MAME 0.110u4


Release Date

MAME 0.110u4 was released on 30 November 2006.


The known contributors for this version are, in alphabetical order:

Specific Contributions

The known contributions for this version are, in the order specified in the whatsnew:

  • Ville Linde commited SCSI CD emulation improvements:
    • Added Play Audio (12) command
    • Fixed track number and added MSF support to Read Sub-Channel command
  • Ville Linde added a workaround for the broken MediaGX driver.
  • R. Belmont reworked the SNES raster timing to use MDRV_SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS() and friends. All but one of the "electronics tests" in the SNES diagnostics cart now pass with flying colors.
  • Mr. Do fixed the Super Breakout layout.
  • David Haywood updated the CPS2 driver:
    • Added table for Jyangoku (from Guru). Note that GFX/Sound roms aren't dumped on this one.
    • Removed old 'handcrafted' xors for games which we have CHDs for and replaced them with xors generated from MAME using the CHD. This means anyone with the CHD can easily generate the xors (using the code I've left in there) if they need to be able to run the games with a shorter startup time.
    • Disabled the loading of the xors by default for all sets with a CHD. Now only the CHD is loaded, unless the #define is changed at the top in which case only the xors generated from the CHD are loaded.
  • Derrick Renaud added support for more than 4 mouse buttons on versions of Windows that support it. Win98/Me with DX7+ or XP. It defaults to regular 4 buttons if not supported.
  • Derrick Renaud fixed the crosshairs in the PlayChoice-10 gun games that got buggered in the conversion to multi-monitor support.
  • Aaron Giles rewrote the Dragon's Lair driver from the schematics. Added new module machine/laserdsc.c which has laserdisc emulation for the PR-7280 and LD-V1000 laserdisc players. Full emulation of the laserdisc is pending support for CHD audio/video and high quality rips, but you can operate the game and see the frame numbers that would be displayed. Added built-in layout to display the scores, lives, and credit information.
  • Aaron Giles added some hacks to windows.mak to allow limping compilation under Windows Vista. To make these work set an environment variable called VISTA_MINGW_ROOT equal to the base of your mingw directory, and add %VISTA_MINGW_ROOT%\libexec\gcc\mingw32\3.4.2 to your PATH environment. There are still a few issues, but this will let you build with MSVC, and will compile most of the code with gcc (minus a couple of Windows OSD files). Hopefully the mingw folks will resolve these issues.