MAME 0.37b9


Release Date

MAME 0.37b9 was released on 6 November 2000.


The known contributors for this version are, in alphabetical order:

Specific Contributions

The known contributions for this version are, in the order specified in the whatsnew:

  • A handful of drivers haven't been converted to the new memory API yet, and therefore don't work. On startup, they will give the error 'cpu # uses wrong data width memory handlers!' and refuse to start.
  • Aaron Giles contributed a major rewrite of the memory interface.
    • The interface to the system is nearly identical, but the core has been rewritten. Input ports are now handled just like memory accesses. Input ports are also the same width as memory for a given CPU. For example, a 16-bit CPU now needs both 16-bit memory handlers and 16-bit port handlers. Interfaces for 16-bit and 32-bit port handlers have been added.
    • New macros exist now for generating and declaring a set of memory handlers. This makes it very easy to add a new address space. The "voodoo constants" ABITS1_xx, ABITS2_xx and ABITSMIN_xx are no longer necessary.
    • The number of supported banks has been expanded to 24. The memory_set_bankhandler_* functions now take an additional parameter which serves as an additional offset into the memory space. The namcos1 driver has been modified to take advantage of these features.
    • It is now possible to manually limit the number of active address bits by using a special MEMPORT_SET_BITS() macro in the read or write memory definitions. See the rpunch driver for an example (Rabio Lepus only maps the low 20 bits of the 68000's 24-bit address space.)
    • A new function cpu_get_pc_byte returns the byte offset of the current CPU's PC, adjusted for Harvard architecture CPUs and CPUs which track the PC at the bit or word level.
    • Several functions and macros have been renamed. All drivers have been updated accordingly:
      • cpu_setbankhandler_* -> memory_set_bankhandler_*
      • cpu_setOPbaseoverride -> memory_set_opbase_handler
      • memoryswapcontext -> memory_set_context
      • cpu_readport -> cpu_readport16
      • cpu_writeport -> cpu_writeport16
      • change_pc -> changepc_16
  • Aaron Giles added a major rewrite of the ROM loading interface. The previous ROM loading system was showing its limitations, and was often the source of confusion about byte ordering. The new system attempts to address these concerns. All drivers have been converted to use the new system exclusively; the old macros are deprecated immediately.
    • The ROM_REGION macro now takes a third parameter, which holds the various flags for the region. These flags have been expanded to describe the data width and endianness of the region (except for CPU regions, which obtain their width and endianness from the associated CPU). This information is used after the region has been loaded in order to appropriately byte-swap the data for the native endianness of the target platform.
    • Additional region flags are now provided: ROMREGION_INVERT performs a logical NOT on all data in the region. And ROMREGION_ERASE can be used to clear the region to a specific byte value before loading ROMs.
    • For ROM loading, the old collection of ROM_LOAD_XXX_EVEN/ODD macros is gone. To load a ROM into every other byte in a region, use the new macro ROM_LOAD16_BYTE. All data should now be loaded in the natural alignment and endianness of the region. Only after the ROMs are loaded will the data be modified to correspond to what the CPU needs.
    • If you are loading data for a CPU into a non-CPU region (for example, you are loading 68000 code into REGION_USER1), you need to make sure to tag the region the same as the CPU. For a user region containing 68000 code, you should use the ROM_REGION16_BE() macro to declare the region. This isn't necessary for REGION_CPUxx because the ROM loader automatically determines the information it needs from the CPU interface.
    • If you have old drivers to convert, these conversions cover 99% of all cases (the (0) or (1) indicates that the offset field should be an even (0) or an odd (1) address):
      • ROM_LOAD_ODD -> ROM_LOAD16_BYTE(1)
      • ROM_LOAD_V20_EVEN -> ROM_LOAD16_BYTE(1)
      • ROM_LOAD_V20_ODD -> ROM_LOAD16_BYTE(0)
    • These new macros are built upon a more flexible collection of ROM-loading operations. ROM data is now loaded in "groups" of 1-16 bytes, with 0-15 bytes of empty space left between each group. The data in each group can be loaded in standard order, or in reversed order. And each byte of data loaded can be masked and shifted to blend with other data that has been previously loaded.
    • Furthermore, since almost every ROM_RELOAD and ROM_CONTINUE was used to load the ROM with the exact same parameters, these macros now inherit the behavior of the previous operation. This eliminates the need for ROM_RELOAD_GFX_EVEN and all the other macros that cluttered up the old system. For example, if you use ROM_LOAD16_BYTE to load some data, and follow it with a ROM_CONTINUE to load additional data at a separate offset, the ROM loader will continue loading every other byte.
    • Finally, there are two new entries that can be used to help fill in unused or duplicated ROM data:
      • ROM_FILL( offset, length, byteval)
      • ROM_COPY( source_region, source_offset, offset, length )
    • ROM_FILL simply clears blocks of a region to a specific byte value. ROM_COPY can be used to copy previously-loaded data from the same or another region.
  • Aaron Giles changed the 68EC020 core so it now uses 32-bit memory handlers. The Psikyo driver has been updated to use the new interface. Unfortunately, this support has yet to make it into the x86 asm 68000 core, so it is once again disabled for this build.
  • Aaron Giles changed the CCPU and TMS32C010 cores so they are now full 16-bit cores. Appropriate changes to the drivers that use them have already been made. This fixes the input ports on the Cinematronics games, and gameplay in several Toaplan games.

Game Support

New Games added or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status

New clones added