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Setup or Adjustments needed for games to function as expected/desired

2 on 2 Open Ice Challenge


When the game is running, hit F2 to get to the internal service menu. Hit F2 again to "close" the service switch so that you won't get stuck in the menu. Now, navigate to the "Volume Adjust" option (following the directions provided) and adjust the volume. It's best to keep the volume no more than 80-90% filled as it might cause your sound to be overdriven and crackle. When adjusted, simply exit the menu.

American Poker 95


- Turn ON Operator Key (9). Hit the DOOR key (W). After a moment, the Operator Mode will appear. Turn OFF the Operator Key (9) to allow play, resetting with (F3) if needed.

American Poker II

ampoker2, amprk228, amprk2b1, amprk2b2, ampkr2b3, ampkr2b4

- Turn ON Operator Key (9). Hit the DOOR key (W). After a moment, the Operator Mode will appear. Turn OFF the Operator Key (9) to allow play, resetting with (F3) if needed.



- The first time you run the game, an ERROR appears because the NVRAM needs initialising. Press F2 + F3 to enter TEST MODE. Exit with F2.

Apple 10


- To initialize NVRAM, Hold ESTATISTICA (9) and MANAGEMENT (0) then press RESET (F3). When you see "RAM-INIZIALIZZATA!", release all keys.

Arm Champs II

armchmp2, armchmp2o

- After the 'MEMORY TEST', when the 'MOTOR TEST' message comes on the screen, you must move the joystick left then right for a second or two each direction. The Title should soon appear.

Beast Busters

bbusters, bbustersu

- For the game to work properly, you need to calibrate ALL 3 guns! If you try to do only one, as the manual states, the eprom has invalid gun data and the screen go black after rebooting. 1) Using P1 controls fire at the indicated spots. 2) Using P2 controls fire at the indicated spots. 3) Using P3 controls fire at the indicated spots.

Big Deal

- Be patient! It takes about 40 seconds to initiate the game.


blaster, blaster30. blasterkit

- When you see "FACTORY SETTINGS RESTORED", hit F2 (Service Mode)

Bottle 10

bottle10, bottl10b

- Press and hold Service1 + 2 (Keys 0 & 9), then press reset (F3). When you see "RAM-INIZIALIZZATA!", release.

Bubble Memories

bubblem, bubblemj

- The first time you run the game, it will say '...BACKUP DATA FAILED'. Press F2 to enter test mode and exit to start.

Bubble Trouble


- Hold Service 1 (9) then press F2 to enter Service Mode. Shoot at the targets it shows using the crosshair. After you've shot the target, press Service 1 (9) again to move onto the next one. Once you finished and have returned to the start again, hit F2.


bubbles, bubblesr, bubblesp

- When you see "FACTORY SETTINGS RESTORED", hit F2 (Service Mode)

Championship Bowling


- The first time you run the game, an ERROR appears because the NVRAM needs initializing. To proceed, just Player 1 Start.

Complex X


- You can use F1 to proceed through all the configuration screens, stopping when you see the title screen. Setup is complete.

Critter Crush


- After 'ERROR ON CARTRIDGE' press SERVICE Key (9) and then TEST (F2) to get into the TEST MENU. Select 'SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS' with SERVICE and press TEST to proceed, then set 'CABINET TYPE' to 1P (one player) and EXIT the test menu.

Cuore 1


- Press and hold Service1 + 2 (Keys 0 & 9), then press reset (F3). When you see "RAM-INIZIALIZZATA!", release.

Cyber Cycles


- Cyber Cycles needs to be calibrated before it'll steer properly. Hold down Service ('9' by default) and tap Test (F2) until you see an 'INITIALIZING' or 'INITIALIZED' message. After that happens, quit the game (Esc) to make sure the calibration is saved, and then it should work properly.

Dark Horse Legend


- The first time you run the game, it will go through a special initialization procedure. This can be quite lengthy. Let it complete all the way before exiting MAME and you will not have to do it again!


defender, defenderg, defenderb, defenderw, defndjeu, tornado1, tornado2, zero, zero2, defcmnd, defence, startrkd

- The first time you run the game, it will say '01 0000 COINS LEFT'. To proceed, just hit F3.

Dirt Fox


- Hold 9 then press F2 to enter Service Mode. Verify that controls are set to zero then press F2 to exit.

Double Dragon

ddragonu, ddragonua, ddragonw, ddragonw1, ddragonb, ddragonba, ddragon6809, ddragon6809a, ddragonb2

- Gameplay is choppy at times, but I have enough CPU power? Although the FPS counter shows 100% speed for these games, they may appear choppy. This is true to the original — even the original hardware of these games struggled with them and therefore the choppiness is actually accurate emulation of these games. You may be able to get rid of it in some cases by using the -cheat parameter, hitting the tilde key and browsing the on screen menu until you find "CPU overclocking". This will run the emulated CPU faster which may or may not fix it. It may also cause the emulation to have errors, so don't bug people if overclocking screws up a game.

Elephant Family

elephfam, elephfmb

- Press and hold Service1 + 2 (Keys 0 & 9), then press reset (F3). When you see "RAM-INIZIALIZZATA!", release.

Final Lap 2

finalap2, finalap2j

- Hold Service 1 (9) then press F2 to enter Service Mode. Verify that controls are set to zero then press F2 to exit.

Final Lap 3

finalap3, finalap3j

- Hold Service 1 (9) then press F2 to enter Service Mode. Verify that controls are set to zero then press F2 to exit.

Final Lap R

finalapr, finalaprb, finalapro

- Hold down service (9) and tap test (F2). If you do not get an "initializing" message followed by the input test, keep doing it until you do. Exit MAME and restart the game, it's now calibrated.

Find Love


- After 'ERROR ON CARTRIDGE' press SERVICE Key (9) and then TEST (F2) to get into the TEST MENU. Select 'SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS' with SERVICE and press TEST to proceed, then set 'CABINET TYPE' to 1P (one player) and EXIT the test menu.

Five-A-Side Soccer


- To re-initialize the EEPROM, hold down the test switch (F2) and tap reset (F3) once. Do not let go of F2 until you see a message that says "Initializing EEPROM".

Food Fight

foodf, foodf2, foodfc

- The first time you run the game, it will say 'NVRAM FAILED:...'. Press P1 Button 1 to proceed. The NVRAM will be automatically initialized. Exit with F2.

Four Roses

4roses, 4rosesa

- Turn on the machine getting STATISTIC & MANAGEMENT buttons pressed. - STATISTICS == Show credits in/out. To cancel statistics press CANCEL for some seconds. - MANAGEMENT == Settings. The following menu will show up: HOLD3 == Verify In/Out, even when the stats were cleared. HOLD2 + HOLD4 == Modify maximum bet, pressing HOLD1. Modify minimum bet, pressing HOLD2. Modify percentage (1, 2, 3, 4), pressing HOLD3. - Press START to exit from programming mode.

Funky Head Boxers


- After 'ERROR ON CARTRIDGE' press SERVICE Key (9) and then TEST (F2) to get into the TEST MENU. Select 'SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS' with SERVICE and press TEST to proceed, then set 'CABINET TYPE' to 1P (one player) and EXIT the test menu.

Golly Ghost


- Hold Service 1 (9) then press F2 to enter Service Mode. Shoot at the targets it shows using the crosshair. After you've shot the target, press Service 1 (9) again to move onto the next one. Once you finished and have returned to the start again, hit F2.

GTI Club

gticlub, gticlubj

To re-initialize the EEPROM, hold down the test switch (F2) and tap reset (F3) once. Do not let go of F2 until you see a message that says "Initializing EEPROM".

Hang Pilot


To re-initialize the EEPROM, hold down the test switch (F2) and tap reset (F3) once. Do not let go of F2 until you see a message that says "Initializing EEPROM".

Hard Drivin' / Race Drivin'

harddriv, racedriv + all clones

- Gameplay is choppy at times, but I have enough CPU power? Although the FPS counter shows 100% speed for these games, they may appear choppy. This is true to the original — even the original hardware of these games struggled with them and therefore the choppiness is actually accurate emulation of these games. You may be able to get rid of it in some cases by using the -cheat parameter, hitting the tilde key and browsing the on screen menu until you find "CPU overclocking". This will run the emulated CPU faster which may or may not fix it. It may also cause the emulation to have errors, so don't bug people if overclocking screws up a game.

- If you are having trouble controlling vehicle or the brake is always on, your contoller callibration was not done correctly.

First off, Delete any .NV (NVRAM) file for this game contained in your NVRAM directory, called harddriv.nv or racedriv.nv or the same as the setname you intend to use.

You need to understand how the controls are mapped in MAME. It's not very intuitive, so pay attention:

  • Steering wheel: Player 1 Paddle control, by default maps to the mouse and the left/right arrow keys
  • Gas pedal: Pedal 1 control, by default maps to the Left Control key. Pressing the key will quickly depress the analog control; releasing the key will release it.
  • Brake pedal: Pedal 2 control, by default maps to the Left Alt key. Operates the same way as the gas pedal.
  • Clutch pedal: Pedal 3 control, by default maps to the Space key. Operates the same way as the gas and brake pedals.
  • Analog Shifter: (found in the non-compact versions only) Maps to the Player 2 analog joystick X/Y axes, which are mapped by default to the keys R, F, D, G.
  • Digital Shifter: (found in the compact versions only) Maps to Player 1 buttons 2, 3, 4 and 5. First gear is button 2 (default: Left Alt). Second gear is button 3 (default: Space). Third gear is button 4 (default: Left Shift). Fourth gear is button 5 (default: Z key).
  • Key: Maps to Player 1 start button (default: 1 key).
  • Abort: Maps to Player 2 start button (default: 2 key).

Finally, here is a step-by-step tour through the calibration process. Note that even if you have an analog control connected to any of the analog controls in the game, it is much easier to do calibration with the keyboard.

  1. Take your hands and feet off all controls then turn key. Make absolutely sure you haven't touched any of the controls up to this point, then press the 1 key.
  2. Turn wheel counterclockwise as far as it will go then turn key. At this point, press and hold the Left key for about 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, press the 1 key while still holding down the left arrow. It should say New min 256.
  3. Turn wheel clockwise as far as it will go then turn key. At this point, press and hold the Right key for about 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, press the 1 key while still holding down the right arrow. It should say Max 3840.
  4. Put transmission in first then turn key and release. Since first gear is in the upper-left corner, press and hold the D and R keys for 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, press the 1 key while still holding down the D and R keys.
  5. Put transmission in fourth then turn key again. Since fourth gear is in the lower-right corner, press and hold the F and G keys for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, press the 1 key while still holding down the F and G keys.
  6. Move seat full forward then turn key and release. Since the seat feedback isn't implemented in the MAME driver, just go ahead and press the 1 key here.
  7. Move fully back and to side then turn key again. Just press the 1 key here again to move on.
  8. Take your foot off the brake turn key to abort. Now this is the tricky part. When you see this screen do nothing. Wait for a couple of seconds until it displays New max 4064. Do NOT press the 1 key prematurely here or you will screw up the calibration!
  9. Now step on brake firmly and release. Do this by pressing and holding the Left Alt key for 3 seconds, and then letting go. If all is well, it should display Range 4064 and move on to the game.

There, now that wasn't so hard, was it?

Hyper Sports

hyperspt, hpolym84

- To have the high score table properly initialized, the first time you run the game you should go into the dipswitch menu, set World Records to Erase on Reset, reset the game (F3), and set the dipswitch backto Don't Erase.

Il Pagliaccio


- At start-up a "initialize request" pops-up, press Service Mode and the Service switch, and reset with F3 for doing it.



- When you see "FACTORY SETTINGS RESTORED", hit F2 (Service Mode)

Jockey Club


- At start-up, hit '9' (Reset SW). The game should then boot correctly.

Jolly Card

jollycrd, jolyc3x3, jolyc980, jolycdev, jolyccra, jolyccrb, jolycdit, jolycdib, sjcd2kx3, jolycdab

- Press and hold Service1 + 2 (Keys 0 & 9), press reset (F3) then release all keys and either reset or restart MAME.

Jolly Joker

jolyjokr, jolyjkra

- Press and hold Service1 + 2 (Keys 0 & 9), press reset (F3) then release (0 & 9) and you'll see a few rows on numbers appear. Reset or restart MAME.


joust, joustr, joustwr

- When you see "FACTORY SETTINGS RESTORED", hit F2 (Service Mode)

Joust 2


- When you see "FACTORY SETTINGS RESTORED", hit F2 (Service Mode)

King of Fighters (Series)

- How to activate Blood? Hit F2, use the player 1 controls to navigate to "Setting up the soft dip", hit the primary button (Left Control), navigate to "Slot 1 (game name)", hit the primary button and finally navigate to the "Blood" selection and turn it on by hitting the primary button. To exit the menu, press the third button (Space) two times and select "Exit".

King Pin


- The first time you run the game, it will say 'PLEASE SETUP GAME'. Enter the 'Dip Swiches' menu and set the 1st, 4th, 5th and 7th dipswitch to 'ON' to start the setup menu. Use P1 buttons (1, 2, 4 and 7) to change options, until the screen 'SET ALL SWITCHES OFF' appears. Set All Dips to OFF and reset or restart MAME.

King Pin Multi-Game


- The first time you run the game, it will say 'PLEASE SETUP GAME'. Enter the 'Dip Swiches' menu and set the 1st, 4th, 5th and 7th dipswitch to 'ON' to start the setup menu. Use P1 buttons (1, 2, 4 and 7) to change options, until the screen 'SET ALL SWITCHES OFF' appears. Set All Dips to OFF and reset or restart MAME.

Konami 80's AC Special

konam80s, konam80a, konam80j, konam80k, konam80u

- The first time you run the game, it will dump you on a clock setting screen. Keep pressing DOWN and select 'SAVE AND EXIT' then press player 1 START to continue.


kram, kram2, kram3

- You can use F1 to proceed through all the configuration screens, stopping when you see the title screen. Setup is complete.

Laser Ghost

lghost, lghostu

- Press mouse button to start the gun adjustment of the left gun. Fire with mouse on both 'flash points' and press F2 to exit.

Line of Fire

loffire, loffirej, loffireu

- Press mouse button to start the gun adjustment of the left gun. Fire with mouse on both 'flash points' and press P1+2 Button 2 to exit.

Lotto Fun


- The first time you run the game, it will say 'MEMORY PROTECT SWITCH MUST BE DOWN!'. Press F1 to proceed.

Lovely Poker


- The first time you run the game, it will say 'BATTERY BACKUP CHECK/ERROR FOUND'. Press 'Memory Reset' key (-) to initialize.

Lucky & Wild

luckywld, luckywldj

- Press F2, then press Service 1 (9) twice. Shoot at the targets it shows using the crosshair. Once you finished, press F2.

Magic's 10

magic10, magic10a, magic10b

- For the 1st boot switch "Disable Free Play" to ON, enter a coin and press Collect to get the 1st game over.

Magic Card II

magicrd2, magicd2a, magicd2b

- The first time you run the game, "Elektronik Defekt" message appears. To properly initialize the NVRAM, simply restart MAME or hit Reset (F3).

Magical Zunou Power


- The first time you run the game, it will say 'ERROR ON CARTRIDGE'. Press SERVICE (Key 9) and then TEST (F2) to get into the ST-V TEST MENU. Select 'SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS' with SERVICE and press TEST to proceed, then set 'CABINET TYPE' to 3P (three players) and EXIT the test menu.

Mahjong Pon Chin Kan

ponchin, ponchina

- Running the first time, you need to init the EEPROM. You can do this by hitting F2, then F3. When the Test screen comes up, hit F2 then F3 again.

Mahjong Yuugi

mjyuugi, mjyuugia

- Running the first time, you need to init the EEPROM. You can do this by hitting F2, then F3. When the Test screen comes up, hit F2 then F3 again.

Marchen Maze


- The first time you run the game, it will say 'TEST PROGRAM INIT...'. Reset (F3) or Restart.

Metal Slug (Series)

- Gameplay is choppy at times, but I have enough CPU power? Although the FPS counter shows 100% speed for these games, they may appear choppy. This is true to the original — even the original hardware of these games struggled with them and therefore the choppiness is actually accurate emulation of these games. You may be able to get rid of it in some cases by using the -cheat parameter, hitting the tilde key and browsing the on screen menu until you find "CPU overclocking". This will run the emulated CPU faster which may or may not fix it. It may also cause the emulation to have errors, so don't bug people if overclocking screws up a game.

- How to activate Blood? Hit F2, use the player 1 controls to navigate to "Setting up the soft dip", hit the primary button (Left Control), navigate to "Slot 1 (game name)", hit the primary button and finally navigate to the "Blood" selection and turn it on by hitting the primary button. To exit the menu, press the third button (Space) two times and select "Exit".

Millennium Nuovo 4000

mil4000, mil4000a, mil4000b

- At first start-up, an Italian message pops up: "(translated) PCB has been hacked from external agent, it's advised to add an anti-spark device". Press F2 to enter Service Mode, then press Key B (Hold 5) to exit Service Mode.

Mortal Kombat II

mk2, mk2chal, mk2r14, mk2r21, mk2r32, mk2r42, mk2r91

When the game is running, hit F2 to get to the internal service menu. Hit F2 again to "close" the service switch so that you won't get stuck in the menu. Now, navigate to the "Volume Adjust" option (following the directions provided) and adjust the volume. It's best to keep the volume no more than 80-90% filled as it might cause your sound to be overdriven and crackle. When adjusted, simply exit the menu.

Mortal Kombat 3 / Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

mk3, mk3r10, mk3r20, mk3r40 umk3, umk3r10, umk3r11

When the game is running, hit F2 to get to the internal service menu. Hit F2 again to "close" the service switch so that you won't get stuck in the menu. Now, navigate to the "Volume Adjust" option (following the directions provided) and adjust the volume. It's best to keep the volume no more than 80-90% filled as it might cause your sound to be overdriven and crackle. When adjusted, simply exit the menu.

Mystic Marathon


- When you see "FACTORY SETTINGS RESTORED", hit F2 (Service Mode)

Name Club Ver.3


- The first time you run the game, it will say 'ERROR ON CARTRIDGE'. Press SERVICE (Key 9) and then TEST (F2) to get into the ST-V TEST MENU. Select 'SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS' with SERVICE and press TEST to proceed, then set 'CABINET TYPE' to 3P (three players) and EXIT the test menu.


narc, narc3

- The first time you run the game, it will say 'DEFAULT ADJUSTMENTS RESTORED'. Press F2 to enter test mode and exit to start.

NBA Hangtime / NBA Maximum Hangtime

nbahangt, mbamht, nbamht2

When the game is running, hit F2 to get to the internal service menu. Hit F2 again to "close" the service switch so that you won't get stuck in the menu. Now, navigate to the "Volume Adjust" option (following the directions provided) and adjust the volume. It's best to keep the volume no more than 80-90% filled as it might cause your sound to be overdriven and crackle. When adjusted, simply exit the menu.

Phrase Craze


- The first time you run the game, 'PUSH ANY SWITCH' appears because the NVRAM needs initialising. Press SPACE to proceed.

Player's Edge Plus (Set038) Set Chip


   This is not a game.  It's a one screen utility program which is meant to be used after you
   already successfully put a new game in your machine.
   Lets say you have 'pepp0516' installed and you go through the setup. In a real machine,
   you may want to add a bill validator. The only way to do that is to un-socket the 'pepp0516'
   chip and put in the 'peset038' chip and then reboot the machine. Then this chip's program
   runs and you set the options and put the 'pepp0516' chip back in.
   The only way to simulate this is to fire up the 'pepp0516' game and set it up. Then exit the
   game and copy the pepp0516.nv file to peset038.nv, and then run the 'peset038' program.
   This is because they have to have the same eeprom and cmos data in memory to work. When you
   are done with the peset038 program, you copy the peset038.nv file back over the pepp0516.nv .

Player's Edge Plus games (peplus.c)

Two methods to startup, depending on set.

For: pepp0065 pepp0188 pepp0250 pepp0516 peps0014 peps0022 peps0043 peps0045 peps0308 pebe0014 peke1012

     * be sure the door is opened (if not, press 'O' by default)
     * "CMOS DATA" will be displayed
     * press the self-test button (default is 'K')
     * be sure the door is opened (if not, press 'O' by default)
     * "EEPROM DATA" will be displayed
     * press the self-test button (default is 'K')
     * be sure the door is closed (if not, press 'O' by default) 

For: pepp0043 pepp0158 pepp0447 peps0615 peps0716 pex2069p pexmp006 pexmp017 pexmp024 pexp0019 pexp0112 pexs0006

     * be sure the door is opened (if not, press 'O' by default)
     * "CMOS DATA" will be displayed
     * press the self-test button (default is 'K') until a "beep" is heard
     * be sure the door is closed (if not, press 'O' by default)
     * press the jackpot reset button (default is 'L')
     * be sure the door is opened (if not, press 'O' by default)
     * "EEPROM DATA" will be displayed
     * press the self-test button (default is 'K')
     * be sure the door is closed (if not, press 'O' by default)

Poker - Greyhound Electronics

gepoker, gepoker1, gepoker2

- The first time you run the game, an ERROR appears because the NVRAM needs initialising. Press F2 + F3 to enter TEST MODE. Exit with F2.

Poker 4-1


- Simply restart the game after "DATA ERROR" appears to create proper NVRAM.

Poker De Win


- Turn ON Operator Key (9). Hit the DOOR key (W). After a moment, the Operator Mode will appear. Turn OFF the Operator Key (9) to allow play, resetting with (F3) if needed.



- The first time you run the game, it will ask for you to "Call Attendant". Press key service key (0) to proceed.

Pool 10


- Press and hold Service1 + 2 (Keys 0 & 9), then press reset (F3). When you see "RAM-INIZIALIZZATA!", release

Pot Game


- Press and hold Service1 + 2 (Keys 0 & 9), then press reset (F3). When you see "RAM-INIZIALIZZATA!", release.

Pro Mahjong Kiwame


- The first time you run the game, it will say 'BACKUP ERROR'. Press F3 to proceed.

Pro Mahjong Kiwame S


- After 'ERROR ON CARTRIDGE' press SERVICE Key (9) and then TEST (F2) to get into the TEST MENU. Select 'SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS' with SERVICE and press TEST to proceed, then set 'CABINET TYPE' to 1P (one player) and EXIT the test menu.

Prop Cycle


- To calibrate the steering, Hold down service (9) and tap test (F2). Exit with F2.

Pull Tabs


- Simply restart the game after "DATA ERROR" appears to create proper NVRAM.


qix, qixa, qixb, qix2

- You can use F1 to proceed through all the configuration screens, stopping when you see the title screen. Setup is complete.

Quiz Sangokushi


- After start the game, it will say 'M E N U...'. Press P2 Start (2) to proceed.

Quiz Tonosama no Yabou


- After start the game, it will say 'M E N U...'. Press P2 Start (2) to proceed.

Rampage World Tour

rmpgwt, rmpgwt11

When the game is running, hit F2 to get to the internal service menu. Hit F2 again to "close" the service switch so that you won't get stuck in the menu. Now, navigate to the "Volume Adjust" option (following the directions provided) and adjust the volume. It's best to keep the volume no more than 80-90% filled as it might cause your sound to be overdriven and crackle. When adjusted, simply exit the menu.

Revolution X


When the game is running, hit F2 to get to the internal service menu. Hit F2 again to "close" the service switch so that you won't get stuck in the menu. Now, navigate to the "Volume Adjust" option (following the directions provided) and adjust the volume. It's best to keep the volume no more than 80-90% filled as it might cause your sound to be overdriven and crackle. When adjusted, simply exit the menu.

- How do I calibrate the guns? This game will automatically ask you to calibrate the guns when you start the game for the first time. Simply put, use your mouse or keyboard to shoot the targets when the game asks you to do so.

- Can I use a light gun? As for the light gun, the short answer is no. A longer answer is that Revolution X didn't actually have a light gun — it had analog joysticks mounted as guns and emulating them with a proper light gun is not viable. Try to use mouse control with this game.


robotron, robotronyo

- When you see "FACTORY SETTINGS RESTORED", hit F2 (Service Mode)

Royal Card

royalcrd, royalcdb, royalcdc, lluck3x3, lluck4x1

- Press and hold Service 1 + 2 Kays (0+9), press reset (F3).  When you see "RAM-Initializiert!" or similar message, release all keys.  Restart if needed

Royal Vegas Joker Card

vegasslw, vegasfst, vegasfte

- Press and hold Service1 + 2 (Keys 0 & 9), then press reset (F3). Now the NVRAM has been initialized.

Run and Gun

rungun, runguna, rungunu, rungunua

- EEP ROM 35E shows up bad - hold down (F2) and TAP Reset (F3) to init the EEPROM properly. When the message appears, let go of (F2).

Scud Race


- The game has an unemulated network board. When the game says "Cancelled. Network Board not present", go to the test menu (F2). In the game assignments menu, set link id to single.

Sea Bass Fishing


- The first time you run the game, it will say 'ERROR ON CARTRIDGE'. Press SERVICE (Key 9) and then TEST (F2) to get into the ST-V TEST MENU. Select 'SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS' with SERVICE and press TEST to proceed, then set 'CABINET TYPE' to 3P (three players) and EXIT the test menu.

Selection - Greyhound Electronics

gs4002, gs4002a

- The first time you run the game, an ERROR appears because the NVRAM needs initialising. Press F2 + F3 to enter TEST MODE. Exit with F2.

Sengoku Mahjong [BET]


- Once you see the warning message, press Reset (F3).

Sigma Poker 2000


- Turn ON the Supervisor Key (0). Press HOLD (B) 3 times to enter Page 4 of setup of the supervisor menu. Use HOLD3 (C) to highlight "Clear All Informations". Keep pressed HOLD1 until you see the screeen refresh. Turn OFF the Supervisor Key (0).

Sigma Poker


- Turn ON the Operator Key (9). Hold down the DOOR Key (W). When you see the operator mode, hit (9) again. Restart or reboot.

Simpsons Bowling


- To initialize the EEPROM, hold down test switch (F2) and press reset (F3) once. Do not let go of F2 until you see a message that says "Initializing EEPROM".


sinistar, sinistar1, sinistar2

- When you see "FACTORY SETTINGS RESTORED", hit F2 (Service Mode)

Slam Dunk


- EEP ROM 35E shows up bad - hold down (F2) and TAP Reset (F3) to init the EEPROM properly. When the message appears, let go of (F2).


slither, slithera

- The first time you run the game, it will say 'CMOS INVALID'. Press P2 START (2) to save CMOS and proceed.

Snooker 10


- To initialize NVRAM, Hold ESTATISTICA (9) and MANAGEMENT (0) then press RESET (F3). When you see "RAM-INIZIALIZZATA!", release all keys.

Solar Assault


- Error will show for 24G. Hold F2 then hit Reset (F3). Continue holding F2 until the game creates the EEPROM and tells you to release it.

Space Dungeon


- You can use F1 to proceed through all the configuration screens, stopping when you see the title screen. Setup is complete.

Space Gun


- Press F2 + F3 to enter test mode. Press P2 Start (2) to calibrate the guns for P1 and P2. Follow instructions and fire on targets for both players - when complete, press (2) again to save EEPROM. Reset or Restart.

Speed Racer


- Make sure you have no .NV file for this game. When you boot, the game will guide you to hit F2 to enter service to calibrate your controls. "Jump" is default mapped to 1 (Player 1 Start). Follow instructions, hitting holding each direction and pedal for a couple seconds before hitting (1). Hit F2 and reser/restart MAME.



- When you see "FACTORY SETTINGS RESTORED", hit F2 (Service Mode)



- When you see "FACTORY SETTINGS RESTORED", hit F2 (Service Mode)

Steel Gunner

sgunner, sgunnerj

- Hold Service 1 (9) then press F2 to enter Service Mode. Shoot at the targets it shows using the crosshair. After you've shot the target, press Service 1 (9) again to move onto the next one. Once you finished and have returned to the start again, hit F2.

Steel Gunner 2

sgunner2, sgunner2j

- Hold Service 1 (9) then press F2 to enter Service Mode. Shoot at the targets it shows using the crosshair. After you've shot the target, press Service 1 (9) again to move onto the next one. Once you finished and have returned to the start again, hit F2.

Steep Slope Sliders


- The first time you run the game, it will say 'ERROR ON CARTRIDGE'. Press SERVICE (Key 9) and then TEST (F2) to get into the ST-V TEST MENU. Select 'SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS' with SERVICE and press TEST to proceed, then set 'CABINET TYPE' to 3P (three players) and EXIT the test menu.

Super Gran Safari


- When you see the black screen, enter the key sequence VXB1 (HOLD 4, HOLD 2, HOLD 5 and START) to initialize the game.

Super High Impact

shimpact, shimpactp6, shimpactp5, shimpactp4

- The first time you run the game, it will say 'CMOS INVALID...'. Following instructions will get you into game.

Super Loco 93

sloco93, sloco93a

- There are 12 parameters to program. To program them, use the HOLD keys, CANCEL key, DEAL + HOLD keys and DEAL + CANCEL.

Super Pool 99

spool99, spool99a

- At start-up a Test Hardware with RAM NG message pops up. Do a soft reset and keep pressed start (1) + service 1 button (9) until the RAM init message appears.

Super Real Mahjong 2


- Running the first time, you need to init the EEPROM. You can do this by hitting F2, then F3. When the Test screen comes up, hit F2 then F3 again.

Ten Balls


- To initialize NVRAM, Hold ESTATISTICA (9) and MANAGEMENT (0) then press RESET (F3). When you see "RAM-INIZIALIZZATA!", release all keys.

Terminator 2

term2, term2la1, term2la2

- How do I calibrate the guns? This game will automatically ask you to calibrate the guns when you start the game for the first time. Simply put, use your mouse or keyboard to shoot the targets when the game asks you to do so.

- Can I use a light gun? As for the light gun, the short answer is no. A longer answer is that Terminator 2 didn't actually have a light gun — it had analog joysticks mounted as guns and emulating them with a proper light gun is not viable. Try to use mouse control with this game.

The Electric Yo-Yo


- You can use F1 to proceed through all the configuration screens, stopping when you see the title screen. Setup is complete.

Tortuga Family


- Press and hold Service1 + 2 (Keys 0 & 9), then press reset (F3). When you see "RAM-INIZIALIZZATA!", release.

Track & Field

trackfld, atlantol, hyprolymb, hyprolym

- To have the high score table properly initialized, the first time you run the game you should go into the dipswitch menu, set World Records to Erase on Reset, reset the game (F3), and the set the dipswitch backto Don't Erase.

Triple Hunt


- The first time you run the game, it will say 'AIM GUN AT SQUARE AND FIRE'. Calibrate your gun and assure the Service Mode DIP is OFF. Restart.

Turkey Shoot


- When you see "FACTORY SETTINGS RESTORED", hit F2 (Service Mode)


vendetta, vendettar, vendetta2p, vendetta2pu, vendetta2pd, vendettaj

- The first time you run the game, the EEPROM 13B is BAD in the RAM/ROM CHECK. Hold down the test switch (F2) until you see the message "TEST... COMPLETE".



- Turn ON Operator Key (9). Hit the DOOR key (W). After a moment, the Operator Mode will appear. Turn OFF the Operator Key (9) to allow play, resetting with (F3) if needed.

Virtual Mahjong


- The first time you run the game, it will say 'ERROR ON CARTRIDGE'. Press SERVICE (Key 9) and then TEST (F2) to get into the ST-V TEST MENU. Select 'SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS' with SERVICE and press TEST to proceed, then set 'CABINET TYPE' to 3P (three players) and EXIT the test menu.

Virtual Mahjong 2 - My Fair Lady


- The first time you run the game, it will say 'ERROR ON CARTRIDGE'. Press SERVICE (Key 9) and then TEST (F2) to get into the ST-V TEST MENU. Select 'SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS' with SERVICE and press TEST to proceed, then set 'CABINET TYPE' to 3P (three players) and EXIT the test menu.



- Press F1 to initialize NVRAM.

World Tennis


- On startup, you have to reset the game (F3) to make it exit service mode.

WWF Wrestlemania

wwfmania, wwfmaniab

When the game is running, hit F2 to get to the internal service menu. Hit F2 again to "close" the service switch so that you won't get stuck in the menu. Now, navigate to the "Volume Adjust" option (following the directions provided) and adjust the volume. It's best to keep the volume no more than 80-90% filled as it might cause your sound to be overdriven and crackle. When adjusted, simply exit the menu.

Zoo Keeper

zookeep, zookeep2, zookeep3

- You can use F1 to proceed through all the configuration screens, stopping when you see the title screen. Setup is complete.