This page is designed to allow for a quick look over all the drivers with a MACHINE_IMPERFECT_CONTROLS flag by giving, as much as possible, an idea on the amount of effort needed to fix them.
agat7 - Native keyboard isn't implemented.
Chess driver. MAME doesn't include a generalized implementation for boardpieces yet, greatly affecting user playability of emulated electronic board games.
Chess driver. MAME doesn't include a generalized implementation for boardpieces yet, greatly affecting user playability of emulated electronic board games.
Chess driver. MAME doesn't include a generalized implementation for boardpieces yet, greatly affecting user playability of emulated electronic board games.
Chess driver. MAME doesn't include a generalized implementation for boardpieces yet, greatly affecting user playability of emulated electronic board games.
Chess driver. MAME doesn't include a generalized implementation for boardpieces yet, greatly affecting user playability of emulated electronic board games.
Chess driver. MAME doesn't include a generalized implementation for boardpieces yet, greatly affecting user playability of emulated electronic board games.
Chess driver. MAME doesn't include a generalized implementation for boardpieces yet, greatly affecting user playability of emulated electronic board games.
plus1 - It hasn't been determined yet which sensor position is which colour.
amaztron, elecbowl, mdndclab - It requires interaction with other, unemulatable, things eg. game board/pieces, playing cards, pen & paper, etc.
Chess driver. MAME doesn't include a generalized implementation for boardpieces yet, greatly affecting user playability of emulated electronic board games.
Chess driver. MAME doesn't include a generalized implementation for boardpieces yet, greatly affecting user playability of emulated electronic board games.
Chess driver. MAME doesn't include a generalized implementation for boardpieces yet, greatly affecting user playability of emulated electronic board games.