MAME 0.88u5
Release Date
MAME 0.88u5 was never released to the public. It was released privately to MAMEDEV on 15 November 2004.
The known contributors for this version are, in alphabetical order:
- Aaron Giles
- Angelo Salese
- Brad Oliver
- Charles MacDonald
- Nicola Salmoria
- Pierpaolo Prazzoli
- ShinobiZ
- Steve Ellenoff
Specific Contributions
The known contributions for this version are, in the order specified in the whatsnew:
- Added flower proms (not used yet)
- Aaron Giles improved the new debugger: Improved the drawing code on the Windows side so that the background color changes align properly (mostly noticeable when using the cursor in the memory view).
- Angelo Salese made another jalmah.c update
- ShinobiZ fixed some filenames in the track and field & scramble drivers
- Brad Oliver fixed a compile error in the Hyperstone core
- Steve Ellenoff added a i8x51 cpu core
- Angelo Salese made a SCU DSP update
- Nicola Salmoria and Charles MacDonald added various Sega S16 decryption improvements: several more cpus read, improvements to decryption made based on those
- Aaron Giles updated the Sega S16 driver: some bits better, some bits worse for now
Game Support
New clones added
New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING