
Revision as of 18:23, 16 February 2023 by Walker (talk | contribs)

Trying to boost support on this interesting machine

It doesn't get enough appreciation in my opinion - it was a wonderful machine at the time, just a bit too late to the game

* Short excerp from C64-Wiki

Commodore 128d with orignal package box
Commodore 128d with orignal package box

The C128D is a C128 but with an integrated power supply and 1571 disk (DOS 3.1) housed in a sheet-metal case and with an external keyboard. It features C64 / 128 KERNALs on a 32 Kbyte ROM and has 64 Kbytes of V-RAM.

It has three modes:

  1. C128 mode with BASIC 7.0 (default on power up)
  2. C64 mode with BASIC 2 (activated by typing GO64 or by resetting with the C= {Std Mame Layout ALT-Key} 'key depressed)
  3. CP/M mode with CP/M 3.0+ (after booting from CP/M system diskette)

Some Short Notes for running the Commodore 128d in Mame

Mame emulates both an 80 column display and the common 40 column display, due to the fact that the c128d was capable of running a dual monitor setup Mame will boot the system with both monitors online

Basic Mame keyboard shortcuts for C128d

Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

While using Mame it is always good to have these ready, note that inside the emulation the keys are not recognised by Mame until you enable UI mode!

Keyboard Shortcuts
Key Description (UI enabled Mode!)
<Scroll Lock> Switch UI enabled/disabled
<ESC> Exit Mame
<F3> Soft Reset
<TAB> Open/Close Mame Menu
P Pause Emulation
Key Description (UI disabled Mode!)
<ALT> <C=>
<F6> <TAB>
<F11> 40/80 Display

Confirmed working (Mame 0.251)

Currently I am trying to gather a listing about what works in Mame, and what is bugged right now, this list will grow continually

  • CPM 3.0