GFX ROMs are dumped.


armchmp2 and clones - Arm motor emulation is incorrect.

wildplt - Busted timings.


f1superb - The road is always rendered as straight. The game has a road layer and extra ROMs for it. There is an unknown maths DSP for protection.


nndmseal and clones - Missing camera and printer emulation.

stepstag, step3, vjdash - Missing HD / bios dumps for the PC part.


crisscrs - Missing disk image dump.


buzzundr, monspdr, snlad - Incomplete dumps.


all sets but j6aceclb, j6big50, j6bigbuk, j6bnza, j6camelt, j6cascz, j6gogold, j6guab, j6hapyhr, j6kungfu, j6mono60, j6montlk, j6roller, j6sonic, j6untch and relative clones - Need correct layouts and settings.


Missing layouts.


cashcade - Incomplete dump? Shows a loading error.

monopldx1 - Missing questions?


The mechanical games aren't emulated yet.


Kaneko protection MCU with internal rom, managing CPU comms. Decap should possible, should be the same for all games / sets.


Heavily modified bootleg of Gals Panic running on the Modular System. Only preliminary work has been done.


bonkadva - Shows an upside down KO! sprite, probably due to a failed start up check.


sutjarod - Needs correct protection data.


Most machines are incompletely emulated. The problems listed in the driver are:

kaypro1084 - Boots from floppy, but needs hard drive added.

kaypro4a - Floppy not working.

kayproiip88, kaypro484p88 - Works as a normal Kaypro 4, extra hardware not done.

omni2, omni4 - I/O board isn't emulated.

robie - Has twin 2.6MB 5.25 floppy drives which aren't supported, no software available.



Complicated Konami 3D hardware. Bujutsu works a bit better.


bootcamp, bootcampa, combatscj, combatsct - Trackball isn't correctly emulated.


dbz2bl - Bootleg on different hardware. Heavy priority / GFX issues, no sound.


gberetb - Needs correct PROM decoding. As is, GFX are too mangled to play it.


Preliminary driver.


Sprite banking isn't understood. Mechanical part isn't simulated.


thunderh and clone - They use an additional top board for sound, network and analog control functions.


sscope and clones, sscope2 and clones -

terabrst and clones - Missing gun emulation.

terabrstaa, terabrstja, terabrstua - Missing gun emulation, won't boot due to issues with the cgboard/konppc.

thrilldbu - Heavy GFX glitches, fails wheel motor test.


farwest - Bootleg running on different hardware.


btchamp, kdeadeye, tmosh and clones - All games on this system suffer from a corner case involving audio track playback in the SCSI CD-ROM emulation.


opengolf and clones, racinfrc and clones - These games use a special ROZ layer generated by the "PSAC4" custom IC which appears to include a height map.


btltryst - Unemulated GFX modes make the game too glitchy to be playable.

totlvica, totlvicj, totlvicu - They get stuck during boot.

heatof11 - Hangs if Japan is selected. Timing related, as setting perfect interleave fixes it.


Missing laserdisc dump.


Most dumps are incomplete. Those fully dumped boot but fails various mechanical hardware tests.


slimekun -

tsururin - Resets after initial ROM / RAM test. IRQ related.


Preliminary emulation.


crossmg2, fruitsmg - Mechanical parts aren't emulated yet.

dobouchn - Controls need verifying.

pwrchanc, spcpokan - Colors are wrong, inputs not verified.

unkkonmd - Stops with network ID error.


Preliminary driver. PPC based.


Game suffer from incomplete PSX-based hardware emulation and some are missing emulation of the external digital sound and I/O board.


moomesabl - Bootleg on different hardware. Sprite ROMs weren't dumped for this bootleg set.


Complex Konami 3D hardware.


Skeleton driver. PC hardware.


Driver has heavy graphic problems. Missing road (two unemulated K053250).


Preliminary driver. PPC based.


Konami GX based PCB for gambling games.


glfgreat and clones - DMA emulation is incomplete.

ssridersb - Bootleg on different hardware. Bad dump.

ssriders2 - Bootleg on different hardware.


bmiidx, bmiidxa, bmiidxc, bmiidxca - Connected over the mini-din8 (CN7) and DVD check requires RTS->CTS.


Preliminary driver, PPC+voodoo.


xmenabl - Sprites are glitched, one Oki ROM is probably bad.


Preliminary driver.


TMP68301 based. Skeletonish.


Computer. Z80 based. No notes on what's missing.


pc8201 - Cassette's not working, floppies aren't hooked up.

pc8201a - Cassette's not working.

npc8300 - Doesn't boot.


Unfinished floppy hookup (no available software to test it). Not all keys are mapped.



TODOs are short/long reset (RSTBUT), CIO, hard disk and connect RS-232 port A.


Skeleton driver. M68010 based.



Floppy not hooked up correctly, still WIP.


Paste drops many characters. Cassette not working correctly


Wrong timings. Also needs a MN1544 4-bit CPU core and ROM dump.


Preliminary driver. TMP94C241F based.


intvkbd - Has additional components / devices (i.e. tape) which aren't emulated.


Mechanical game imported from AGEMAME.


Skeleton driver for fruit machine games.


FDC is implemented but there's no software to test it.


Skeleton driver. Z80 based.


tictacuk - Doesn't register coins.


mtchxl5k and clones, mtchxlgld and clone - The security key hasn't been reverse engineered.

mtchxlti -


Skeletonish. M6802 based darts game.


metabee - Hopper isn't emulated, so game doesn't start.

poittoc - One of the program ROMs isn't dumped.

puzzlet - In game timer doesn't decrease.


Misses hard disc controller and mouse emulation.



WIP driver. Missing some GFX modes.


Skeleton driver for a CD Juke Box.


wink, winka - Protection module has been reverse engineered but it's still missing something.


invasionrza - Bootlegs on slightly different hardware.

sisv1 - Some ROMs aren't dumped.


tenpindx - This game used a physical hockey puck which the player slid down the bowling alley. Sensors on the other end picked up the location and velocity of the puck and simulated the pin behavior. Requires simulation of this input interface in order to be considered working.


The Zeus2 video chip needs more work.


triviaes4, triviaes5 - Though clearly derived by the originals in this driver, it uses different hardware, especially for the sound. Banking / ROM loading isn't figured out yet.


nflfoot - CED-based disk game. Has gory Z80-based serial I/O interface that is not understood. The CED player interface is undocumented. A poor quality rip exists of the video (probably the best we will get). There is a second CED disk with different teams playing which we do not have access to.


mkrep -


crusnexo, thegrid and clones - These Zeus II-based games use a proprietary 3D graphics chip that has no available documentation.


Mechanical game. Needs artwork and lamps and sensors hook up.



sfrushrkw, sfrushrkwo - Wavenet isn't emulated.


spyhuntpr - Very different hardware.


sf2049te and clone - Voodoo 3-based, one step beyond the Voodoo Banshee problems.


defndjeu, tornado2 - Bad dumps.


raaspec - Timings and mandatory artwork missing.


rc3230, rs3230 -


19in1, 48in1 and clones, 60in1, fruitwld and clone, jumanji, plutus, pokrwild, rodent - Should be correctly decrypted but expect something different from the CPLD.

4in1a, 4in1b - These have been decrypted, currently boot but stuck at 'Hardware Check' with an error. Need adjusting of the cpld_*() methods.


Emulation is still preliminary. Needs DSPP core properly hooked up (should be similar if not same to the one used by the later Konami M2 HW).


Needs proper UM487F device emulation. CPU logic seems quite off.


strker - Stops with 'RAM no good' message.


acefruit - Inputs aren't fully understood. Video in bonus game needs fixing.

starspnr - Most likely needs a redump of the program ROMs.


Emulation of the type 2 and 3 boards is preliminary, thus only suprstar (board type 1) kinda works, though it errors out when inserting coins.


Preliminary driver. Mechanical / screenless system. Uses a Z8 based MCU.


arizna10 - Undumped PIC provides protection. Currently can't exit operator mode to get in game.

ampkr2jsp, ampkr2jspa -


Skeleton-ish. H8/3007 CPU (internal ROM apparently not used), barely documented Yamaha YGV625 sprite processor and CRTC and OKI M9810 for sound.


Blitter is imperfectly emulated, but games can be played.


Mechanical game. Needs artwork with lamps support.


shtstar - Runs on different hardware. Also needs correct "CPU code".


Needs CTC and daisy-chain.


Protection problems? Video hardware don't make much sense.


Cadillac Jack sets - These games freeze while trying to print the redemption tickets. Also need the MCU dumped and emulated, since they currently relay on ROM patches to bypass the checks.

The other games - Undumped MCUs.


Skeleton driver.


comg123, comg164, comg187, comg214, comg227, comg230 - Bad/incomplete dumps.


alantin, bsebmanbl, bsebmanbl2, drkseal - Need correct inputs.

ncarrera - Needs MCU dump.


Incomplete decryption.


Lots of not utilized ROMs.

changyu - MCU isn't hooked up yet.


losttrea - Inputs need verifying, probably playable apart from that.


pokeroul, supnudg2 - Incomplete protection simulation.

trailblz - Question ROMs aren't dumped.


Touch screen needs to be hooked up. GFX problems.


Dies at POST with a SPU error.


donghaer, maldaiza - Protection PIC hasn't been dumped yet.

officeye - Protection PICs have been dumped but there isn't a pic16c727 core yet. Simulation is quite good, but there is still some instability.

wulybuly -


btplay2k, letsdnce - Timing problems.


Darts machine with video. Z80 based. One ROM dump is bad.


qc, quarterh and clones - Missing laserdisc dumps.


Skeleton driver for fruit machine games.


Skeleton driver for fruit machine games.


Skeleton driver for fruit machine games.


catapult, revenger - Bad dumps.


fantstry and clone - Playable, but no sound because of an undumped PIC.


LD TROUBLE appears at POST. Sync/timing issue? Performance spike after some time of gameplay, CPU comms gets corrupt?


Preliminary driver. TMS 1000 / COP420 based.


Possibly bad BIOS dump.


Games reset. Schematics are available.


countrun - Main program inside of custom CPU block.

countrunb2 - Possible bad dump, or encrypted.


Preliminary driver. M68000 based.


Preliminary driver. PC based hardware (Cyrix GX + 3DFX).


Missing At89c52 dump. EEPROM behaviour still buggy.


hotbody2 - Program ROM isn't dumped.


Both games are missing M68K ROM dumps.

99bottles - Likely bad CD dump.

gammagic - Hangs after "ignoring write to swapbufferCMD when CMDFIFO is enabled" message.


Skeleton driver for fruit machine games.


Needs discovering the proper way to tie PIA's signals to Microprocessor's IRQs and coin in device support.


ballch, cots, sc2in1, sscs, super555 - Hang while booting, patched for now.

magslot, sc2in1 - Need correct GFX decode for 1st layer.

rbmk - 89C51 MCU isn't correctly hooked up yet.

rbspm - 89C51 MCU isn't correctly hooked up yet. PIC16F84 is dumped but MAME doesn't have a CPU core for it.

ssanguoj - Undumped 89C51 MCU.


Preliminary driver.


falcnwldc - Main CPU / MCU communications aren't correctly implemented yet.

goldnpkd - You always get a winning flush. Unemulated protection?

jkrbonus - Inputs need correction (in particular SW2 isn't hooked up). Also one GFX ROM is bad.

maxidpkr - Undumped 68705P5 MCU.

olym65bj, olym65wc - Encryption only partially beaten, also need a R6511 CPU core.

wldwitchb, wldwitche, wtchjackh -

pokerdub - Missing one program ROM.

potnpkrn - Hangs early on. Protection check?

witchcdk - A ROM is corrupt.


Mechanical redemption game? Only the sound board CPU ROM is dumped.


Missing the internal ROM dump of the HD64F7045F28 main CPU.


bingopd, cuncino, grancapi, magicbom, newtiger, saladue and clone, zoomania and clone - Need correct / verified inputs.

unksmk - Doesn't respond to inputs. Protected.


Protection: needs dumping or simulating PIC.


Preliminary driver.


Undumped program ROM in an epoxy block.


Unemulated features of the DS80C320 CPU and preliminary driver.


Laserdisc game. Missing a disc dump.


Needs better understanding of the master/slave communications, better EEPROM and NVRAM hook-up.


Missing master unit comms (for game override?); loads of unused GFXs, irq and NMI in work RAM space; glitches in attract, service and D-Up screens (requires an NMI mask?); palette, RAMDAC?; complete I/O, identify chip type(s); EEPROM defaults (needs to be initialized in service mode for proper operation).


Missing random number generator, inputs and sound.


Sticker machine which needs camera, printer and light pen support to be useable.


With a clean NVRAM MAME needs to be soft reset after init or the game will trip a '1111 exception' (caused by invalid opcode executed at 0x102, incomplete decryption most likely); likewise anything in the 0x100-0x1f7 range doesn't seem valid at all; the game sometimes expects 1+ coins even if player has available points (and freezing with "COIN" text blinking), very unlikely to be intended behaviour?


dealracl - Partially a bad dump and / or wrong ROM loading.


Mechanical game, needs controls simulation.


awetoss - Mechanical game, needs controls simulation.


hotslot, magic102 and clone, mcolors, mcolorsa, suprpool - Missing dump of the internal ROM of the HD6473308cp10.


belslots, hotslots, magicle, quingo - Fail on I2C BUS ERROR - protection device missing.

bigdeal0 - Locks with 68070 continually executing address error exception.

dallaspk - Requires protection device (serial port ?).

magicard -

kajotcrd - Gets stuck during initialisation.

magicrd1a, magicrd1b, magicrd1d -

magicrde, magicrdea - Alarm when credit is added and credit is then cleared.

magicrdec - Fails on "OUT OF RANGE ERROR".

magicrdj, magicrdja - Fail on "ERROR IN SETTINGS".

simpbest - Undumped MCU controls winning percentage.


Preliminary driver, almost works.


malzak, malzak2 - Sprite collision detection doesn't fully work.



Game ROMs are encrypted (preliminary decryption to be checked), may require a missing boot device;


At power on need to press START to use; missing cassette (x2) handling, MCP-132 printer/plotter device (Diablo HyType I) emulation, serial communications interface unit (terminal and modem ports).


HY04 protection needs simulation (controls tile RNG at very least and possibly colors). EEPROM isn't hooked up yet.


Missing WD2123 device (dual channel 8251A) implementation.


bejpoker, sminiboy - Missing inputs: HOLD 1 and SMALL.


Preliminary sprites and scrolling.


crzmon2 and clones, rollfr_5 - Not decrypted yet.


igromult, igromula - GFX ROMs aren't dumped.


Needs implementation of the remaining video features and sound interface. Inputs are bare bones and need extra work. Needs simulation of the printer/camera devices, lamps. Upd4990a returns 4 years less than expected.


Skeleton-ish. Unidentified CPU (possibly TMS9900).


bjpoker, kimblz80, pma -

dphl, dphla, dphljp, drhl, drhla, gtipoker, kimbldhl, newhilop, smshilo, ssjkrpkr - Missing interrupts for I8080 CPU.

fastdrwp, dphlunka, dphlunkb - Hardware unknown.

noraut3a, noraut3b - Incomplete inputs / some strange behaviour.

norautu, unkljfpk - Encrypted.

norautua, norautub - Decryption incomplete. They run but have strange behaviour.

tpoker2 - Missing 68705 MCU dump / simulation.


Very preliminary driver. Screenless system. Z80 + M6295 based.


Preliminary driver.


maddonnab - No program ROMs on this set. GFX have misplaced tiles when used with other program ROMs, so this is a different license / revision.


zdrum - Coins don't work, inputs incomplete, seems to trip some unimplemented / buggy behaviour of the Hyperstone core. Also needs hard disk dump and MP3 board emulation.


Redemption games. Mechanical.




Doesn't get in game, only test screens seem to work.


quizpun, quizpun2 - Protection MCUs have been dumped and hooked up, but the driver still needs some work.


bformula2 - Bad dump.


ajofrin, babyfrts25 - Bad dumps.


Stuck at the play screen with 'attendere' (wait) message after coining up.


roadstar - Possibly different I/O map.


amclink - "Game" function unknown.

version4 and clones - Incomplete dumps.


Preliminary driver.


bdream97 - The inputs tend to act out of control at many times. This may have to do with the large number of unknown reads and writes to an I/O port at $66.

blshark - Protected or maybe incomplete decryption.

miaction, tigerslt - Preliminary emulation.

olymp, speedway - Decryption probably incomplete.

seadevil - Needs correct GFX ROM loading / decoding.

score5, spcliner - Palette doesn't work, so MAME only shows a black screen, even while you can hear the game running.

sonikfig - Once coined, there's no way to start a game.

speedwaya - Decryption should be good but it doesn't boot.


trvhanga - Missing questions ROMs.


atamanot - Needs a trojan, in order to understand how the protection really works.


cs1_ssp and later versions - Laserdisc games in need of laserdisc dump.

nsupertr3 - Some questions don't display correctly.

quaquiz2 - No inputs, needs nvram.

bbchall, statriv5se, supertr - Questions' ROMs aren't dumped.


Preliminary driver.


Needs inputs, prom decode, sound, artwork (lamps), probably some irq masking and the like.


Darts game. Mechanical part isn't simulated.


Preliminary driver.


Missing OMTI 5200 controller board emulation (floppy) and needs dump of the keyboard MCU and implementation of the full keyboard, with mouse.


Cassette interface isn't emulated.


You can't coin-up after first game over.


I8085 based. Gets stuck if a coin isn't inserted at boot.


misncrft and clone, worldadv - They start to stall for several seconds at a time after they've been running for a certain amount of time

mrkickera - If you allow EEPROM saving, then this set corrupts the EEPROM and then won't boot.

yorijori - Currently needs a ROM patch to work.


Partially working driver. Most of the memory maps for all four CPUs are complete.


jokrlady, paradar, scratch, toureiff, winner - Undumped main CPU ROM.


Video section isn't emulated. Also needs security PAL U35 decoding, In/Out interface Board communication (included mechanical METER + some switch Door open, etc..), JCM Bill acceptor communication (probably ID-003 protocol), printer communication (Star Printer ).


Extensive TODO at the top of the driver.


PC hardware. Preliminary driver.


Needs 6840PTM hook-up, I/Os and sound emulation.


Preliminary driver. Needs memory map improvements, ACRTC support, GFX decode and sound support.


PC based (Celeron + 3DFX). Very preliminary.



Preliminary driver.


Skeleton-ish. M6800 based.




s2650 based. Driver is skeleton-ish.


Floppy doesn't work and timer chip isn't hooked up.



Preliminary driver. MC68451 MMU isn't emulated.


Skeleton driver.


M68040 based. Extensive TODO at the top of the driver.


' fsa1fm - Modem not emulated, firmware partially working.

hbg900p and clones - RS232 not communicating.

hx23f and clones - Firmware goes into an infinite loop on the title screen.

hx33 - Half the pixels are missing in the firmware?

mbh70 - How to enter/use the firmware?

mpc27 - Light pen not emulated.

nms8260 -

victhc95 and clones - 2nd cpu/turbo not emulated, firmware won't start.

y503iiir and clones, y805128r2, y805128r2e - Network not implemented.

y805128, y805256 - Floppy support broken.


expert3i, expert3t, expertac, expertdx - Some hardware not emulated.


sfg extensions may not work due to irq callbacks being registered with the Z80 only; v9958 commands seem to execute too fast (several software items hang because of this); midi interface operation on fsa1gt needs verifying, needs implementation of DAC/PCM related hardware/filter and hook up to the S1990; microphone input is missing-





It boots from floppy, so presumably only needs an emulated main system to work.


Skeletonish. Z80 based.


Banking not fully understood, keyboard communications are partially hacked and misses PCMCIA slot.


25pacman - Newer set on slightly different hardware.


The game utilizes a projector. Can it be simulated with external artwork? Interrupts need to be improved.


In need of laserdisc dump. Skeleton driver.


bbbingo, bbbingot, zelos, zelost - Medal games with main - satellites setup. Communications need emulating.


gynotai - Ball sensors aren't understood.


ballpom, ippo2, keroro, medalnt and clone, medalnt2, nflclsfb, puzzball and clone, sekaikh, sugorotc - Need additional I/Os emulated.

gegemdb, kd2001, slotouji - Not decrypted yet.

pacmball, sekaikha - Bad dumps.

taiko2, taiko3, taiko4, taiko5, taiko6, taikort - Small timing issues.


fambowl - Needs additional I/O board emulation.


sws2000, sws2001 - DMA problems.

tektagtjb, tektagtja - Bad / incomplete dumps.


aircombj, aircombu - No polygons displayed.

cybsled and clone, solvalou - They crash.


driveyes - Uses 3 screens with dedicated board for each.


dirtdash - Bad dump.

ridgeracf - Incomplete dump. Very different version.


Many aspects of the hardware are not completely understood.


Screenless crane machine. Mechanical parts aren't emulated.


mastrglf - There's a custom CPU box, main cpu banking and communications with sub cpu aren't understood. Possibly protected.


albatross - Missing GFX ROMs dumps.


Missing configurable ram size (1M, 2M, 4M, 8M), iop and scsi, cpu timing and minibus.


Fails some diagnostic tests. Needs implementing of gpib, printer ports, sio/disk/tape boards.


Preliminary driver. MC68020 based.


Preliminary driver. MIPS based.


Preliminary driver. Power PC based.


Several major features still unimplemented, available software doesn't make use of them.


Dump is incomplete and components are guessed as there's no documentation.



Undumped MCU dump (i8049, controls tape and keyboard). We currently hack tape loading to directly inject contents directly into RAM, would be hairy to support without the actual dump.

Needs daisy chain support for all connected devices that can send an irq event, emulation suffers from irq miscatches especially from keyboard and timer.

FDC is unemulated (unknown part #), it also diverges between pc6001 and pc6601.

Video chip is a M5C6847P-1, a derivative of MC6847, later pc6001mk2 uses a(n unknown part #) superset with black instead of green as typical background pen and a new "Mode 5" gfx, which can do nasty mid-scanline effects (cfr. Tiny Xevious Mk 2, where it draws score display portion with different mode than gameplay).

pc6001mk2 also has a μpd7552 voice chip, unemulated (cfr. Chrith Ai no Tabidachi / クリス 愛の旅立ち intro)

pc6001sr is yet again a superset of the older HWs, no way to surpass the initial PC-6001MK2SR World screen (again irq misfire off the bat?).


Very preliminary emulation. Big TODO at the top of the driver.




pc88va jumps off the weeds with two bogus opcodes (noted in source)

pc88va2 no SW loads up due of missing μpd71071 DMA demand mode (required by the FDC device).

Unemulated plain PC8801 compatibility mode.


Extensive TODO list on top of driver.


Extensive TODO list on top of driver.


Extensive TODO list on top of driver.


Extensive TODO list on top of driver.


Needs front panel and storager emulation. Currently there's no disk controller, so only possible to boot into the monitor.



kog - Bootleg with different protection.

mvstemp - Development board. Unemulated.

sbp - Possibly protected.

stakwindev - Development board. Has battery-backed SRAMs for some of the program, which makes it likely impossible to emulate as the content of the SRAMs is lost due to dead battery.




bagmanf - Bootleg on different hardware.


youmab, youmab2 - Weird bootlegs, they have logic issues (always invincible, power ups can be freely selected).


Implementation of DVD routing and YUV decoding is missing. MPEG chip is only stubbed for now.

csplayh1 - runs on Super CD HW, Inputs don't work at all, slower than the others too.


nightlov - Input problems.


hnageman, hnxmasev - Missing VHS dump.


av2mj1bb, av2mj2rg - Missing VHS dump.


ldquiz4, shabdama - Miss laserdisc dumps. Preliminary driver.


sexygal, sgaltrop, sweetgal - Missing protection simulation.


mtetrisc - Uses additional 2d sprite overlay for tetrominoes gfxs, mostly working minus gfx decoding itself.


Missing coins and timer due to unemulated Amtel MCU.


dkongjrc, dkongddk - Graphic ROMs not switched.


mduckspa - Clone with some differences.


robotech - Single game reissue of "Robotech - The Macross Saga (Euro, USA)" on the GBA but with double sized ROM (BIOS replacement in first half?) and other mods. It is unclear how compatible this is with standard hardware.



Actual LodgeNet system is not emulated, so the extra controller buttons and other system functions are not implemented.


Driver is preliminary. Currently WIP.


drpcjr, sb486 - Missing mice, keyboard and floppy drive support.

fctitler - Misses emulation of the switch that selects which boots: builtin vs cart.


Z80 for timer and maybe coinage isn't implemented.


Differences from the original hardware aren't emulated yet.


Supports up to twelve cartridge slots, currently unimplemented.


Enhanced SH6578 NES clone hardware. Differences not emulated yet.


ablping, cbrs8, mc_105te, megapad, protpp, rfcp168, senwld, vdogdeme, vdogdemo, vtboxing, vtpinball - These NES clones have modified hardware. Differences aren't fully implemented yet, causing these games not to work properly.


rbbrite - Possibly different hardware (VT369?).


dgun13201, dgun13202 - These NES clones have modified hardware. Differences aren't fully implemented yet, causing these games not to work properly.


These NES clones have modified hardware. Differences aren't fully implemented yet, causing these games not to work properly.


Menu system is only partially understood.


Preliminary driver. SNES based.


ffight3b - Protection patched out for now, should be emulated.



Unidentified main CPU. Dump might be bad.


gm235upc - Needs IO ports on sound CPU side and write access to space for RAM.

intg5410 - Controls not hooked up and sometimes it crashes on game change.

lxts3, njp60in1, unk1682 - Random number generator broken, missing line scroll mode emulation.

wowwg - Needs high colour line mode for main menu.


hotmindff - Scrolling offsets + inputs need to be fixed.


firehawkv - Incomplete dump.

powerinsc - Sprites are in a different format which hasn't been decoded yet.

tdragonb2 - Runs too fast. Probably IRQs related.


Needs GALs dump / decoding, debug terminal and demuxer work.


Computer. 80186 based.



Needs a proper Z8001 CPU core.



Keyboard not working yet.


Preliminary driver. Possibly missing a ROM.


Lots of GFX problems.


Controls aren't correctly hooked up and objects aren't properly positioned.


Not all programs work. Some floppy problems.


Skeletonish. Z80 based.




bounty2 - Different memory map. Probably something in the epoxy module marked "CPU PACKII".



c1pmf -


sprglobp2 - Encryption not figured out yet.


Hack of Pengo. It has been decrypted but there is some additional protection.


Newer models' differences aren't emulated yet.


A ROM isn't dumped.


Assorted PC-AT clones. Only preliminary emulation.


Pentium and PCI emulation still preliminary.


calchase - Has mangled Win 98 dump (need to type boot at DOS prompt), in-game sports some video bugs, inputs are sketchy and no steering is implemented.

hostinv - "DISK BOOT FAILURE", trying to save BIOS settings causes black screen (shadow RAM issue), disk dump itself doesn't seem ISO 9660 complaint (protection?)


Jumps in unpopulated RAM area as soon as it banks (PC=ca029 -> 0000:36AF), area may be multibanked instead.


Preliminary driver. I8088 based. Boots with a timer2 error.


Fails CPUID, actual Southbridge model unemulated.


ec1845 - Differences to the other models aren't emulated yet.



ibm5140 - It doesn't boot.


ibmpcjx - Dump is incomplete.


iskr1030 - Keyboard test doesn't pass.


pk88 - Missing video and keyboard emulation.


pangofun - PC based hardware, possibly bad / incomplete dump.


Generic driver for ibm5150 derived PCs. Most machines' specific details haven't been implemented yet.


toursol1 - Protection check hasn't been patched out, like it has in the parent.


streetg and clones - PC hardware emulation is still incomplete.


Correct motherboard / BIOS hasn't been identified yet, mouse is currently hooked up instead of trackball. Printer error B0 keeps popping in attract/game select.



Preliminary driver. Big TODO on top of file.


Half PC, half megadrive. Missing the whole megadrive part.


Hardware is PC-Engine Supergrafx based. RTC & hopper not emulated.


Jamma interface is not emulated.


Lacks complete jamma interface emulation.


General CDI emulation suffers from incomplete simulation of the SLAVE and CDIC MCUs.

quizardff - Misses MCU dump.


1200 bauds cassette doesn't work.


Very preliminary driver. HD6845 drawing not implemented.


fenix - Bootleg, to be checked closer. Dump is incomplete.

griffono - Hangs during attract mode or after coining up.


Pinball games. Emulation is (almost) complete, but the missing simulation of the tables makes them unplayable.


Pinball games. Emulation is (almost) complete, but the missing simulation of the tables makes them unplayable.


Pinball hardware. Not playable without mechanical part simulation.


Pinball games. Emulation is (almost) complete, but the missing simulation of the tables makes them unplayable.


Pinball games. Emulation is (almost) complete, but the missing simulation of the tables makes them unplayable.


Mechanical arcade games which need simulation of the mechanical part to be playable.


Mainly there's no ball physics simulation.


Pinball games. Preliminary, and the missing simulation of the tables makes them unplayable.


croupier and clones, magictch, tropfrt - Protection MCU handles win rates etc. Correct win behavior is critical to this gambling games functioning as expected, so simulation probably doesn't make sense.



Computer. MC6809 based. Emulation is very incomplete due to missing info.


s1945iiibl,s1945iiibla - Sprites only show up if launched with -debug.


psion1 - Peculiarities of this model aren't emulated.


Needs emulation of battery backed RAM.


Needs emulation of battery backed RAM, sound devices, serial ports and fixing of RAM detection for 3mx.


Needs emulation of battery backed RAM.


Needs emulation of battery backed RAM.


Disk Sequencer Card emulation is preliminary.


Preliminary emulation. No inputs.


Needs floppy emulation to be able to test and emulate more features.


Needs better I82730 emulation.


There's a hang while scrolling and cassette loading (bit 7 of port 91) needs work.


Skeleton driver. 65C816 based.


Needs MMS16 (Multibus clone) and slot devices emulation, native keyboard and more work on the A7100 model.


Skeleton driver. I8008 based. Keyboard isn't emulated.


Skeleton driver. Z80 based. Chargen ROM isn't dumped.



z1013k69, z1013k76, z1013s60 - Hardware differences aren't emulated yet.



Skeleton driver.


Synth. Sound isn't emulated yet.


Expander. Sound isn't emulated yet.


Skeletonish. Synthesizer. UPD78312 based.



Skeletonish. Expander. P8098 based.


MIDI sequencer. Needs emulation of the gate arrays.


Skeletonish. Expander. P8098 based.


First off it needs a H8/500 series CPU core.


Bass line. NEC_D650. Sound unemulated (discrete).


Drum machine. UPD7810. Sound unemulated.



Floppy loading doesn't work.


map1010 - Tape control not implemented yet.


bingoc - Needs to be connected to the terminals. Sound banking could be wrong.


X-BOX hardware emulation is still preliminary, but some games boot, albeit slowly.


aquastge - coin pusher, some video bugs, never completes RAM test, some inputs aren't hooked up.


Most games show something and some are playable, but emulation is still incomplete.


Dreamcast emulation is preliminary. Big TODO at the top of the driver, not extensively tested.


Preliminary driver. H8/3007 based.


Communications with other boards aren't implemented yet, causing missing controls.


Laserdisc hardware. Works in theory, but is waiting for a good quality laserdisc dump. Does have a small list of TODO items that could be looked at prior to a disc dump.


Skeleton driver.


Genesis hardware, but uses a PIC to control state based encryption. All the code that matches the Megadrive version has been decrypted, but the extra code (startup code, coins etc.) appears to have some annoying extra encryption.


Boxing bag game. Sensors aren't emulated, so it isn't "playable".


Skeleton driver. Pentium 4 / Celeron based.



bk3ssrmb - The mechanism to switch between the 2 games hasn't been identified yet.

jparkmb, twinktmb - Undumped PIC controls at least coins and dips. Crude simulation causes problems in detecting coins.

sonic3mb - Undumped PIC.

srssf2mb - Both games seem to expect starting in the 0xf00000 range.


ra145 - Bad dump.


SunPlus side isn't hooked up.


VT side isn't hooked up.


mp_bio - Frequently softlocks after continue, usually on the 2nd stage.

mp_shnb3 - Game softlocks if you coin during the intro sequence.


Incorrect behavior at time out and there are some sms based games which aren't yet fully supported.


netmerc - Guesswork incomplete on the math copro dsp functions and program impossible to dump without decapping.

vf - Collision detection is broken due to imperfect TGP RAM port emulation or hookup.


Implementation of the 3D systems is either guesswork (Model 2, 2A) or incomplete (Model 2B, 2C).

hpyagu98 - Stuck at boot with 'error #1' message.

rascot2 - Probably part of a multiple unit setup (server, terminals, video boards).


Driver is still preliminary. Most games boot and show something.


Most games show something and some are playable, but emulation is still incomplete.



The video CPUs are waiting for commands from another source. It is assumed that there is at least one other PCB (834-5526?) which drives the video PCBs and perhaps generates sound. The satellite PCB is emulated in sg1000a.cpp.


Inputs problems.


Cassette isn't correctly implemented yet.


Preliminary driver. H8S/2373 based.


pclub, pclubj, pclubjv2, pclubjv4, pclubjv5 - Need camera and printer handling.


Decryption may still not be 100% correct yet.


astrob1 - Dies when you first start.


endurob2 - Bad dump.


Laserdisc hardware. Has a small list of TODO items that could be looked at prior to a disc dump.



Skeleton driver. Sega 32X based.


fpointbla - Bootleg with different memory map / registers. Misses bgfx and sprites aren't correctly aligned.

dddoor, wfishing - Needs correct inputs / outputs.


pontoon, pontoona - Only the terminal is dumped. pontoona might be the main unit, but needs the FD1094 dumped.


sspirtfc - Missing floppy image.


as1 - Needs laserdisc dump and emulation.


bingpty, carboule - Satellite boards. Need dump of the other boards.

blicks, tinkerbl - Inputs (inserting a coin freezes some of the text on screen).


Hardware is very similar to naomi, see naomi.cpp. Moreover it needs RFID device emulation.


rascot - Only the terminal is dumped.


pdrift and clones - They lock up. TAS opcode related?


sderbys - Satellite board. The main board needs to be dumped. Only partially decrypted.

sderby2s - Satellite board. The main board needs to be dumped. Also inputs aren't hooked up.


Gun doesn't work. Actual timer doesn't seem to match what's set by the dips.


Missing timer, banking non totally implemented.


speedbsk - Mechanical, extensive TODO at the top of the driver.


choroqhr - One ROM is a bad dump.

decathlt, decathlto - Run very slow and lots of GFX glitches.

dfeverg, fanzonem - Require SH2's SCI serial port emulated, to communicate with coin/medal-related I/O board. dfeverg also is missing a ROM.

finlarch, smleague - Randomly hang / crash. They work with a ridiculous MDRV_INTERLEAVE number, might need strict SH-2 synching.

magzun - I/O errors.

nclubdis - Unemulated security card.

nclubv3, pclub2 and clones, pclub3, pclubpok, stress - Unemulated printer.

sackids - Runs with a dedicated bios which isn't dumped.

sfish2, sfish2j - CD handling broken. Needs MPEG decoder.

twcup98, twsoc98 - Some situations with the GK result in the game stalling.

vfremix - Texture upload issues in some cases, see source.

yattrmnp - Needs emulation of the medal game specific hardware.



bayrouteb1 - Broken sprites (missing IRQ?).

altbeastbl, altbeastbl2, bayrouteb2, beautyb, bloxeedbl, dduxb1, eswatb1, fpointb1, fpointbj, goldnaxeb1, goldenaxeb2, iqpipe, passshtb, passht4b, shdancbla, shinobld, shinoblda, tturfb1, wb3bb1, wb3bble - Bootlegs on different hardware.

timescanbl - Encrypted.


timetrv2 - Needs laserdisc dump for this ROM, which has different frame indexes from the parent.


carnivalca - One of the program ROMs need a redump.

invho2a - Bad colors (wrong for Invinco, all black for Head On 2) render the games unplayable. Multiple dump attempts of the color PROM have given the same result.


airraid, cshooter - GFX ROMs in black 'blobs'.


Need emulation of the card printer / dispenser.


popnrun and clone - GFX ROMs aren't dumped. They are inside an epoxy block, similar to the Air Raid one.


cupsoc and clones - Complex Seibu 'COP' protection device. Most functions have been emulated, but glitches remain which makes games not completely playable.


Collision detection is broken.


Bootleg on Modular System, heavily modified from the original. V30 based.


zeroteam and clones, xsedae - Complex Seibu COP2 protection + banking (probably linked to the protection).


Needs DVD emulation first, lots more.


These bootlegs don't have the COP protection of the original. It hasn't been figured out yet how they replace it.


cshootert - GFX ROMs are contained in black "blobs" and thus undumped.



macsbios -

mac2bios -

kisekaem -

kisekaeh -

cultname -


Whack-a-mole type games. Inputs aren't emulated yet.


inttoote - Unemulated protection.

zingzipbl - Bootleg on different hardware.


ablastb - Bootleg on different hardware. At least the "tilemap sprite" y offset flags are different.

namcostr - Bad dump. The game has mechanical parts.

staraudi - Needs flipscreen hooked up properly with new code to function at all.


dcrown, dcrowna - Slightly different hardware.

mayjinsn -


Cassette isn't working yet.


Preliminary driver. Z80 based.


Cassette isn't working yet.


Skeleton-ish. Z180 based.


Skeleton driver. MIPS based


indigo2_4415 - The different hardware isn't emulated yet.


Skeleton driver. MIPS based.


Skeleton driver. MIPS based.


Skeleton driver. MIPS based.


Needs graphics and emulation of the variants.


Extremely preliminary driver. The M37720 core is missing DMAC support.






pcg850v -







Personal computer. NS32016 based.


Preliminary driver. NEC V20 based.


s8waysfc -


dashhero - Does not acknowledge the button bashing correctly.


atm -





lambda, pc8300, pow3000 - Fail to show text.

zx97 - Unemulated bankswitching.


ASCII printer adapter. Does not do much more than pass the extensive self-test.


Needs work on ADB and PS/2. The charset ROM is wrong.


Skeleton driver.


Preliminary driver. Z8671 based.


bitgrphb -


Universal device programmer. 286 based.


Preliminary driver based on guesswork. Needs documentation.


Addition and subtraction do not work.


can09 - Preliminary driver: among other things needs keyboard, 6845 CRTC and FDC support.


Skeleton driver.


No documentation available, so driver is mostly guesswork. If fdc is enabled in address map, it hangs waiting for a fdc response. Otherwise, it displays an error, and you can press a key to try again.


Very preliminary driver.


Fingerprint reader device. Very skeletonish.


Skeleton driver.



ROMs are badly dumped / missing.


Printer. Very preliminary driver.


Unimplemented keypad, incomplete SAA5240 emulation.


Tobacco vending machines. Don't accept coins, possibly because of unemulated coin selectors.


Needs removing of the ACIA hack in digel804_state::acia_command_w, minor finishing touches to i/o map, EPROM socket stuff (ports 0x40, 0x41, 0x42 and 0x47) and artwork.


Engine Control Unit (ECU). Skeleton driver. Uses an I8049.


Needs finishing floppy hookup; SCC interrupts; unknown DUART inputs/outputs; RS232; RTC; artwork with LEDs.


Very preliminary driver. Big TODO at the top of the driver.


Preliminary driver.


Preliminary driver.


Skeleton driver.


Misses keyboard emulation.


Preliminary driver. ISDN-Telefon. M37730S2 based.


Skeleton driver.


Needs verifying VRAM hookup, hooking up enough keyboard to get it to boot a floppy.


Understand how 600 baud is selected for cassette. Hook up graphics modes and colours. Unknown i/o ports. Needs cart software (current code is just a guess).


Preliminary driver.


Skeleton driver.


Preliminary driver. Dump isn't complete.


Preliminary driver.


Preliminary driver. Chargen not dumped.


hprot2r6 - LCD commands are sent, but nothing shows up on screen. Needs ADM695AN emulation.

hprotr8a - Loops during boot displaying an error message related to low power supply voltage. Needs ADM695AN emulation.


Xtensa CPU core isn't complete.


Preliminary driver (NSC800 based).


Z80 based. Floppy drives aren't hooked up. Unknown ports.


Skeleton driver. I8086 based.


Banking and dip-switches aren't implemented. I8085 based.


Preliminary driver.


Skeletonish. Temperature controller. Z80 based.


Keyboard isn't properly hooked up. Other problems at the top of the driver.


If you hit a key as soon as it is started, the system will present a prompt and work. Otherwise it runs into the weeds because the ROM banking isn't yet emulated.


Skeleton driver. I8085A based. No info available.


Needs display mode 384x200, sound, possibly tape and network. Floppy interface isn't understood, though it works enough with the only disk available.


Needs keyboard fixing and understanding how to hook up the real char table.


USB DVD writer. Skeleton driver. MT1839 based.



Driver still in the early stages of development. No inputs are hooked up.


Very preliminary driver. No schematics available.


Skeleton driver. Uses a 68020 and a 68881 FPU.


Needs IR I/O port, LCD contrast and backlight emulation.


Preliminary driver. M68010 based.


Needs currently unimplemented V25 features (serial, etc.).


Incomplete dump, no documentation available.





Main screen prints an error with CTC (because there's no clock into it atm). Devices aren't hooked up yet.



Autorepeat on the keyboard is broken. Not all devices have been hooked up.



Cassette and keyboard need work.



Word processor. Z80 based.



No infos available but some PCB pictures. MC6809P based.


Skeletonish. HD63701Y0 based.


The weird characters that show on screen are various escape sequences. These are different depending on the terminal type chosen. The codes need to be understood and emulated before this system makes sense.


Preliminary driver.



Keyboard needs improvements, missing expansion bus slot emulation.


Keyboard isn't emulated.


Preliminary driver. Everything needs to be verified.


Trading terminal. I80C31 based. Preliminary.



Skeletonish. Most devices aren't hooked up. Z80 based.


Incomplete dump. GFX and cassette need fixing.


Terminal. M6502 based. Preliminary driver.


LSI-11 based. Really a skeleton driver, few infos available.


Discrete. Preliminary netlist available.


Undocumented custom chip controls most functions.



No 8256A MUART emulation which handles interrupts, timers, serial and parallel interfaces.



Preliminary driver. Extensive TODO on top of the driver.



Cassette and floppy aren't working.



Electrocoin on snk hardware. Needs better video emulation. Enters service mode while attract mode is running.


ROZ layer rotation not understood, some 3d glitches, several priority issues (i.e. buriki gameplay and attract mode), sams64_2 flickers like mad and "press start button" always displayed in game, racing games uses unemulated network CPU which most likely interferes with logic and currently kludged to work to some extent.


Emulation of the video hardware (DSP signal path) for GFX processing is still needed.


Needs mouse and keyboard, graphics and slots emulation.


Needs more complete floppy support (only supports floppy boot at the moment), NetBSD SCSI support (mostly/entirely changes needed in the SPIFI driver), parallel I/O, remaining kb/ms support and APbus expansion slots.





kollon, sianniv - IRQ at the wrong time.


bam2 - Lacks music (which streams from a hard disk under the control of an H8/3644 MCU).

beastrzb - Incomplete dump.

primrag2 - Watchdog reset at startup.

strider and clones - Random hangs / crashes.


cliffhgra2 - Fails a start up check.

goaltogo - Laserdisc game. Works in theory, but is waiting for a good quality laserdisc dump.



Game speed seems to be completely wrong, timers and player movement too fast?


dinofmly and clone - Stop at password check. Probably need a preinitialized NVRAM.

mtrainnv - Subsino sold a "Settings/Clear ROM" for some released titles. These devices are *extremely* expensive (and ultra rare, only sold to big casino corporations), and should be placed in the empty socket to fix a dead board due to NVRAM corruption. A version of Magic Train running on subsino.cpp (unlike mtrain, which is needed to match this program ROM.

ndongmul - Not looked at yet.

grndprix, newhunter, newhunterb, sevenlnd - Tilemaps, lamps and inputs troubles.

newhunterc - Needs correct memory map.


qbeebing, strain, tbonusal, treacity and clone - Possibly missing some protection patches.

queenbee and clones, squeenb - Games run way too fast.

treamary - Gets stuck on CHIP1 test, enters test mode if bypassed.

xplan - Always starts with 4 credits. Interrupts don't seem to work correctly.







hardhea2b, hardheadb2 - Protected bootlegs on different hardware.


Paddle/ball sprite drawing is guessed, video timing is wrong, 2nd irq timing is guessed.


jongpute - Palette problem makes the tiles difficult to recognize.

vscompmj - Inputs don't seem to work correctly.


Only a few address lines are decoded at all. The resulting mirroring might not be accurately emulated yet.


Computer. M6512 based. Skeletonish driver.


SCSI emulation is guessed / incomplete.


Preliminary driver. Currently only shows the initial boot message. I8085A based.


Needs a dump of the keyboard controller (currently HLE'd), NVRAM / memory layout isn't correct, currently needs a hack to send out data on the RS232 port.


Missing working simulation of the sensors. Requires a major rework of the artwork sub-system.


arkatour2 - Undumped MCU.

hexaa - Protection hasn't been figured out yet.


bub8749 - Uses a different MCU, dumped but needs to be hooked up.


Imperfect hopper emulation makes this game to not coin up and gives "hopper time out errors" when you win.


Punching bag game with red dot matrix display. Z80 based.


grchampa - Uses different ports. Possible bad dump.


josvolly - Incomplete MCU hook up.


mexico86a -


Laserdisc game. Has a small list of TODO items that could be looked at prior to a disc dump.


Collision detection has some problems.


cyclshtg - Missing (protection?) MCU dump.


Needs hopper emulation.


ainferno and clone - Missing landing monitor camera (blackened), 3d HUD graphics; expert course has wrong 3d geometry; almost surely crashing during replay has missing smoke effect, looks quite odd atm.


dangcurv and clones - DSP bug causes missing 3D. Currently hang after initial tests.


Inconsistent frame rate compared to PCB recordings; game has a tendency to freeze frame hiccup.


Preliminary driver. PC based.


Preliminary driver.


Missing coin inputs.


footchmpbl - Bootleg on different hardware. It has very different hardware registers.


bubsymphb, bubsymphba - Bootleg on different hardware. Backgrounds don't show up. Seems to make a different use of priority RAM.


Driver still in preliminary stages. TODO: inputs (coins), NVRAM, sprite priorities, dips, interrupts (sources).


Recently demoted to not working status.


I8085A based. CPU gets stuck reading i/o port 0x30 in a loop.


Unemulated SAA5070 device.


cowrace - Incomplete dump.


Very complex GFX hardware hasn't been fully emulated yet.


Games suffer from heavy glitching. Some are also incomplete prototypes.


Skeleton driver.


ddragon6809, ddragon6809a - Bootlegs on different hardware, encrypted.


mastninj - Sprites, sound and y-scroll need fixing.


tehkanwcc - Bootleg with different inputs.





Needs am9516 dma controller, slots and cards, gpib devices, graphics and keyboard.


osc1000, tmc1800 - No ROM dump available.




Terminal. I8035 based.


Keyboard isn't working properly.


Terminal. M65C02 based.


Cassette isn't working yet.



sapizps3 and clones - They try to read a disk and stop responding after showing the logo.


theportr - Wrong colors render the games unplayable. The PCB has the PROM for The Pit, colors confirmed the same on PCB and in emulation. Bootlegger or operator error in fitting the wrong PROM?

zaryavos - Incomplete dump.


EXL 100 cannot be emulated because the ROMs are not dumped. EXELTEL stops early in the boot process and displays a red error screen, presumably because the I/O processor is not emulated.


ti73b, ti83, ti83p and clones, ti83pse and clones, ti84p and clones, ti84pse and clones - Emulation of these models hasn't been started yet.


Preliminary driver. Z80 based.




Preliminary driver.


Preliminary driver. Big TODO at the top of the file.


tigerhb4 - 68705 MCU has been dumped, but not hooked up yet.


nprobowl, probowl2 - Mechanical part isn't simulated.

pipibibsbl2 - Bootleg on different hardware.


Chargen and kanji ROM aren't dumped. FDC isn't identified (missing software anyway).


Missing emulation of the FDC and other I/O expansions.



It is not possible to save / load programs.


Missing interrupt emulation, cassette load needs fixing.


ics8080 - Keyboard problems.


Machine never boots.


Floppies don't work.


Computer. Z80 based. Currently stuck because floppy reading fails.


Tape and floppy support are problematic.



all sets but trs80 - Most floppies don't boot (regression).



cp500, trs80m3 - Most floppies don't boot (regression).

trs80m4 - Boots model 3 floppies, but not model 4 ones.

trs80m4p - Completely different memory map.


airblsjs, buzztime, pvmilfin - Preliminary emulation.

carlecfg - Unimplemented GFX modes, big GFX glitches.

pvwwcas - Controls aren't working yet.

rad_tetr - Player 2 inputs don't work.

sudoelan - Might be slightly different hardware.


Preliminary driver.


Newer hardware than the one in vii.cpp, new opcodes aren't emulated yet.


Newer hardware than the one in vii.cpp, new opcodes aren't emulated yet.


Newer hardware than the one in vii.cpp, new opcodes aren't emulated yet.


Newer hardware than the one in vii.cpp, new opcodes aren't emulated yet.


Newer hardware than the one in vii.cpp, new opcodes aren't emulated yet.


bkid218, pcp8718, pcp8728 - Menus aren't working properly yet.


Newer hardware than the one in vii.cpp, new opcodes aren't emulated yet.


Preliminary driver. Sunplus SPG110 based.


Need the internal ROM dump.


ablkickb, abltenni, ordentv, rad_crik, rad_fb2, rad_sktv, tiktokmm, tvsprt10, vtechtvs, wfcentro - Inputs aren't hooked up correctly.

guitarfv - Timer issues make the music way too slow.

jouet - ROM checksum fails, but is expecting 0 as a result? Shows 'CopyRight' when booting normally? Protection?


Camera and touchpad unemulated.


icanguit - Data saving doesn't work.


jak_sdoo - Possibly a CPU bug causing some minigame to fail.


Touchpad not emulated.


mywicodx, zon32bit - Banking not understood.


Inputs aren't hooked up correctly.



Sound data for the narrator is written to the SIO data port, which currently isn't implemented.


Camera not implemented.


Inputs aren't hooked up correctly.


ST2302U based. Emulation is preliminary.

bbl380 - Missing internal ROM dump.


Preliminary driver. G65816 with custom vector?


Preliminary emulation. Most games are not working, some have additional hardware on the PCB.


Preliminary emulation. Most games are not working, some have additional hardware on the PCB.


Preliminary emulation. Most games are not working, some have additional hardware on the PCB.


SoC emulation is very preliminary.





Laserdisc games. Works in theory, but is waiting for a good quality laserdisc dump.



Needs devices hook-up and cassette UART on ports C1 and C3.


Preliminary driver. FDC support is broken, among other problems.


bk0010 - Error message at start. Thrown into monitor.

bk0010fd - Continually reboots. The system expects a ROM at A000.

bk0011m - Black screen at start, differences with the other systems in the driver aren't emulated.


Peripherals aren't hooked up.


Needs a K1801VM2 CPU core (interrupts and EVNT pin, full EIS set, other insns).


Preliminary driver. I8080 based.


motogonki - Preliminary. Shows something on screen.


Cassette save produces incorrect signal.


Skeleton-ish. K1801VM2 based.



DMA problems, keyboard not emulated.


Very preliminary. Needs memory banking, floppy and cassettes, etc.




pk8002 -


bk8t - Keyboard not working, stuck at a "config" screen.

kontur - Needs to boot from a floppy and there isn't one available that works.

korvet - Can boot CP/M, but the keyboard then doesn't work.

neiva - Keyboard not working.



anakonda - It complains of a disk problem (not emulated).

erik - Should have colour and floppy disks, unknown how to access them. No disk software available.

lik Space and < keys not working.

pioner - Not all keys have been found (Function keys, Left-arrow, more?). Monitor ROMs missing, used ones from "special".

kharkovsky, specialm, specialp -

specimx - Machine tends to crash/freeze internally after a while.

unga - If you enter SYSTEM to exit basic, it corrupts itself and runs into the weeds. At the initial prompt, if you hit Enter it jumps to 0000 and thence into the weeds.




Missing inputs.


UPM crashes when formatting a floppy.


hc120 - Inputs are incomplete.


f1gpb - Steering wheel isn't correctly calibrated.

f1gpbl - Bootleg on different hardware.


gstriker and clones - Several GFX features aren't emulated yet, making the game almost unplayable.

vgoalsoc, vgoalsoca - Tecmo MCU providing jump addresses etc. Has direct access to entire CPU bus, prevents code modification (MCU writes 'ROM ERROR' if you change ROM). ROZ pitch difficult to understand.


svolleybl - Bootleg on different hardware (video registers are changed).


Preliminary driver. UNSP based.


iq128, iq128_fr, iqtv512 - Very preliminary driver.


Keyboard is only partially emulated, misses RGB graphics mode emulation, FDC C800 page appears to be inside the FDC cartridge (a dump is needed). Also misses Centronics printer port and cassette emulation.


RTC doesn't remember the time, alarm doesn't work and Reset/On button needs to be added.



Z80 based.



Needs better IRQ timing, the mouse is too slow and sometime freezes, the memory banking isn't entirely understood, cartridges need to be implemented.



Extensive TODO at the top of the driver.


Improper handling of the "Fast Rampdown" feature in the SPG2xx audio device causes bad narration.


vz200de - Not dumped yet.


Memory banking is broken.


Preliminary driver. Devices aren't connected yet.


Missing cursor display and attributes.


excitbj - The program ROM for the terminal isn't dumped.

lucky74b - The program ROM seems incomplete or encrypted in some smart way.


Current blocker is the video emulation i/o ports, it looks somewhat exotic.


Missing proper colors and reel support.


Crashes after bonus stage, see notes, bad ROM?


Currently uses a bunch of hacks due to missing features in MAME's 8051 CPU core.



Main problem is floppy disk support is missing.


bigboard, mk82, x820ii - Floppies don't work.

mk83, mojmikro, x168 - Slightly different hardware.


Unemulated H8/520 CPU.


Control Synthesizer. Skeleton driver. HD6413002FP16 based.


Missing a lot of effects.


H8 core serial communication problems.



Very preliminary driver.


Missing a lot of effects.


Missing analog inputs.


Preliminary driver. Exact CPU model unknown. Front panel / keyboard scanner and sound generation aren't emulated.


Missing HD63B05V0D73P dump.



Preliminary driver.


TMP68301 emulation of the serial comms isn't good enough.


Missing a lot of effects.


seabattla - Different hardware, needs emulation of its peculiarities.


Interrupt controller isn't emulated and cassette support is untested.