MAME 0.33b3


Release Date

MAME 0.33b3 was released on 17 May 1998.


The known contributors for this version are, in alphabetical order:

Specific Contributions

The known contributions for this version are, in the order specified in the whatsnew:

  • All drivers with a handcrafted palette got broken in beta 2. They are now fixed.
  • Aaron Giles changed the Gauntlet drivers so they are color-reduced (faster & better).
  • Chris Moore fixed the colors in metack and possibly the other Gameplan games.
  • Nicola Salmoria fixed a couple of palette problems with Snow Bros. It also no longer uses a 16 bit video mode, so it's faster.
  • Increased music tempo in Snow Bros.
  • Tatsuyuki Satoh updated the VLM5030 emulation (Punch Out etc.). Since quality is still bad, the emulator is only used when samples are not avaialble.
  • Dani Portillo added high score support to Locomotion, Jungler, Commando (Sega), Wonder Boy in Monster Land, Rygar, Gemini Wing, Silkworm, City Connection, Trojan, Up'n Down.
  • Tatsuyuki Satoh made another step forward in getting Super Punch Out to work (still NOT playable).
  • Zsolt Vasvari added proper emulation of the ROM decryption in Burger Time.
  • Alex Judd improved the Spy Hunter controls (you can play with the mouse or even a wheel now).
  • Mirko Buffoni added the new -listdetails option, to create a detailed list of drivers and the hardware they use.

Game Support

New Games added or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status